Weekly review: Week ending September 13, 2019

| review, weekly
  • Us
    • First day of the drop-off kindergarten readiness program. Another parent and I spent the two hours chatting about math, parenting, and other activities.
    • On the second day of the kindergarten readiness program, I went to the library and drafted the text for my Emacs presentation.
    • I used some drop-off time to catch up on email.
  • Gross motor
    • A- walked all the way home from the UPS store. We both got a bit hangry on the way, but she persisted, and I was able to stay patient because I remembered that my long-term goal is to encourage her independence.
    • A- had so much fun running ahead and then coming back whenever I blew my whistle.
  • Fine motor
    • A- liked tying bows on her shirt. She was even able to do them with rabbit ears.
  • Language
    • “Did you want steamed buns for lunch, sticky rice, or both?” “I want sticky buns.”
    • A- had a cold, so we spent most of the day reading.
    • A- and I talked about the things we like to do and what we want to get good at. A- said she likes writing.
    • We read lots of books at the library.
  • Self-care and independence
    • A- used a book to turn off the lights in her room.
    • A- did really well at her first day at the drop-off kindergarten readiness program! When I picked her up after two hours, she was happy.
    • After kindergarten readiness, A- asked, “Why did other kids not listen?” and “Why was one kid crying?” We talked a bit about the skills they’re working on. She said she’s good at listening to the teacher and that she enjoys playing at school.
    • A- used the bathroom independently at the EarlyON centre.
  • Household
    • A- practised using the mini vacuum.
  • Social
    • At kindergarten readiness, A- glued paper candles onto a paper birthday cake. They talked about age. For snack, they had cheese and crackers. At home, A- told us about circle time and how she did what other kids were doing.
    • At the drop-in centre, A- was interested in playing with the teacher. She made presents for the teacher and had fun giving her stuff.
    • A- helped sweep and tidy up at the drop-in centre. I like helping out with clean-up time because A- gets to see how we help with common spaces.
    • As we were getting ready for the kindergarten readiness program in the morning, A- said she didn’t want to go to school and that she wanted to stay with me. I explained that it takes some getting used to, but that she’ll eventually find it fun. We made it through the morning routine and to school on time, and she walked into the classroom after a big hug.
    • A- ran to the door because she wanted to give W- a goodbye hug.
    • A- wanted to wait for Daddy for her bedtime routine, even though she was a bit tired.
    • A bigger kid wanted to grab a toy that A- was playing with. I intervened by calmly holding on, but I might look for other ways to respond so that I can help A- learn how to deal with things herself.
    • We spent the afternoon hanging out with someone I know from the Emacs community who had flown in for the Toronto International Film Festival. A- asked lots of questions about stuff she saw around her, and we spent some time at the playground too. Maybe 10% grown-up small talk, 70% small kid small talk, and 20% independent play? Progress!
    • A- was curious about the can of sparkling water. She set out a tray with two small glasses and a bowl of peanuts. She tried talking W- into opening the can (“Would you like sparkling water?”), but he wasn’t interested in having it at that moment. J- didn’t like sparkling water either, but she acquiesced when A- asked. A- carefully poured equal amounts of sparkling water into the glasses. She drank a little of hers, and then proceeded to experiment by putting peanuts in.
  • Pretend
    • At the playground, A- pretended she was a piece of luggage going around the luggage carousel.
  • Cognition
    • A- can stack conversations. I asked A- if she knew what her sister’s name was. She didn’t know. I asked her if she knew what Daddy called her. She turned to W- and asked him. He said j-. She turned to me and said J-.
    • A- asked for a temporary tattoo. She counted to thirty during its transfer. She asked to have it removed during bathtime, so we used mineral oil.
  • World
    • We drafted the text for the kids’ book on microphthalmia, and I started sketching some art. I talked to A- about the different art styles in the kids’ books we read. She wants to paint with “messy paint” (tempera).
    • We went to the orientation for the kindergarten readiness program. It ended early, so we even made it to the first music class of the term. After music, we went to our favourite drop-in. Then we went to the playground, grocery store, and post office. What a busy day.
  • Other
    • A- got a bug bite that really bothered her.
  • Oops
    • Darn! I lost the backpack with the new lunch box. I probably left it on the bus. Anyway, I’ve been using it to help both of us learn more about looking behind us. A- wasn’t too bothered. She wants me to order another one of those lunchboxes, though.

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