Weekly review: Week ending May 6, 2016

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The week started with the 80th birthday party of one of our in-laws. It got me thinking about what I might like my life to be like when I'm eighty. I hope to still have the habit of reviewing my life and learning more. It would be nice to participate in a few offline and online communities (ooh, can you imagine how cool it would be to have a vibrant Emacs scene in the 2060s?). It would be great to keep helping people and accumulating good karma, and to see the effects of that help down the road – I'm sure I'd have learned a lot from those people, too. Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

A-'s 100-day party is coming up. I don't know if I'll have the time to sew her an outfit, so I bought a red blouse for her just in case. Could be a good excuse to learn how to make a teeny tiny cheongsam or jacket, though. Anyway, my eldest sister Ching is flying in for the party, yay!

I took A- for a follow-up appointment with the pediatrician, who confirmed her slow weight gain and started the referral process to a dietitian who can help us make a plan to fortify A-'s milk with extra calories. Feeding A- will probably be my primary focus for the next little while. Gotta get her growing.

A little bit of coding here and there. I did a quick report for my consulting client, and I started thinking about the add-on they'd like me to develop. I'm not sure when I'll be able to redesign the interface and port my code, but it'll be something to think about here and there.

We reorganized our basement cabinets, and the new system feels better. Yay! I need to sort through my sewing stash and reduce the clutter there. Looking forward to more projects, especially once we sort out feeding. I sewed a baby sunbonnet following a free pattern from Purl Soho, and that's come in handy for a few walks already.

Lots of drawing and thinking time this week, spurred by questions and planning. Good to be able to sort through my thoughts!

2016-05-08a Week ending 2016-05-06 -- index card #journal #weekly


Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (4.1h – 2%)
    • Earn (2.8h – 69% of Business)
      • ☑ [#A] Prepare invoice
      • ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 days of consulting
    • Build (1.0h – 24% of Business)
      • Drawing (0.0h)
      • Paperwork (1.0h)
    • Connect (0.2h – 5% of Business)
  • Relationships (9.1h – 5%)
    • ☑ Go to W-'s extended family thing
    • ☑ Take A- for vaccinations
    • ☑ Do midwife evaluation form
    • ☑ Inquire with Kindercare
    • ☐ Ask breastfeeding clinic about SNS
    • ☐ Call Lisa on May 10 to see if we can reschedule
  • Discretionary – Productive (15.7h – 9%)
    • Emacs (1.3h – 0% of all)
    • Coding (2.3h – 1% of all)
      • ☑ Main screen wet to cloth option
      • ☑ Add supplementation tracking
    • Sewing (2.9h)
      • ☑ Try the hat sewing pattern Kristina mentioned
    • Writing (2.3h)
    • ☑ Complete census
  • Discretionary – Play (1.3h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (18.9h – 11%)
  • Unpaid work (66.5h – 39%)
    • Childcare (55.2h – 32% of total)
  • Sleep (52.5h – 31% – average of 7.5 per day)

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