Four-day weekend ahead

Posted: - Modified: | planning

Today is Canada Day. Monday is a floater day for IBMers in Ontario. (IBM uses floater days to balance out the number of holidays across the provinces. Nice, isn’t it?) This adds up to a four-day weekend. You can get a lot done in a four-day weekend.

I make lists of things to do so that I don’t give in to the temptation to spend the time working. Time to review my initial list of unstructured time activities (update focusing on evenings and weekends), maybe think about plans for the summer and long-term plans.

Things to work on:

Chore-day: – just get everything ready for more good weeks:

  • Turn compost
  • Wash clothes
  • Tidy the house
  • Prepare large batches of food
  • Weed the garden, maybe plant another batch
  • Return library books and check out new ones
  • Reset the litter boxes

Other things I can work on:

  • Write a detailed blog post about our experiences with community-supported agriculture
  • Organize files on our server
  • Review old blog posts and write updates; organize thematically?
  • Prototype photo database W- was thinking about
  • Learn how to play Portal 2’s “Still Alive” so that I can help J- learn it
  • Work on Latin digitization and homework

I was thinking about sewing, but I’m fine in terms of clothes, so I don’t particularly need it. Last year, we used these long weekends for woodworking. Shelves and cabinets would be nice, but again, we’re doing pretty well right now.

Organizing and writing, I think. That’s the key. And maybe some more Latin.

2011-07-01 Fri 12:06

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