Weekly review: Week ending January 29, 2016

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Another week of preparation. I've been gradually turning over more and more of my consulting work to the team, and they're doing a wonderful job. =) So excited! I hope I'll be able to check back in with them afterwards to see where they take all of this.

This week's freezer-filling frenzy was all about lumpia. There are 130 spring rolls in the freezer at the moment. I still have some filling and a package of 50 wrappers in the fridge, so I'll see how many of those I can fit. Not much freezer space left, though!

Helped J- review for her physics final exam. It was a little frustrating when some of our answers didn't line up with the answers provided on the review sheet. This is the last physics course she needs to take with this teacher, though, so we're not stressing out too much about it.

More long walks this week, since I've been making that a priority – an average of almost 8k steps a day, with slightly over an hour a day of walking at about 2.6mph (according to the pedometer app I have on my phone). I usually go to the library to drop off and pick up items, and then the supermarket to pick up whatever supplies we need. Nice to get out, and layers keep me warm despite winter.

Next week: more walking, maybe some sewing… We'll see! =)

2016-01-30a Week ending 2016-01-29 -- index card #journal #weekly


Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (15.8h – 9%)
    • Earn (8.1h – 51% of Business)
      • ☐ [#A] Do monthly data dump
      • ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 days of consulting
    • Build (7.1h – 44% of Business)
      • Drawing (7.1h)
      • Paperwork (0.0h)
    • Connect (0.6h – 4% of Business)
  • Relationships (11.0h – 6%)
    • ☑ Coordinate lasagna drop-off for Ewan and Jen
  • Discretionary – Productive (6.6h – 3%)
    • Emacs (2.4h – 1% of all)
      • ☑ Do another Emacs News review
      • ☐ Do another Emacs News review
    • Sewing (1.1h)
    • Writing (0.7h)
    • ☑ Buy toner for printer
  • Discretionary – Play (12.0h – 7%)
  • Personal routines (24.6h – 14%)
  • Unpaid work (27.9h – 16%)
  • Sleep (70.2h – 41% – average of 10.0 per day)

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