Weekly review: Week ending October 4, 2013
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyPicked up the Fujitsu ScanSnap, have been scanning lots of sketches. Here’s this week:
Blog posts
- Learning writing, and growing; Weekly review: Week ending September 27, 2013
- Bulk cooking by the numbers: A ton of tonkatsu
- Using Emacs to figure out where I need to improve in order to type faster
- The power of no: being completely* unhireable until 2017 (and possibly longer)
- Blogging tip: Test your ideas and get more feedback in order to make your posts better
- Sketchnote Lessons: How do you want to grow as a sketchnoter?
- Decision review: Seven months at HackLab
Quick notes from this week
- Rounding errors can mess up your Schedule 100 if using TurboTax.
- Windows 8 has a separate wireless configuration option. Boggle.
Link roundup
- Working more slowly: Preliminary observations: I like David Seah’s observations of good days, bad days, and things that fell through the cracks. I’m going to try drawing as the first thing and the last thing in my day, with the ScanSnap to simplify my paper workflow. Second mornings are an interesting idea. =)
- Is your future optimistic, pessimistic, or realistic? When planning, I usually consider these scenarios: awesome, terrible, okay, good. Aside from considering the relative probabilities of those outcomes, I also think about what I can do to nudge things upwards or warning signals to watch out for to step things from slipping downwards.
- Which coaching model makes more money? Big group, small group, products, one-on-one
- This is what blocks your writing (and how to bust through) – how to deal with writing log jams.
- How do you persuade someone to pay for “free” information? I have a hard time spending for information, because I can get so much out of the library for free (and speed-reading saves me lots of time). I tend to have a hard time selling information too, typical mind fallacy and all of that. My compromise is to make things available under a pay-what-you-want pricing scheme, which lets people pay if they want to.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (32.4h – 19%)
- Earn (20.0h – 61% of Business)
[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday half-day[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday half-day[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday
- Build (8.8h – 27% of Business)
Renew my Linode subscription- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
- Drawing (1.3h)
[ ]
Package sketchnote lessons as a PWYC PDF[ ]
Sketchnote a book
- Paperwork (4.5h)
Doublecheck assets[X]
Doublecheck expenses[X]
Doublecheck income numbers[X]
Doublecheck liabilities[X]
Doublecheck sales tax return[X]
Figure out Schedule 100: Balance[ ]
Ask someone to do the books this year[X]
File payroll return[ ]
Pick up paper T2 from Enterprise Toronto in City Hall
- Connect (3.6h – 11% of Business)
- Earn (20.0h – 61% of Business)
- Relationships (11.8h – 7%)
Go for a walk[X]
Take care of D
- Discretionary – Productive (10.5h – 6%)
- Writing (1.2h)
- Discretionary – Play (8.5h – 5%)
- Personal routines (29.1h – 17%)
- Lots of planning!
- Unpaid work (15.2h – 9%)
- Sleep (60.7h – 36% – average of 8.7 per day)
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