Weekly review: Week ending June 2, 2017
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A- passed the developmental screening at her 15-month checkup. She weighed 9.11 kg (25th percentile, up from 15th) and was measured at 74 cm in length (15th percentile), with a head circumference of 44.5 cm (15th percentile). We hadn't taken her for a weight check in a while, so it was reassuring to see that her self-feeding was working out the way it should. She also got her MMR and varicella vaccines. The nurse was definitely her least favourite person in the world, although the pediatrician seems to be a close second.
We attended a parenting workshop on building resilience. It was a good reminder about the importance of language in cultivating a growth mindset, and of modeling self-care and asking for help. The workshop was held at the Children's Book Bank, which is a beautifully-organized place with children's books where people can take one book home per visit.
A- seems to have focused on gross motor skills this week. She figured out how to pull the laundry basket in addition to pushing it, so now she won't get stuck when she runs into a wall. She put a lot of effort into walking with help while holding a bag and, later, a heavy water bottle. W- saw her turn around while standing independently. At the playground, she figured out how to go down the slide by herself, too.
It's been an interesting mix of independence and closeness. I showed her how to spread peanut butter on bread, and she spread quite a few pieces for me even though she preferred to eat other things. She imitated wiping with toilet paper, tossing the pieces into the toilet, and even flushing. One evening, she seemed to want to keep reading – she protested when we turned off the lights. When we turned the lights back on, she spent a few more minutes with her book. ("I was just getting to the good part!", probably.)
But she was also very snuggly this week, even before the stress of the injections at the doctor's office. She shifted back to two naps a day, with the second nap in the evening, so her bedtime has been quite erratic. Nilda shared some tips on helping A- through this cycle of dependence and independence.
A- figured out a new sound, the ending "p", and experimented with babbling "hep" and "pop". She definitely uses "mah" to approximate "meow" when referring to the cats, and occasionally blows raspberries to imitate their purring.
Other stuff:
- For consulting, I tweaked a SQL script for slightly better performance. It turns out NOT IN is faster than NOT EXISTS.
- I updated my ledger file and found an account maintenance fee for TD Waterhouse, which I've asked about.
- I read a few chapters of Week by Week and Mind in the Making.
- I backed up videos of A- to our home server and photos to Google Photo
- Lots of cooking: pizza, fried rice, shake and bake, congee
- I transplanted the tomato seedlings and some of the basil.
- W- poured the concrete for the door sill.
Blog posts
- Parenting
- Journal
- 2017-05-28b Week ending 2017-05-26 #journal #weekly
- 2017-05-27c Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-05-28c Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-05-29b Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-05-30c Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-05-31a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-01a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-02a Friday #daily #journal
- 2017-05-29a Freeing up weekends #time #household
- 2017-05-30b Areas to focus on improving #kaizen
Focus areas and time review
- Business (1.4h – 0%)
- Earn (1.4h – 100% of Business)
- Relationships (0.0h – 0%)
- Discretionary – Productive (6.5h – 3%)
- Drawing (2.7h)
- Emacs (0.6h)
- Coding (0.9h)
- Discretionary – Play (4.6h – 2%)
- Personal routines (17.1h – 10%)
- Unpaid work (84.4h – 50%)
- Childcare (74.3h – 44% of total)
- Sleep (53.9h – 32% – average of 7.7 per day)