2018-03-19 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Blogging with Emacs?
- Org mode files repository
- org-mode: How do you use certain features for task management?
- What are effective and sustainable techniques for handling multiple work projects in orgmode?
- Building an Org mode-compatible web app with human-friendly UI. Would you share your input? (x-post /r/emacs)
- Org Mode syntax highlighting in Atom (Reddit)
- sachachua: Making an 8-page 7″x4.25″ captioned photo book with Org Mode and LaTeX
- Marcin Borkowski: My Org-mode hydra
- Coding:
- Other:
- New packages:
- academic-phrases: Bypass that mental block when writing your papers.
- bolt-mode: Editing support for Bolt language
- flame: automatic generation of flamage, as if we needed more.
- grep-context: Increase context in compilation and grep buffers
- magit-org-todos: Add local todo items to the magit status buffer
- ob-clojurescript: org-babel functions for ClojureScript evaluation
- org-radiobutton: Radiobutton for org-mode lists.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.