Discovering Yourself through Blogging (free teleconference Aug 16, 6 PM PDT, 9 PM EDT, 9 AM Philippine time)

| blogging, life, sketches, writing


I used to hate writing. I thought it was just about term papers and book reports. It took blogging for me to discover that I could write for myself, not just for teachers, and that writing – my technical notes, my decisions, my “here’s how I’m trying to figure out life” confusions – could save me a lot of time. So now I want to help other people get over that hump, get out of that rut, get going. Get writing.

Holly Tse will be interviewing me at 9 PM EDT today (Aug 16) on how blogging can help you with your process of self-discovery. I don’t have sound-bites or snazzy “here, buy this e-book” self-promotions, I just want to help people figure out how to use blogging to learn more about life. It’s not just about personal branding, search engine optimization, or being cool. It’s useful for getting the hang of things, taking notes, and sharing them with others.

Want to pick up ideas or ask questions? You can listen for free on the web or on the phone – sign up at and the access details will be e-mailed to you. If you use the web interface, you can ask your questions using the Q&A interface right there. Please post questions as soon as you think of them. I’ll work on following up with a more detailed as we figure things out together. Can’t make it? I’ll post notes on my blog (of course!). You can subscribe to make sure you get it, or if you leave a comment here, I can send it to you too. =)

You might also be interested in other things I’ve written about blogging, including this seven-part series packed with thoughts and tips on the value of blogging. Hope that helps!

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