Weekly review: Week ending January 27, 2017
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I took A- to the ocularist to check the fit of her conformer, since she's been rubbing it out pretty much every day (sometimes even twice). The ocularist thinks it fits fine and wanted to start working towards a painted shell. We're more comfortable with conformers, though, because of the risk of losing her prosthesis and because it sometimes prompts useful conversations. We'll revisit painted shells when she's ready for school, or if the white conformer bothers her.
I flipped through the book "A Singular View" while at the ocularist's office. There's a useful chapter on practical adaptations for pouring and other tasks that are a little harder with monocular vision. The book's pretty short, though, so it might be something I'll review there whenever we go for a checkup instead of buying a copy myself.
A- is getting better at communicating. She lets us know when she doesn't want any more food by closing her eyes and shaking her head (a little randomly, but we get her message). She often insists on feeding us any food left on her plate. She gestures at pictures in books. One time, she even handed W- a paper diaper and flopped onto the bed – probably telling us to get on with the bedtime routine.
She was freaked out by the blood pressure cuff that J- was measuring me with as practice for J-'s nursing exam. W- and I reassured her that everything was okay, although she still shouted at it when J- removed it from my arm. So much courage.
W- kept A- occupied while I went for my own eye exam. I hadn't had my eyes checked in years, so I figured it would be good to update my prescription before ordering a bunch of glasses online. A- had broken one pair of glasses and scratched a lens in another pair, so I'm wearing my backup backup pair. Gotta be firmer about keeping A- away from my glasses!
Managed to squeeze in a little computer work. I dusted off and improved the first part of an A/B testing prototype for my consulting client. I also did some more work on using Ledger for my business books so that I can get a tax-line summary. I even set up a Ledger file for the investments in A-'s college fund. Whee!
The world's getting a bit crazy, but I remain optimistic.
Blog posts
- When both W- and I can play with A-
- More thoughts on the timing of discretionary time
- 2017-01-23 Emacs News
- Weekly review: Week ending January 20, 2017
- 2017-01-22a Week ending 2017-01-20 #journal #weekly
- 2017-01-21a Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-22b Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-23a Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-24a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-25a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-26a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-01-27a Friday #daily #journal
Focus areas and time review
- Business (3.2h – 1%)
- Earn (1.7h – 51% of Business)
- ☐ [#A] Prepare invoice
- ☑ Earn: E1: 1-2 hours of consulting
- Build (1.5h – 46% of Business)
- ☑ Get bank balance to agree
- ☑ Do GIFI mapping
- Connect (0.1h – 1% of Business)
- Earn (1.7h – 51% of Business)
- Relationships (2.5h – 1%)
- Discretionary – Productive (3.4h – 2%)
- Drawing (2.5h)
- Emacs (0.7h)
- Coding (0.1h)
- ☑ sleep/wake toggle
- Discretionary – Play (3.5h – 2%)
- Personal routines (16.7h – 9%)
- Unpaid work (76.9h – 45%)
- Childcare (70.9h – 42% of total)
- Sleep (61.8h – 36% – average of 8.8 per day)