Weekly review: Week ending July 14, 2017

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The home visitor brought feathers. A- was somewhat relaxed and smiling, but a little reserved about feathers. They settled for gluing pompoms instead. A- picked up the feathers to put them away in a container, and helped label the container with tape.

A- walked quite a few feet in the biodiversity gallery, with lots of enthusiasm. She pointed at the lion, zebra, bison, polar bear, panda bear, bear, and other animals when prompted. She was not keen on a hand puppet of a knight, a stegosaurus model, and a book about baby animals. I learned about birds, Chinese court robes, prehistoric mammals, dinosaurs, and the aye-aye.

A- walked and ran to music while holding my hand. She participated in circle time at the drop-in centre. We borrowed a hit-a-ball, and she got the hang of it. She placed pompoms on a glue line, and she helped drizzle some glue too. She transferred yogurt from one bowl to another by spooning it and scraping it, and she transferred pesto as well.

A- practised getting into and out of her tower using a footstool. She was also interested in putting on shorts with a little help, and in putting things into and taking things out of her pockets. She wanted to use a rubber band to ponytail her hair.

She asked for ham by saying “ham,” asked for cheese by getting the mozzarella ball from the freezer, and asked for gyoza by using the wrapper. A- picked the leaves off the basil and spun the salad spinner. I showed A- how to break eggs, and she tried it out.

She requested Skinamarink with gestures. In the bath, she requested Row, Row, Row Your Boat by holding my hands and rocking back and forth. She requested the crocodile stanza by pointing to the page in the book and making snapping gestures, and she screamed lightly at the end.

We decluttered the kitchen and reorganized our cabinets. I let go of my tea party supplies. I stayed up late consulting – SQL export.

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