Weekly review: Week ending September 7, 2017

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I said, “I love you.” A- launched herself at me for a big, sloppy kiss. Then she said, “Dada? Dada?” I said “You love Dada too.” Then she did the wait-minutes signs… Awww! She also misses the cats, if her meowing is anything to go by.

She also communicated something to the effect of “Baa can’t go to the toilet with a diaper on, you know. We should take it off first.”

A- now says “Uh oh” after dropping something.

I was doing quick squats with her for vestibular stimulation to cheer her up after the shower. She didn’t want me to put her diaper on, though. She squatted and did the more sign to ask me to whoosh her down again. I said, “Diaper first, then squat.” She squatted a few more times, looking at me. I said, “Diaper first, then squat.” Then she sat down and let me put her diaper on, whereupon I swooped her up and did those quick squats again.

She wanted to do the “Great Big Spider” song again today (and she wasn’t just doing it to get grapes). She clapped her hands together, and then she asked Lolo to clap his hands together and do all the gestures too.

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