Weekly review: Week ending September 13, 2013
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyBlog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending September 6, 2013
- Monthly review: August 2013
- Reorganizing WordPress categories with Term Management Tools and other tweaks
- How I prepare for professional digital sketchnoting
- Sketchnote: Reboot Your Business, Reboot Your Life: Your Future Depends On It – Mitch Joel (Third Tuesday Toronto)
- Dealing with SIGSEGV in php5-fpm and Nginx
- Sketchnote Lessons: Having fun with words
- Balancing writing with other things
Other things I learned
- I still have to get the hang of using a steel to start a fire (or using a lighter, even!), but it’s fun. =)
- Sometimes I need to storyboard a presentation or figure out how to organize information on a poster. This is where working on paper really shines. Instead of using pre-printed templates, I use lots and lots of index cards. (Or Post-It notes, but index cards are cheaper and handier.) Index cards are great because you can move them around easily, so you can add, remove, or swap out cards right away.
- How to keep ssh agents through sudo:
Defaults env_keep+=SSH_AUTH_SOCK
– Link
Link roundup
- The One Weekend Challenge (The Simple Dollar)
- The big secret to a more simple life (Penelope Trunk) “… is arranging everything so that you’re doing only whan you’re great at.”
- A New Type of Presentation: SketchKeynote from Jurgen Appelo – I like the build-up of colours and images.
- Reflections on freedom (Mel Chua) – the freedom to be your own master
- What should a woman’s speaking voice sound like? (The Eloquent Woman) – W- and I are looking forward to seeing “In a World” sometime. On a somewhat related note, I answered the phone one evening with my customary “Sacha Chua speaking. Hello!” and the telemarketer said, “Hi! May I please speak to your mom or dad?” I told her they were unavailable and had a good laugh about it with W- after hanging up.
- Essential Tools to Organize Your Book Manuscript (Grub Daily) – I like the islands and connections approach. I sometimes use that for blog posts, stashing snippets until they make sense. I also do that on a larger scale, collecting blog posts until more of them link together.
- Don’t do research when you hit your writing groove (Lifehacker, 99u) – One of the benefits that outlining provides is that I can defer research (or even filling things in) until later. Good stuff.
- A Scientific Guide to Saying No (Lifehacker) – It turns out that commitments are excellent. I can say, “I’d really love to do that, but I’ve made this previous commitment to work on my own content / work only on public things / etc.” and say no nicely.
- How to maintain your skills during a career hiatus (Lifehacker/Simple Dollar) – Projects, reading, classes, online education. I also like making stuff – projects don’t always have to be for clients.
- Sketchnotes: “How to Be a High School Superstar” by Cal Newport (Mel Chua) – Maximize your interestingness
- Overcoming the Social Costs of Being Different (Zen Habits) – Frugality and this experiment makes us a little bit different, but being different can be a great way to learn.
- Just One Thing: A Better Email Strategy (Pushing Social) – I’m curious about e-mail lists and if I can create value through them.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (36.4h – 21%)
- Earn (20.3h – 55% of Business)
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[X]
Work on new slides[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Follow up with SR[ ]
Follow up with B
- Build (13.0h – 35% of Business)
Think about how to reinvest profits- Quantified Awesome (0.5h)
Renew quantifiedawesome.com, file as business expense
- Drawing (3.3h)
[ ]
Package sketchnote lessons as a PWYC PDF
- Paperwork (3.8h)
- Connect (3.1h – 8% of Business)
Prepare template for sketchnoting Third Tuesday Toronto[X]
Talk to Mike Rohde about having a gig board on sketchnotearmy.com so that people can refer work[ ]
Process and upload another QS Toronto video
- Earn (20.3h – 55% of Business)
- Relationships (0.0h – 0%)
Assemble Altoids kit[X]
Go to Walmart[X]
Sew pouch[X]
Call vet to ask about next behavioural steps to deal with inappropriate elimination[X]
Practise with stove[ ]
Go for a walk[ ]
Set up appointment with U
- Discretionary – Productive (10.0h – 5%)
Set up SSH tunnel- Writing (1.2h)
Plan topic-focused blog
- Discretionary – Play (27.2h – 16%)
- Personal routines (18.7h – 11%)
- Unpaid work (16.0h – 9%)
- Sleep (60.9h – 36% – average of 8.7 per day)
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