Weekly review: Week ending July 24, 2020

| review, weekly
  • I watched some presentations from the Play First summit. I think some of the ideas might be a good fit for A-. I'd like to get better at supporting and building on her play.
  • We did lots of sensory and art exploration outside. That was lots of fun, and A- really liked painting with her feet.
  • I made PDFs to share with Lola during video chats. A- seemed to like that too. She asked me to make a PDF of Tagalog words using our cat pictures, so I made a book of opposites.
  • We dove into building lots of things with LEGO. Microscale tutorials are fun to work through together. We also made things up ourselves. A- liked the model of our kitchen.
  • I made a goblin mask for A-. She liked pretending with it. We swapped wearing the goblin mask when we played the monster player in LEGO Heroica. I wonder if I can get her interested in decorating masks.

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Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Sleep 29.0 31.6 2.6 53.1 4.4
A- 50.7 52.8 2.1 88.7 3.5
Business 0.4 1.2 0.8 2.0 1.3
Personal 3.9 4.3 0.4 7.2 0.7
Discretionary – Play 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5
Discretionary – Social 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Discretionary – Family 0.7 0.2 -0.6 0.3 -1.0
Unpaid work 4.4 2.1 -2.3 3.5 -3.8
Discretionary – Productive 10.9 7.6 -3.3 12.7 -5.6
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