Week ending 2018-06-01
| review, weekly- Fine motor
- A- carefully cut freeform spirals out of paper, turning the paper with one hand while cutting with the other. She also occasionally did a good job of following curves drawn on the paper, or cutting around drawings. She learned this from W-.
- Language
- “I did not caught the ball.”
- “Oh no, hair. That is from you.”
- I made a quick book about going to the hospital.
- “I don't know what that is.”
- Self-care
- Playing pretend dentist let me brush A-‘s teeth frequently.
- A- didn't want me to change her diaper, so I cheerfully changed Giraffe's diaper. Then she decided it was her turn.
- We went to Sick Kids for A-‘s dental surgery. Afterwards, we hung out with Popo and R-.
- A- was okay with drinking 1.5ml infant Tylenol diluted in two small glasses of smoothie.
- Household
- A- wanted to water the lawn with the hose.
- A- gently watered the seedlings.
- Social
- A- experimented with her excited voice and her normal voice.
- A- was okay with this week's babysitter, but she wasn't as engaged as she was with other ones. She was a little more attached to me, and she wanted to end the babysitting session half an hour early. She kept saying, “Bye bye Priscila. Priscila go home.”
- Pretend
- A- liked pretending that she was stuck under the laundry basket.
- Us
- W- built more planter boxes. He planted thyme and tarragon.
- I edited some text for my mom.
- J- made creamy pesto pasta bake and a warm shrimp salad.
- I realized that it's okay to enjoy this moment as it is, instead of thinking of it as preparation for something else.
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