Weekly review: Week ending December 14, 2012

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My sister and her husband welcomed the newest addition to the clan. My parents are over the moon – their first grandchild. =) How exciting!

As for me, lots of meetings with people and lots of time spent in the subway. It felt like a slow week, but looking back, I can see that I got a lot of stuff done.

W- convinced me to go to Thursday’s krav fitness class. I’m glad I didn’t chicken out because of a sore ankle. I took it easy and modified any exercise that involved more impact, but it felt good to stay active even though I was definitely not working as hard as the other participants were.

From last week’s plans


  • [P] Earn: Check in on E1 and theme
  • [X] Build: Sketchnote ENT101
  • [X] Connect: Go to MaRS Book Club
  • [X] Connect: Have coffee with Zak Homuth
  • [X] Connect: Chat with Tipera Cleveland about business coaching, brainstorm business ideas
  • [X] Build: Sketch out sketchnote success vision
  • Build: Brainstormed marketing with Tipera Cleveland
  • Build: Sketched flowchart for I2
  • Earn: Produced e-book of Hardlines talk
  • Connect: Reached out to Dscribe and other graphic recorders/facilitators
  • Connect: Met with Assaf Weisz about events, VentureDeli
  • Connect: Had lunch with Bonnie Lui about events, coworking spaces, digital agencies
  • Connect: Talked to Joshua Kauffman, Carlos Rizo, Eric Boyd about Quantified Self
  • Build: Recorded podcast on digital sketchnoting with Mike Rohde


  • [X] Get ready for get-together
  • [P] Host get-together (this is actually Saturday, so it’s included in next week’s review)
  • [C] Attend Gabriel Mansour’s improv show? – had introvert day
  • [X] Go to fitness class – survived, yay!
  • [P] Watch the Hobbit! =) – postponed


  • [P] Sketch 5-year plan

Plans for next week


  • [ ] Earn: Check in on E1 and theme
  • [ ] Earn: Review I2 sketches
  • [ ] Earn: Follow up on Hardlines; send invoice
  • [ ] Build: Try including Criselda in weekly review sessions
  • [ ] Build: Share marketing resources with Tipera
  • [ ] Connect: Have lunch with Karim (Third Ocean)
  • [ ] Connect: Get together with Rafael and Adnan regarding their startup idea
  • [ ] Connect: Sketchnote ENT101
  • [ ] Connect: Connect with other sketchnoters / graphic recorders/facilitators
  • [ ] Build: Experiment with using mornings for coding


  • [X] Host get-together
  • [ ] Have dinner with Rachel Lane and friends
  • [ ] Have dinner with David Ing and friends
  • [ ] Attend krav fitness class
  • [ ] Spend time with W-


  • [ ] Write more personal stories

Time review

I missed having this kind of summary, and since I have the code to do this easily, I might as well. =)

  • Business: 35.9 hours (Connect: 7.8, Drawing: 9.8, Illustration: 3.3)
  • Discretionary: 17.6 hours (Social: 9.3, Writing: 3.8)
  • Personal: 29.9 hours (Routines: 16.3)
  • Sleep: 64.6 hours – average of 9.2 hours per day
  • Unpaid work: 20.0 hours (Commuting: 8.0, Cook: 6.5, Tidy: 2.0)

I slept a lot this week!

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