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Moving my Org post subtree to the 11ty directory

| 11ty, org, emacs, blogging

I sometimes want to move the Org source for my blog posts to the same directory as the 11ty-exported HTML. This should make it easier to update and reexport blog posts in the future. The following code copies or moves the subtree to the 11ty export directory.

(defun my-org-11ty-copy-subtree (&optional do-cut)
  "Copy the subtree for the current post to the 11ty export directory.
With prefix arg, move the subtree."
  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg))
  (let* ((file-properties
            (lambda (el)
              (when (string-match "ELEVENTY" (org-element-property :key el))
                 (org-element-property :key el)
                 (org-element-property :value el)
                  (org-element-property :begin el)
                  (org-element-property :end el)))))))
         (entry-properties (org-entry-properties))
         (filename (expand-file-name
                     (assoc-default "EXPORT_ELEVENTY_FILE_NAME" entry-properties)
                     (car (assoc-default "ELEVENTY_BASE_DIR" file-properties))))))
    (unless (file-directory-p (file-name-directory filename))
      (make-directory (file-name-directory filename) t))
    ;; find the heading that sets the current EXPORT_ELEVENTY_FILE_NAME
     (org-find-property "EXPORT_ELEVENTY_FILE_NAME" (org-entry-get-with-inheritance "EXPORT_ELEVENTY_FILE_NAME")))
    (org-copy-subtree 1 (if do-cut 'cut))
    (with-temp-file filename
      (insert (or
               (mapconcat (lambda (file-prop) (elt file-prop 2))
    (find-file filename)
    (goto-char (point-min))))

Then this adds a link to it:

(defun my-org-export-filter-body-add-index-link (string backend info)
  (if (and
       (member backend '(11ty html))
       (plist-get info :file-name)
       (plist-get info :base-dir)
       (file-exists-p (expand-file-name
                        (plist-get info :file-name)
                        (plist-get info :base-dir)))))
      (concat string
              (format "<div><a href=\"\">View org source for this post</a></div>"
                      (plist-get info :permalink)))

(with-eval-after-load 'ox
  (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-body-functions #'my-org-export-filter-body-add-index-link))

Then I want to wrap the whole thing up in an export function:

(defun my-org-11ty-export (&optional async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)
  (let* ((info (org-11ty--get-info subtreep visible-only))
         (file (org-11ty--base-file-name subtreep visible-only)))
    (unless (string= (plist-get info :input-file)
                       (plist-get info :file-name)
                       (plist-get info :base-dir))))
    (org-11ty-export-to-11tydata-and-html async subtreep visible-only body-only ext-plist)

Now to figure out how to override the export menu. Totally messy hack!

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-11ty
  (map-put (caddr (org-export-backend-menu (org-export-get-backend '11ty)))
           ?o (list "To Org, 11tydata.json, HTML" 'my-org-11ty-export)))
View org source for this post
This is part of my Emacs configuration.

Compiling selected blog posts into HTML and EPUB so I can annotate them

| blogging, 11ty, nodejs, supernote

[2023-01-04 Wed] Added a screenshot showing annotation.

I was thinking about how to prepare for my next 10-year review, since I'll turn 40 this year. I've been writing yearly reviews with some regularity and monthly reviews sporadically, and I figured it would be nice to have those posts in an EPUB so that I can read them on my e-reader and annotate them as I do my review.

I use the 11ty static site generator to publish my blog as HTML files, since I currently can't keep more than Emacs Lisp, Javascript, and Python in my brain. (No Hugo or Jekyll for me at the moment.) I briefly thought about getting 11ty to create that archive for me, but I realized it might be easier to just write it as an external script instead of trying to figure out how to get 11ty to export one thing conditionally.

One of the things I've configured 11ty to make is a JSON file that includes all of my posts with dates, titles, permalinks, and categories. It was easy to then parse this list and filter it to get the posts I wanted. I parsed the HTML out of the _site directory that 11ty produces instead of fetching the pages from my webserver. I got the images from my webserver, though, and I made a local cache and rewrote the URLs. That way, the EPUB conversion could include the images.

Download blog.js

const blog = require('/home/sacha/proj/static-blog/_site/blog/all/index.json');
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const base = '/home/sacha/proj/static-blog/_site';
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

function slugify(p) {
  return p.permalink.replace('/blog', 'post-').replace(/\//g, '-');

async function processPost(p) {
  console.log('Processing '+ p.permalink);
  let $ = cheerio.load(fs.readFileSync(base + p.permalink + 'index.html'));
  let images = $('article img');
  await Promise.all(, e) => {
    let url = $(e).attr('src');
    const outputFileName = 'images/' + path.basename(url).replace(/ |%20|%23/g, '-');
    $(e).attr('src', outputFileName);
    $(e).attr('style', 'max-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; ' + ($(e).attr('style') || ''));
    $(e).attr('srcset', null);
    $(e).attr('sizes', null);
    $(e).attr('width', null);
    $(e).attr('height', null);
    if (!fs.existsSync(outputFileName)) {
      console.log('fetch', outputFileName);
      return fetch(url).then(res => res.arrayBuffer()).then(data => {
        const buffer = Buffer.from(data);
        return fs.createWriteStream(outputFileName).write(buffer);
    } else {
      console.log(outputFileName, 'exists');
      return null;
  console.log('Done ' + p.permalink);
  let slug = slugify(p);
  $('article h2').attr('id', slug);
  let header = $('article header').html();
  let entry = $('article .entry').html();
  return `<article>${header}${entry}</article>`;

let last10 = blog.filter((p) => >= '2013-08-01');
let posts = last10.filter((p) => p.categories.indexOf('yearly') >= 0)
    .concat(blog.filter((p) => p.title == 'Turning 30: A review of the last decade'))
    .concat(last10.filter((p) => p.categories.indexOf('monthly') >= 0));

let toc = '<h1>Table of Contents</h1><ul>' + => {
  return `<li><a href="#${slugify(p)}">${p.title}</a></li>\n`;
}).join('') + '</ul>';

let content = posts.reduce(async (prev, val) => {
    return await prev + await processPost(val);
  }, '');
content.then((data) => {


This created an archive.html with my posts, using the images/ directory for the images. Then I used my shell script for converting and copying files to convert it to EPUB and copy it over.

On the SuperNote, I can highlight text by drawing square brackets around it. If I tap that text, I can write or draw underneath it. Here's what that looks like:

Figure 1: Writing an annotation

These notes are collected into a "Digest" view, and I can export things from there. (Example: archive.pdf)

Figure 2: Here's what that digest is like when exported.

(Hmm, maybe I should ask them about hiding the pencil icon…)

Anyway, I think that might be a good starting point for my review.

Using the wgrep package in Emacs to rewrite grep results from lots of files

| 11ty, emacs

acdw let me know that my Emacs News links to didn't work for him in Firefox on Linux, but that changing the links to would make them work. I was glad that I had migrated my blog from Wordpress to the 11ty static site generator. All my blog posts were HTML files, and I could just whiz through them all.

In the past, I might have used find-dired or find-grep-dired to get a list of files. Then I would record a keyboard macro to open a file, search and replace the text, save the buffer, and then kill the buffer, and I would just repeat this macro until an error occurred.

Some time ago, I learned about using Q (dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace) in Dired to replace regular expressions in marked files, using Y to accept all the replacements. That would then let me use C-x s (save-some-buffers) to save all the modified buffers with !. The bufler package is handy for closing a whole bunch of buffers of a certain type, although ibuffer or helm can handle that too.

Emacs being Emacs, there's an even better way to do it. I used M-x grep to find the lines to change, the wgrep package to make the results editable, and M-x replace-string to change things. A quick C-c C-e (wgrep-finish-edit) later, and I was able to change 5485 matching lines in 302 files.

It's so nice being able to deal with things in plain text. Yay for Emacs! There's always something more to learn.

Started learning how to interactively debug Javascript in Emacs with Indium

| 11ty, emacs, coding

I noticed something strange in my static blog: my blogging category page didn't list my post on statically generating my blog with Eleventy. Now it does, of course, since I fixed it. But it didn't, and that was weird. I tried using console.log to debug it, but it was annoying to try to figure out the right thing to print out in a long list of nested objects. Besides, console.log debugging is so… last century.

Since these tips for debugging in 11ty mentioned interactively debugging things in VS Code, I decided it was a good time to learn how to use Indium, a Javascript development environment for Emacs.

(use-package indium :hook ((js2-mode . indium-interaction-mode)))

After some trial and error, this was the .indium.json file that allowed me to use M-x indium-launch to start the Eleventy process.

  "configurations": [
      "name": "11ty",
      "type": "node",
      "program": "node",
      "args": "./node_modules/.bin/eleventy"

I originally had "inspect-brk": true in it as well, following the suggested configuration, but I found it easier to just set breakpoints in my files using indium-add-breakpoint (C-c b b, a keybinding set up by indium-interaction-mode in my js2-mode-hook).

Conditional breakpoints didn't seem to work, so I just put my logic in an if and set my breakpoint in there.

  categories.forEach((item) => {
    if (item.slug == 'blogging') {
      let post = data.collections._posts.find(o => o.inputPath.match(/statically-generating-my-blog-with-eleventy/));

When I set my breakpoint on the let post... line and ran M-x indium-launch, I got an interactive debugger at that breakpoint. I could also switch to the REPL console and type stuff. Yay!

As it turned out, the post I wanted wasn't showing up in the list of posts. It was because I had used eleventyConfig.setTemplateFormats and forgotten to include md for Markdown files. Once I figured out what was going on, it was easy to fix. This is what the debugger looks like. It adds values to the ends of lines, and you can evaluate things.


I'm looking forward to learning more about using Indium to debug scripts running in Node or Chrome. Slowly, slowly having some focused time to sharpen the saw!

If you use Emacs for Javascript development and you're curious about Indium, you can check out the documentation.