Weekly review: Week ending January 13, 2017
Posted: - Modified: | review, weekly
I took A- to be fitted for another conformer, since we lost the previous one after two weeks of it popping out almost every day. Her current one appeared to fit fine while we were at the ocularist, but it's been popping out a lot too. We have another appointment next week. Maybe we can get a better fit, or maybe we'll have to consider the trade-offs of putting her under sedation so that a new impression can be taken.
A-'s two bottom central incisors are both emerging, whee! She's been having fun gnawing on chicken drumsticks and biscotti. Her sleep has been a little disrupted, but that's fairly common when teething.
W- bought two lots of Duplo off Kijiji, and now A- has a pretty good Duplo collection. We all have lots of fun playing with the bricks.
We've resumed home visits from the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program. We've been working on stacking blocks, and A- finally got the hang of it! We also went to the JFRC and the OEYC for some socialization, since it's good for A- to get used to seeing and interacting with other kids. She's a little reserved, but that's okay.
This week and last week had quite the spike in childcare hours, although part of that is probably sloppy tracking. I've been focusing on playing more with A- during daytime hours, sometimes away from my phone. Might try tracking other activities like meals and tidying up a bit better this week to get a clearer picture of my time. Also, A-'s been waking up after an evening nap instead of staying in bed, so that's been changing up our routine a little.
Lots of good stuff on my end. So much writing! My Google Tasks + org2blog workflow is working really well. I can write while nursing, which is much better than spending all that time going down into the rabbit holes of the Internet. I went from a somewhat monotonous rhythm of Emacs News and journal reviews to a full week of scheduled posts. Unexpected benefit: more blog comment conversations, too!
I've been working on my yearly review. I've looked at all the sketches, summarized my monthly reviews, and analyzed my expenses. I also want to look at time and write my overall reflections. It's been a good year.
Going through all those sketches from 2016 reminded me that a little effort can make drawings more expressive and fun, so I've been playing with drawing again. I figure that picking one moment and drawing it in more detail in my daily index cards will let me exercise that skill, and it'll also motivate me to pay attention to or cultivate at least one vivid moment a day.
I did a little bit of consulting, too – tweaked some code and answered a few questions. Also, I filed my corporation's T4 and T5 tax slips, yay! Keener. Our personal tax returns are probably going to be a little more complicated this year because of W-'s parental leave and my child benefit, but I'll figure it out.
I signed up for the PC Plus program and associated it with my old PCFinancial points. We'll see if it's worth it, considering we shop at No Frills all the time.
Next week: another trip to the ocularist, more socialization, and maybe some writing and digital decluttering.
Blog posts
- Journal
- Journaling
- What do I want from my Org Mode files?
- How do I want consulting to fit into my life?
- 2017-01-09 Emacs News
- Annual review
- Journal
- 2017-01-08a Week ending 2017-01-06 #journal #weekly
- 2017-01-07a Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-08d Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-09a Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-10a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-11a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-12d Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-13a Friday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-12b Do index cards still work for me #drawing #zettelkasten
Focus areas and time review
- Business (1.8h – 1%)
- Earn (1.2h – 69% of Business)
- ☑ Earn: E1: 1-2 hours of consulting
- Build (0.5h – 25% of Business)
- ☑ Issue T5
- ☑ Issue T4
- Connect (0.1h – 5% of Business)
- Earn (1.2h – 69% of Business)
- Relationships (0.1h – 0%)
- ☑ Try another conformer
- Discretionary – Productive (5.5h – 3%)
- Drawing (2.5h)
- Emacs (0.9h)
- ☑ Do another Emacs News review
- Writing (1.6h)
- Discretionary – Play (3.2h – 1%)
- Personal routines (15.3h – 9%)
- Unpaid work (83.0h – 49%)
- Childcare (75.1h – 44% of total)
- Sleep (59.1h – 35% – average of 8.4 per day)