Weekly review: Week ending June 9, 2017
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The big thing this week: A- took a few steps on her own! She still holds onto our hands almost all the time, but there have been a few times she wanted to carry the mini-basketball, so she needed to use both of her hands. A few tentative, wobbly steps – but progress!
I took A- for a new conformer. She's got a good memory. She started crying as soon as we got to the waiting room, and she ended up crying for an hour. As soon as the new conformer was in, she stopped crying. Anticipation is the worst part, I guess. The poor dear! I took her for a blood test on the same day, and she cried as soon as she saw the nurse. Oh well, some things must be endured.
She's pretty resilient, though. She slid down a bit too fast on the slide in the park and cut her lip a little, but she bounced back after some nursing, and then we went down the slide together a few more times.
We attended the Early Abilities orientation, since our home visitor had been concerned about A-'s speech and language development. A- was a bit sleepy, so she was fake-snoring throughout the presentation. I got quite a few stares across the room, which turned into smiles when people realized I wasn't the one snoring, it was A-. I picked up a few tips on modeling play and language for A-, to help her ease into a place when she's slow to warm up. I tried it out at the JFRC, and she ended up having lots of fun with the play kitchen and the sensory play area. She even crawled a short way into the tunnel.
We started music classes at the Royal Conservatory of Music. She mostly snuggled with me, but that's okay. It was still a good opportunity to learn new songs, pay attention to the concepts being used, and get a sense of how that paid program differs from the free circle times we've been to.
We made it out to the ROM for our Fieldtrip Friday. A- pointed to lots of specimens. She was fascinated by the benches in the bird gallery, and delighted in being pulled up on them so that she could pull herself forward and down. She tried drinking from the drinking fountain, too.
Nilda came with a brush and a bottle of tempera paint. Just like last week, A- spent pretty much the entire time snuggling with me, so I took the opportunity to ask Nilda about snack ideas instead. I think I've been too conservative. A- can probably figure out how to eat all sorts of things, even with only six teeth. Time to try sweet peppers, liver spread, and other yummy things.
I'll help A- learn how to paint when she's more relaxed, as it's good for fine motor skills. I tried to sew her an apron, but she didn't want to have the loop go over her head. Maybe we'll paint without that first, and then introduce an apron or a smock when she's more interested.
A- helped pick up maple seeds, putting them in the medium-sized recycling bin we've been using to collect yard waste. She's taken to trimming the bush on the side of the house by pulling handfuls from it and dumping the leaves in the bin. After a few trips back and forth, she decided that it would be more efficient to lug the bin (with my help) next to the bush, and that worked out very well. The gears are turning!
She also insisted on emptying our small recycling bin into the large recycling bin that we take out to the curb, and she sorted out the minifigs that she had mixed into the shape sorter. Something something sensitive period for order indeed… Good to keep improving our processes and routines, then, so that she picks those up as she learns.
Other notes:
- W- spent the weekend pouring concrete for the stair footing. Lots of hard work!
- Discussed trip timing with my family.
- Consulting: exported follower info, reorganized SQL extract script.
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending June 2, 2017
- Monthly review: May 2017
- Quick notes on my current interface for time-tracking
- 2017-06-05 Emacs news
- Journal
- 2017-06-04a May 2017 #monthly #review #journal
- 2017-06-03b Week ending 2017-06-02 #journal #weekly
- 2017-06-03c Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-04g Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-05a Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-06a Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-07a Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-08a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-06-09a Friday #daily #journal
- Stoicism
- Parenting
- 2017-06-04c Bedtime tweaks #parenting #sleep #routines
- 2017-06-04d Establishing boundaries #parenting #boundaries
- 2017-06-04e Book - Mind in the Making - chapters 1 to 3 #book #parenting #ece
- 2017-06-04f Routines for A- #parenting #routines #self-care
- 2017-06-07b Improving how we use drop-in centres #parenting #oeyc #drop-ins #early-years
Focus areas and time review
- Business (1.5h – 0%)
- Earn (1.4h – 93% of Business)
- Connect (0.1h – 6% of Business)
- Discretionary – Productive (4.6h – 2%)
- Drawing (1.8h)
- Emacs (0.1h)
- Sewing (1.3h)
- Writing (1.0h)
- Discretionary – Play (0.8h – 0%)
- Personal routines (18.4h – 10%)
- Unpaid work (82.2h – 48%)
- Childcare (66.4h – 39% of total)
- Sleep (60.4h – 35% – average of 8.6 per day)