Weekly review: Week ending December 18, 2015

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Slow and fuzzy-brained over the weekend due to a bad cold, but W- and J- kept the house in order. They even made General Tsao's Chicken, which is quite labour-intensive. We watched a few of the new DVDs I picked up during my library raids, too.

I think I'm mostly over the cold now. It was a good opportunity to update what I can do with different energy levels (see all my fuzzy-brain-related sketches). I think it's mostly about keeping my expectations low, and investing in processes and goodwill during non-fuzzy-brain periods. W- caught the cold from me. He's dealing with it far better than I did, but still, it's good to take things easy. My turn to pick up the slack!

Now that I'm on a proper operating system, I've been having fun writing little command-line scripts to automate bits and pieces of my life. I'm looking forward to building more of these pieces and gradually bringing them together. =) I should probably learn more about PhantomJS and CoffeeScript, too…

2015-12-19a Week ending 2015-12-18 -- index card #journal #weekly output

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (16.4h – 9%)
    • Earn (7.5h – 45% of Business)
    • Build (5.5h – 33% of Business)
      • Drawing (2.9h)
      • Paperwork (0.1h)
    • Connect (3.4h – 20% of Business)
      • ☑ Reflect on Quantified Self questions from Christina
      • ☑ Talk to Christina about Quantified Self
  • Relationships (4.7h – 2%)
  • Discretionary – Productive (15.3h – 9%)
    • Emacs (2.0h – 1% of all)
      • ☑ Do another Emacs News review
      • ☑ Announce Hangout
      • ☑ Follow up on org-protocol patch
      • ☑ Doublecheck that the Yeti microphone works
      • ☑ Set up capture template for energy
      • ☐ Host Emacs Hangout
      • ☐ Do another Emacs News review
    • Sewing (5.8h)
      • ☑ Sew two more covers
      • ☑ Peasant top
    • Writing (3.8h)
    • ☑ Write a script to parse the flyer
    • ☑ Make a script that shows me walking and transit times
    • ☑ Script importing items into my grocery list
    • ☑ Make a list of things that are good to do when fuzzy-brained
  • Discretionary – Play (17.3h – 10%)
  • Personal routines (28.6h – 17%)
  • Unpaid work (16.4h – 9%)
    • ☑ Tidy up extra room
  • Sleep (69.2h – 41% – average of 9.9 per day)

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