Weekly review: Week ending April 15, 2016

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Graduated from midwife care this week. A-'s slow weight gain is something to keep an eye on, but we're not going to worry until the pediatrician tells us to worry. Might be related to her ventricular septal defect, since that's a common symptom. She's alert and looks happy, though, so that's good.

I made it out to Hacklab for Eric's practice talk on his Epic Quest of Awesome. It was great to hear the update to his talk, and I picked up a couple of new tips (including an impressive chart from the Actionable Gamification website). We gave him some feedback on his talk, too.

It finally feels like spring, so I'm working on making salads part of our household routine. Lots of walking, too: 37k steps over 5.5 hours total over the whole week, including a nice walk to the midwives.

Filed our personal taxes, yay! I did most of the data entry last month, and I doublechecked everything this week. I compared it to 2014 for extra safety, too. Nice to still be able to crunch the numbers!

Kaizen tweaks this week:

  • Adding buttons to my tracker makes updating baby-related data much easier (nursing, mood, sleep).
  • If I brush my teeth and shower after dinner instead of before bed, then that gives us more flexibility for A-'s bedtime routine.
  • Wearing cargo pants or scrubs means that I can keep a notepad and a pen handy, which lets me jot down ideas while nursing or settling A-.
  • Using peep-dired and writing an Emacs Lisp function to rename files makes organizing photos easier.
  • Red peppers do okay in the freezer, so I put together a bunch of fajita starters to make future dinners smoother.
  • Grapes and celery can be pre-sliced for Waldorf salad.

2016-04-17a Week ending 2016-04-15 -- index card #journal #weekly output

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (1.1h – 0%)
    • Earn (0.0h – 0% of Business)
    • Build (0.5h – 50% of Business)
      • Drawing (0.0h)
      • Paperwork (0.5h)
    • Connect (0.5h – 49% of Business)
  • Relationships (4.9h – 2%)
    • ☑ Add more functions to baby tracker
    • ☑ Hang out with Jen
    • ☑ Check out Eric Boyd's talk at Hacklab
    • ☑ Midwife final checkup
    • ☑ Maybe check out babywearing social
  • Discretionary – Productive (9.5h – 5%)
    • Emacs (1.1h – 0% of all)
      • ☑ Fix evil plan SVGs
      • ☑ Write some Emacs Lisp to help with organizing photos
      • ☑ Keep Emacs alive through X crashes by running it in the background with –daemon
    • ☑ Update credit card for Paypal
    • ☑ Clean up yard
    • ☑ Plant peas
    • Sewing (0.0h)
      • ☑ Look for a baby sun hat pattern
    • Writing (0.3h)
  • Discretionary – Play (1.7h – 1%)
  • Personal routines (21.1h – 12%)
  • Unpaid work (76.2h – 45%)
    • Childcare (66.8h – 39% of total)
  • Sleep (53.6h – 31% – average of 7.7 per day)

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