Weekly review: Week ending December 3, 2010
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyFrom last week's plans
- Work
- [X] Drupal: Get project S in shape for Iteration 2 review
- [X] Drupal: Take on more development responsibilities for project M – now tech lead
- [-] Prepare standalone presentation on collaboration in the enterprise for Dec 10 launch – Partial; will share my social media in telecoms or social media in retail presentation instead
- [X] Go through open source process so that I can contribute MobileOrg patches back to community – asked my manager
- Helped John Conrad with the community toolkit
- Helped Violanda de Man find Innovation Discovery resources
- Started working on PDFA for level 4
- Relationships
- [X] Prepare food for the week: curry, pasta sauce
- [X] Take care of things while W- is in crunch mode
- [X] Set up regular schedule of Skype chats with family
- [-] Write and send more cards – made Christmas card design, so will wait for Vistaprint to deliver
- Today: Cook with the Hattoris
- Life
- [-] Android: Tweak MobileOrg some more
- [X] Android: Think about that grocery/inventory app I want to build (like GTracker, but with tweaks)
- Drafted blog posts for pre-conference kit
- Experimented with tracking activity
- Experimented with GTracker for grocery list management
- Bought more winter things
Plans for next week
- Work
- [ ] Drupal: More Drupal work – build tricky parts of project M
- [ ] Finish blog post for Dec 10 launch
- [ ] Help with Slideshare IBM network
- [ ] Write more posts for conference toolkit
- [ ] Work on PDFA for level 4 IT specialist
- [ ] Discuss social media and telecoms over lunch
- Relationships
- [ ] Help with homework
- [ ] Buy fleece for making throw
- Life
- [ ] Design my own grocery list / tracking app for the Android
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