Weekly review: Week ending January 10, 2014

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I survived hosting a podcast, interviewing a guest, managing a Hangout on Air, and drawing notes, all at the same time! Boggle.

Also, my citizenship exam has been scheduled for January 21. I should be okay (I typically get 90% on practice tests), but it's a good excuse to practise remembering trivia.

The next few weeks are probably going to be packed. That means I'll need to be extra careful about having enough quiet time for myself!

Blog posts


  1. 2014-01-05 How do I use my time
  2. 2014-01-05 How can we improve our cooking
  3. 2014-01-05 How can I learn to bring people together
  4. 2014-01-05 How can I keep better track of experiments to try
  5. 2014-01-05 Asking myself better questions
  6. 2014-01-06 Why am I happier with selling my time at $5 for 15min vs 200+ per hour
  7. 2014-01-06 Transforming timestamps and dates
  8. 2014-01-06 Tracking time with Org mode
  9. 2014-01-06 Time-tracking and multi-tasking
  10. 2014-01-06 Learning how to think in sentences
  11. 2014-01-06 Learn how you learn
  12. 2014-01-06 Extrapolating my futures
  13. 2014-01-06 Canadian winter tips
  14. 2014-01-06 Building a reputation as a speaker
  15. 2014-01-07 Map for learning Org Mode for Emacs
  16. 2014-01-08 Sharing what you're learning
  17. 2014-01-08 Dealing with impostor syndrome
  18. 2014-01-09 What do I find challenging with podcasting
  19. 2014-01-09 Tips for organizing your Org-mode files
  20. 2014-01-09 Organizing my sketches into collections
  21. 2014-01-09 Building a review habit
  22. 2014-01-09 Blog ideas
  23. 2014-01-09 Ambition
  24. 2014-01-10 Post-production notes - HHO5 Make Your Listing Better
  25. 2014-01-10 Helpers Help Out 05 - Make Your Listing Better

Link round-up

Focus areas and time review

  • Business (54.8h – 32%)
    • Earn (20.8h – 37% of Business)
      • [X] Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
      • [X] Follow up on cheque
      • [ ] Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
    • Build (21.3h – 38% of Business)
      • [X] Reset the TF700
      • [ ] Plan what I would do as my own client
      • Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
      • Drawing (17.5h)
        • [ ] Make collection of 2013 sketchnotes
      • Paperwork (2.7h)
        • [X] File T4 for myself
        • [X] File payroll return
    • Connect (12.7h – 23% of Business)
      • [X] Connect: Discuss Emacs chats
      • [X] Connect: Have lunch with Carsten
      • [ ] Talk to Globe and Mail about Quantified Self
  • Relationships (5.0h – 2%)
    • [X] Chat with Eric about friendship
    • [X] Help clean computer of viruses
    • [X] Replace vacuum
  • Discretionary – Productive (0.7h – 0%)
    • [X] Check on PH implications and cross-border planning
    • [X] Follow up on citizenship test
    • [X] Look for Audacity way to automatically remove silence – truncate
    • [X] Pick up books from Runnymede
    • [X] Reflect on how to ask good questions
    • [X] Reflect on what I do with my time and what my balance will be like for the next two months
    • [ ] Study for citizenship exam
    • Writing (0.0h)
  • Discretionary – Play (0.8h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (23.6h – 14%)
  • Unpaid work (17.0h – 10%)
  • Sleep (66.7h – 39% – average of 9.5 per day)

You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.