2023-10-09 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- ELPA and Emacs Zine: ELPA and Emacs Zine (September 2023) - tree-sitter progress report, emacs-devel thread summary (Irreal)
- Upcoming events:
- EmacsConf - 2023 Talks (Reddit, Irreal)
- OrgMeetup (virtual) https://list.orgmode.org/87mswxi7mk.fsf@localhost/T/#u Wed Oct 11 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1800 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Oct 12 0000 Asia/Singapore
- Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri Oct 13 1800 Europe/Paris
- Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Fri Oct 13 1200 America/Vancouver - 1400 America/Chicago - 1500 America/Toronto - 1900 Etc/GMT - 2100 Europe/Berlin – Sat Oct 14 0030 Asia/Kolkata - 0300 Asia/Singapore
- Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sat Oct 14 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore
- Mastering Emacs book club https://susam.net/maze/meet/mastering-emacs/ Sun Oct 15 0200 America/Vancouver - 0400 America/Chicago - 0500 America/Toronto - 0900 Etc/GMT - 1100 Europe/Berlin - 1430 Asia/Kolkata - 1700 Asia/Singapore
- M-x Research (contact them for password): TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Wed Oct 18 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000 America/Chicago - 1100 America/Toronto - 1500 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2030 Asia/Kolkata - 2300 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- suggest.el: Use enumerative program synthesis to discover elisp functions that do what you want based on examples
- How to write tests in Emacs Lisp? | ert-deftest, should (02:15, Reddit)
- How to convert a filename into an absolute filename in Emacs Lisp? | expand-file-name (02:18)
- Do you know about default-directory variable in Emacs Lisp? (02:18)
- How to copy the content of a directory in Emacs Lisp? | copy-directory (02:19)
- How to change values in Emacs Lisp property lists? | plist-put (02:11)
- How to manipulate property lists in Emacs Lisp? plist-member, plist-get (02:12)
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- wrap-search.el: Wrapped, non-incremental search
- Adjusting Emacs to Shift with a New Project Organization Strategy // Take on Rules
- Protesilaos Stavrou: Emacs: Beframe has its own menu-bar-mode entry
- project-emacs–folding-mode: A folding-editor-like minor mode
- Emacs Goodies - #19 Scroll All Mode (03:03)
- Emacs package phi-search by zk-phi (07:23)
- Org Mode:
- My first post sharing my org agenda setup (Reddit)
- How I Wrote my Book in Emacs + Org (08:52)
- James Dyer: More Improvements To My Weight Loss Org Table
- Emacs | Giving Org Mode Some Character(s) 😈 (11:02)
- org-ol-tree: An Org mode outline window that does not use indirect buffers
- Org-capture via completing read instead of read-key (Reddit)
- org-clive: A simple and minimalistic Org-based static weblog generator
- Showcase of my org-agenda /break-mode integrated into my system bar. (communick.news)
- Sacha Chua: #EmacsConf backstage: looking at EmacsConf's growth over 5 years, and how to do pivot tables and graphs with Org Mode and the Python pandas library
- Org development:
- Denote:
- Completion:
- Coding:
- Amit Patel: Emacs and shellcheck (HN)
- nick4f42/hexl-note: Emacs library for annotations in hexl-mode. (kbin)
- Exporting Sqlite Query Results to CSV in Emacs
- junos-mode: Emacs major mode for JunOS configuration file
- inf-ruby: Create a REPL buffer connected to a Ruby subprocess
- fpga.el - FPGA & ASIC Utils for Emacs (Reddit)
- Andrey Listopadov: Compiling Clojure projects in Emacs - Jumping into dependencies
- Emacs stgit-mode Guide
- delta: A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, and grep output
- New package: git-cliff.el to generate and update changelog with git-cliff (Reddit)
- Emacs Magit Log Segregation 2023_10_08_04:15:55 (12:10)
- Mail, news, and chat:
- Introducing elfeed-curate | Bob on Medical Device Software (Reddit, communick.news, Irreal)
- Ryan Rix: A toolkit for Literate Programming roam:imapfilter configurations | Emacs noweb
- Release v0.13 · alphapapa/ement.el (Matrix client for Emacs) (Reddit)
- Sacha Chua: #EmacsConf backstage: reviewing the last message from a speaker
- Multimedia:
- Fun:
- Community:
- Other:
- Renaming files using dired, registers, regex, and macros (Irreal)
- Emacs Tip: How to rename a file while working on it in a buffer #coding #emacs (00:55)
- Release 0.4 of ekg: drafts, "magic tags", llms and file notes!
- Charles Choi: ICYMI: Emacs World Clock (Irreal)
- New package: cdsync - CalDAV support for Diary/Calendar (Reddit)
- package-build: Tools for assembling a package archive
- Alex Schroeder: Mysterious empty Copyright files appearing
- youdao-dictionary.el: Youdao Dictionary(有道词典) interface for Emacs
- How much support for old versions of Emacs should I provide?
- New package: vzi.el - Pipe data from emacs to the browser (and visualize it) (Reddit)
- The role of keyboard design in advanced shell programs
- Emacs development:
- New packages:
- aangit: Quickly scaffold new Angular apps with Aangit (MELPA)
- agenix: Decrypt and encrypt agenix secrets (MELPA)
- company-eask: Company backend for Eask-file (MELPA)
- derl: Erlang distribution protocol implementation (MELPA)
- form-feed-st: Display ^L glyphs as full-width horizontal lines (MELPA)
- git-cliff: Generate and update changelog using git-cliff (MELPA)
- halloweenie-theme: Dark and spooky Halloween color theme (MELPA)
- hush: Pluggable secret manager (auth-source alternative) (MELPA)
- latex-labeler: Simplify equation labeling in LaTeX (MELPA)
- nerd-icons-corfu: Icons for Corfu via nerd-icons (MELPA)
- prisma-ts-mode: Major mode for prisma using tree-sitter (MELPA)
- projection-multi-embark: Integration for `projection-multi' and `embark' (MELPA)
- pumpkin-spice-theme: Spice up your day with a delightful pumpkin colored theme (MELPA)
- test-cockpit: A command center to run tests of a software project (MELPA)
- wrap-search: wrapped, non-incremental search (GNU ELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Hacker News, communick.news, lobste.rs, kbin, programming.dev, lemmy, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.