Weekly review: Week ending July 21, 2017

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A-'s first two upper molars have partially emerged. Our sleep's disrupted by middle-of-the-night wakings and she's a bit more irritable (and drooly) than normal, but that's okay, it's all part of life. I've been prioritizing sleep, but I still feel a little fuzzy. 

At Jen and Ewan's party, A- was pretty relaxed. She played with her backpack, and she shared some cereal with E-. At home, we had a fun video chat with my parents. A- showed them that she could point to her nose, ears, mouth, and so on. She also did the gestures for a number of songs. My mom started teaching her how to blow a kiss. As it turns out, A- can imitate even things she's seen in video chat, which is neat.

Lots of other imitations: turning keys in a lock, washing bottles with a brush, wiping her nose with tissue or a hanky, washing her face, brushing her hair. More egg-cracking practice, too. When she cracked two eggs for banana bread, she left the yolks whole and there was only a tiny bit of egg shell in it.

Nilda suggested an activity involving gluing foam shapes to paper, which gives plenty of opportunities to name the shapes and colours. A- was more interested in rolling up the paper, though. I wonder if A- wants sushi…

I cut two scarves out of some translucent fabric from my stash and quickly serged the edges, so now we have scarves for doing circle-time songs here. A-'s been pretty keen on scarves during circle time, and she often asks me to do "Popcorn" when we're at home.

We've been going to the playground more often, since the drop-in centres can be a bit overwhelming with the bigger kids. A- enjoyed playing in the sandbox. She also liked splashing through puddles in the rain. A- picked up the "Soft kitty, warm kitty" rhyme from music class, and I've been practising "Alouette" too.

Consulting: after a couple of false starts, I made some progress on data extraction and updating the admin report. The first time I tried working on those tasks, I couldn't remember where some of the data I needed was, which was frustrating. It's also a bit challenging to work at night if A-'s waking up frequently, since I need to keep the state in my head throughout quick interruptions. Still, A- is higher priority. While it's nice to feel like I'm getting stuff done, I won't always be able to get quick wins or feel brilliant, so I shouldn't get attached to that. It'll be all right as long as I manage expectations properly.


  • I lost my Presto card in the dryer, but W- retrieved it for me.
  • I bought several bunches of chives, chopped them up, and froze them, so gyoza should be a little more doable.
  • I watched a few movies at home: Fate of the Furious, Moana, and Beauty and the Beast.

We'll probably keep taking it easy, at least until teething subsides.

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Focus areas and time review

  • Business (4.8h – 2%)
    • Earn (4.8h – 100% of Business)
  • Relationships (1.9h – 1%)
  • Discretionary – Productive (4.8h – 2%)
    • Drawing (3.3h)
    • Emacs (1.3h)
  • Discretionary – Play (0.7h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (15.7h – 9%)
  • Unpaid work (11.1h – 6%)
  • A- (Childcare) (70.9h – 42% of total)
  • Sleep (58.0h – 34% – average of 8.3 per day)

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