Weekly review: Week ending September 18, 2015

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Baking season! The days have been a bit cool recently, so I made biscotti and quiche. It feels great to get back into the swing of making food. Can't let W- have all the fun. =) Still eating small portions, but getting more energy back.

Lots of sewing this week. I followed a tutorial for drafting a simple peasant top, and it turned out wonderfully. For the fabric, I used a cotton bedsheet that I picked up from the thrift store because I liked the colour and the feel of the fabric. I added a phone-sized cat-shaped pocket just because I could. Whee! I think I'll spend some time writing up notes on the patterns and tutorials I've tried out so far, and then use those lessons learned to revise my plans for learning more. I want to modify my basic top pattern to include a front closure. I'll probably pick up some embroidery floss, too, so I can look into embellishing some things for gifts.

Extra consulting on Tuesday. It was nice to spend some time improving prototypes and getting things ready for the next phase.

Oh, and lots of paperwork for the business! The end of my fiscal year is coming up, so I crunched the numbers to see whether it makes sense to file my health expenses through the business (I set up a PHSP for that) or keep them for my tax return. The PHSP won this year, so I assembled all my paperwork, cross-referenced and double-checked all my claims, and sent the package off. It's nice to be comfortable with this kind of number-crunching. I'll be doing my own corporate tax return, too. It should be pretty similar to last year's tax return. The Canada Revenue Agency's actually quite nice to talk to whenever I need clarification.

I reached another personal milestone and now my mornings are now slightly more pleasant. Hooray!

Next week: More sewing, more long walks, more everything. =)

2015-09-20e Week ending 2015-09-18 -- index card #journal #weekly


Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (15.4h – 9%)
    • Earn (12.7h – 82% of Business)
    • Build (2.7h – 17% of Business)
      • Drawing (0.7h)
      • Paperwork (2.0h)
        • Comparison-shop for TurboTax
        • Check health expenses tradeoff for FY2014-2015
        • Buy TurboTax Business Incorporated
        • Round up the receipts for the PHSP
    • Connect (0.0h – 0% of Business)
  • Relationships (3.4h – 2%)
  • Discretionary – Productive (13.1h – 7%)
    • Emacs (0.0h – 0% of all)
      • Process Emacsconf videos
    • Sewing (13.1h)
    • Writing (0.0h)
  • Discretionary – Play (21.6h – 12%)
  • Personal routines (27.8h – 16%)
  • Unpaid work (13.8h – 8%)
  • Sleep (72.8h – 43% – average of 10.4 per day)

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