Weekly review: Week ending March 22, 2019
| review, weekly- Kaizen
- W- had a pair of jeans that were a little too worn out to wear to the office, and he already had enough pairs for working around the house. I tried them on, and they fit much better than my other pairs of jeans. I hand-sewed patches under the holes (“Visible mending is in!”) and shortened them, keeping the original hem. I broke a serger needle trying to finish the shortened part, so I switched to pinking with scissors and zigzagging it with the sewing machine. Yay me!
- Us
- I started planning a possible trip to visit my sister and her family.
- Gross motor
- A- went all the way to the basement to fetch another 3 lb. weight so that we could both have one. “I’m doing curls,” she said.
- A- figured out how to jump and spin at the same time.
- Me: Do you have a “let’s go swimming” dance?
A-: No, not yet. I have to make it up first. - We went swimming. A- really liked it. She practised getting back into the pool, and she also liked dogpaddling around with a Puddle Jumper on. Afterwards, we went to the playground.
- Language
- In the car seat: “Why am I having no blanket? Silly Mama Pig.” (She was pretending to be a piglet that day.)
- “Come with me, boy.” (A- has been having fun calling W- “boy”.)
- A- asked clarifying questions about the words we used.
- A- was dawdling, so I asked, “Are you going to brush your teeth?” A- replied, “I am going to in a minute.”
- A- was interested in Tagalog books, and requested a few of them at bedtime.
- I told A-, “Watch out for the seeds.” She said, “I’m not watching out.”
- A-: I learned a Tagalog word today.
W-: Oh really? Which one?
A-: All of them.
W-: That’s great!
A-: That’s pretty good. - A- trying to wrangle a video out of W-: “What will you watch with me?”
- A- was getting frustrated by how I was doing something. She said, “Follow your instructions!”
- Music
- Another of A-‘s songs: “Once I had a cracker, a cracker, a cracker. It had peanut butter. it made me eat it, eat it, eat it, because it had another layer.”
- At music class, we did “Criss Cross Applesauce” on the kids’ backs two times. Then the teacher invited the kids to switch roles and do “Criss Cross Applesauce” on our backs. A- did!
- Self-care and independence
- A- pinched her finger near the hinge the tongs, slicing into her skin. Ouch! I put pressure on it to stop the bleeding, hugged her to help her calm down, and put a special bandage on it.
- “I want a diaper,” A- said. “You’re going to have to wait until Mama comes out,” W- said. “I’ll get it myself,” she said, stomping off cheerfully.
- A- actually let me spray her a bit with the shower head at the pool.
- A- switched to showers instead of baths, even at home.
- Emotion
- A- had a tantrum in the supermarket, probably because she was tired and hungry. She kept running a little ahead of me. Lots of sympathetic looks from other people. Eventually she calmed down enough to want to be picked up.
- Household
- While I napped, W-, J-, and two of J-‘s friends made wontons. A- even got to try making some. Yum!
- We all watched Jamie Oliver’s episode on salmon. When it finished, A- said, “Let’s go. I want to do it.”
- A- helped make tonkatsu. She breaded six cutlets with just a little help.
- Social
- A- saw K- drawing. A- said, “I can’t draw. I can only scribble.” She got paper, scribbled something, and gave it to K-, saying, “This is for you, K-!” In turn, K- offered to draw her something. A- asked for a cow drawing, and after that, she asked for a pig drawing.
- The drop-in centre we usually go to closed for a week for March Break. On the first day it reopened, it was amusing to see how everyone was glad to be back to the usual routines.
- A- had fun playing the “not allowed up the hill” game. She ran up the hill and looked at me expectantly. I put my hands on my hips and pretended to be stern, saying, “You’re not allowed up the hill!” She ran down the hill and gave me a hug. We repeated this quite a few times. I think she knows she’s definitely allowed up the hill, but this lets her play with boundary-crossing and reconciliation.
- After music class, we went to the museum with AO- and her grandma. Since her grandma couldn’t chase after AO-, we kept them company.
- We bought a bag of Harvest Snaps snacks after a while of not having them around. A- said, “I want you to write my name on it.” She remembered when we accidentally bought two bags, and we wrote her name on one and W-‘s and my name on the other.
- World
- “We live in Canada. That’s our flag.”
- A- was interested in sungka and pandanggo sa ilaw again.
- A- wanted to go to the Ontario Science Centre instead of to the drop-in centre. She was fascinated by the conveyor belt in the construction area, and spent a while turning the wheel in order to bring blocks up our down.
- While walking back from the playground, we saw someone tapping the maple trees for sap.
Blog posts
- Visual Book Notes: Between Parent and Child (2003)
- 2019-03-18 Emacs news
- Visual Book Notes: No-Drama Discipline (2014)
- Weekly review: Week ending March 15, 2019
- Weekly review: Week ending March 8, 2019
Category | The other week % | Last week % | Diff % | h/wk | Diff h/wk |
Discretionary – Productive | 0.5 | 5.9 | 5.4 | 8.8 | 9.1 |
Unpaid work | 4.5 | 5.5 | 1.0 | 8.1 | 1.6 |
Sleep | 34.9 | 35.7 | 0.9 | 52.8 | 1.5 |
Discretionary – Family | 5.0 | 4.9 | -0.1 | 7.3 | -0.2 |
A- | 40.8 | 40.6 | -0.2 | 59.9 | -0.4 |
Discretionary – Social | 1.2 | 0.0 | -1.2 | 0.0 | -1.9 |
Business | 1.5 | 0.0 | -1.5 | 0.0 | -2.5 |
Discretionary – Play | 3.2 | 1.2 | -2.0 | 1.7 | -3.4 |
Personal | 8.5 | 6.2 | -2.3 | 9.1 | -3.9 |
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