2020-07-13 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news, geek- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- My org-mode agenda, much better now with category icons! (Reddit)
- org-roam-server-light: compatible org-roam-server written in python for better performance with large network graphs
- Converting all of my vimwiki to org-mode
- orgba: Better APIs for org mode (2018)
- nobiot/Zero-to-Emacs-and-Org-roam (Reddit)
- How I Tackle Projects With org-mode · The Art of Not Asking Why
- Inline arbitrary LaTeX snippets as PNGs in Emacs (•̀ᴗ•́)و (Reddit)
- Coding:
- Mail and news:
- Community:
- Network:
- Other:
- Getting fountain-mode in Emacs working with imenu-list-mode and writeroom-mode
- Lines of code in my Emacs packages | Random effect (Reddit)
- I wrote a small elisp package for keeping track of watched videos. Hope you find it useful. (Reddit)
- John Herrlin: Emacs, GnuPG and Pass
- session-manager.el — Support for the Gnome Session Manager
- How I use Emacs as a supplemental editor (Reddit)
- Eigenbahn: Emacs shell interpreter configuration
- Eigenbahn: Magically ressurect Emacs shell buffers
- Emacs Game Engine Sample Project (2020-07-13) – YouTube (0:19)
- Switch from Vim to Emacs in 20 minutes with evil-mode ! – YouTube (19:38)
- New packages:
- comby: Emacs comby integration
- erblint: An interface for checking HTML ERB files using Erblint
- evil-pinyin: Evil search Chinese characters by pinyin
- flymake-kondor: Linter with clj-kondo
- ivy-emms: Ivy interface to emms tracks
- lsp-sonarlint: Emacs Sonarlint lsp client
- most-used-words: Display most used words in buffer
- ob-latex-as-png: Org-babel functions for latex-as-png evaluation
- orgit-forge: Org links to Forge issue buffers
- prettier: Code formatting with Prettier
- pspp-mode: Major mode for editing PSPP files
- rainbow-fart: Checks the keywords of code to play suitable sounds
- transwin: Make window/frame transparent
- udev-mode: Major mode for editing udev rules files
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file and emacs-devel.
2020-07-15T18:35:41ZHey Sacha, I think emacs-news tag is missing for this post? I was wondering why my feed reader is not showing up newsletter of this week :D Really appreciate the efforts you put into this.
2020-07-16T02:54:23ZWhoops, thanks for letting me know! =)