2015-11-02 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news, review- Beginner tips:
- You can change the text size with
C-x C--
andC-x C-+
. - Check out these recommended basic Emacs resources.
- Emacs teaching/evangelization tips
- You can change the text size with
- Coding:
- Magit demo (including rebasing)
- New releases of elpy and magit
- Tip for getting the JSON path to the current item
- eslink + babel + flycheck = better Javascript and ReactJS dev (from April)
- Consider adding animated GIFs/video to your bug reports – some tools for recording small screencasts
- Changing your default grep-command
- Keyboard macro counters can help you insert text with a series of numbers.
- Org Mode:
- Want to make your Org Mode folded outline view slightly more compact? You can change the way ellipses are displayed.
- A few approaches for online Org Mode editing
- Other:
- Things to look forward to in Emacs 25: Command names in the recent keystrokes log (
M-x view-lossage
) - Managing files and directories in Emacs can be easier if you use sunrise commander to give you two panes.
- Emacs on Android tablets with multi-window support out of the box
- Beacon lets you keep track of where your cursor is
- You can resize Emacs frames using your keyboard
- Check out jcs’ summary of the Emacs for Scholars talk
- Keymapping discussions: Apple keyboards, Dvorak, two-key leaders, coding-related discussions
- Save a list of installed packages to make starting up on a new machine easier
- Want to read Reddit inside Emacs? Of course you can.
- Things to look forward to in Emacs 25: Command names in the recent keystrokes log (
- New packages:
- bpr: Background Process Runner
- caroline-theme: A trip down to New Orleans…
- company-nand2tetris: Company backend for nand2tetris major mode
- dracula-theme: Dracula Theme
- helm-fuzzier: Better fuzzy matching for Helm
- helm-grepint: Generic helm interface to grep
- init-open-recentf: Open recentf immediately after Emacs is started
- matrix-client: A minimal chat client for the Matrix.org RPC
- nand2tetris-assembler: Assembler For the Nand2tetris Course
- ox-trac: Org Export Backend to Trac WikiFormat
- pastelmac-theme: a soothing theme with a pastel color palette
- rbt: Integrate reviewboard with emacs.
- replace-symbol: Rename symbols in expressions or buffers
- termbright-theme: a more usable theme for white-on-black terminals
- test-kitchen: Run test-kitchen inside of emacs
- zone-nyan: Zone out with nyan cat. Reddit discussion; see also ascii_nyan
Previous roundup – Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, planet.emacsen.org, and Youtube
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