Learning, writing, and growing; Weekly review: Week ending September 27, 2013
| weeklyBlog posts
- Sketchnotes, commitments, cooking, plans, blogging – Weekly review: Week ending September 20, 2013
- Ten years of learning how to cook
- Setting up dynamic DNS with Tomato and Namecheap, and limiting SSH
- Poll: Planning a weekly topic-focused blog – what would you like to read more about?
- The learning machine: How I turn what I learn into blog posts
- Sketchnote Lessons: Adding Emphasis
- Growing authority
Quick notes from this week
- Figured out that my Plover problem was because I’d remapped Backspace in Autohotkey. Got that working again!
- Remapping Left-Ctrl to Backspace is pretty handy.
- HST/GST on meals and entertainment are usually 50% claimable. It seems easier to split this for each transaction – guide
- Inkscape was choking on my bitmap tracing, but Potrace 64-bit worked just fine. Now I don’t have to buy Illustrator to scale up or rearrange my sketchnotes. =D
- Added version 2 of How to Learn Emacs: A Hand-drawn One-pager for Beginners – Oooh, PosteRazor lets me test-print large images and create poster mockups, yay! about -L he El about
- The 3 Secrets to Effective Time Investment: How to Achieve More Success with Less Stress (Elizabeth Grace Saunders) has a detailed chapter on routines and processes.
Link roundup
- The Tension (and Relationship) Between Creating and Consuming: Need to balance – you can go overboard creating, too. I read a lot more than I write, and that and life fuels my writing.
- How Speakers, Authors & Trainers Use Interactive-Visuals: Types and examples
- The First Step Out of Consumerism: The benefits of buying used whenever possible
- It’s All In The Habits: How I Live Cheap and Create My Own Freedom: Yay for frugal habits! I have pretty much the same habits, except I don’t drive at all. =)
- DPP041: Writing Stupid eBooks, Leveraging Spreadsheets, and More: Don’t write an e-book for the sake of writing an e-book
- Why Evernote Isn’t as Streamlined as It’s Made Out to Be: Always good to be aware of and test the limits. Besides, cute graphic.
- This Checklist Helps You Make Sure Your Investments Are on Track: Yay one-page visual summaries and cheat sheets! I like the style of this one.
- Meal Planning for Busy Families: We’re still working on making weekly meal plans a habit. Usually it’s a combination of leftovers for the first few days and then some other cooking during the week, with the freezer supplying lunches and the occasional dinner.
- What’s On Your “Someday” List and How Long Has it Been Lingering There?: I occasionally review my list of goals and guiltlessly shelve the things I’m not as interested in.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (40.6h – 24%)
- Earn (21.7h – 53% of Business)
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday half-day[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day[X]
Follow up with B[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday half-day[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day
- Build (13.3h – 32% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
- Drawing (6.0h)
Work on a hi-res version of Learn Emacs
- Paperwork (2.6h)
Adjust HST on meals and entertainment expenses[X]
Investigate depreciation expenses[ ]
File payroll return
Put together mini business cases for different possible investments[X]
Scanner – $455.99[X]
Turbotax 2012[X]
Pilot Hi-Tec-C 0.4[X]
Find my power adapter
- Connect (5.6h – 13% of Business)
Create help wanted page[X]
Go to Hacklab members meeting[X]
Host Visual Thinkers Toronto meetup[X]
Prepare limitations presentation
- Earn (21.7h – 53% of Business)
- Relationships (9.6h – 5%)
Go for a walk[X]
Go to MEC[X]
Copy emergency numbers[X]
Try reconstituting dehydrated food[X]
Repack new things
- Discretionary – Productive (12.7h – 7%)
Call DC with go or no go decision[X]
Replace inner tube- Writing (0.3h)
- Discretionary – Play (12.7h – 7%)
- Personal routines (20.9h – 12%)
- Unpaid work (14.7h – 8%)
- Sleep (60.8h – 36% – average of 8.7 per day)
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.