Weekly review: Week ending February 19, 2016

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This week was about shifting my systems and routines a little bit in order to support more learning. I've been thinking about how to build a regular today-I-learned habit as a way to keep myself moving forward a little bit at a time, and have been putting together little tools to make it easier for me to discover and share tidbits.

After reflecting on the various games I'd tried out on the tablet, I uninstalled a whole bunch of games that weren't tickling my brain the way I wanted. I might keep Rising Super Chef around because I like the time management aspect, although I'd also be up for something with less randomness and either more skill or more humour. Possibly some kind of a word or math game, too. Anyway, I've been shifting towards using the tablet for reading Toronto Public Library e-books through OverDrive, browsing the Web (especially for answers to specific questions), and watching videos on Youtube.

I managed to go on a few long walks, despite the cold. I got through quite a lot of reading on the Kindle, too. I need to refresh the selection of items I have on it since I'm at the end of the fiction I'd lined up, but I can always go through the manuals for Emacs and Org Mode.

It was the fourth year mark for my 5-year experiment in semi-retirement, too, so I've been putting together a review covering the past year as well, an overall look at the past four years, and plans for the next year. It's been a good year and a good experiment so far. It's hard to imagine a better way to prepare for the next step. Milestones, yay!

2016-02-20a Week ending 2016-02-19 -- index card #journal #weekly

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (16.9h – 10%)
    • Earn (5.9h – 34% of Business)
      • ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 days of consulting
    • Build (8.4h – 49% of Business)
      • Drawing (7.0h)
      • Paperwork (0.1h)
        • ☑ File federal annual return
    • Connect (2.6h – 15% of Business)
  • Relationships (6.6h – 3%)
    • ☑ Take pictures of stuff from Jen
  • Discretionary – Productive (8.6h – 5%)
    • Emacs (2.0h – 1% of all)
      • ☑ Do another Emacs News review
      • ☐ Do another Emacs News review
    • Sewing (0.0h)
    • Writing (4.1h)
    • Coding
      • ☑ See sketches in a range of dates
      • ☑ Authenticate
      • ☑ Make a mini-app for NPM today view
    • Latin
      • ☑ Re-memorize declensions
      • ☑ Memorize pronouns
    • ☑ Consider RRSP contribution
  • Discretionary – Play (32.3h – 19%)
  • Personal routines (31.2h – 18%)
  • Unpaid work (7.4h – 4%)
  • Sleep (65.0h – 38% – average of 9.3 per day)

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