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Weekly review: Week ending December 24, 2021

| review, weekly
  • EmacsConf:
    • I uploaded the answer videos that actually compressed to smaller files.
    • I tagged some talks on the EmacsConf wiki.
  • Emacs:
    • I wrote some code to make it easier to write about sketches.
    • I updated compile-media to handle temporary files, and I changed subed-record to use it.
    • I tried lachesis for splitting text into subtitles, but I couldn't get it to make a model and the repository didn't have prebuilt models. I made a tiny minor mode that let me use my tablet stylus to split lines, which worked out really well. I tinkered with my workflow for generating videos.
    • I added other output formats to waveform so that I could get timestamps as seconds.
    • I wrote functions to insert a blog post URL or link.
  • Cubing:
    • It looks like I'm averaging a little less than a minute on the 3x3 Rubik's cube now (Ao5: 57.01), so I upgraded to a DaYan TengYun V2 M. Feels nice.
    • I learned how to solve a Megaminx. Now I can do the beginner's method mostly without a guide!
    • We built a LEGO Mindstorms robot that could solve a Rubik's cube by following the instructions on A- enjoyed racing against it.
  • Other:
    • I cleared some backlog and then declared email bankruptcy, which was actually pretty reasonable. If there was anything super-important, someone would have contacted me again. I'm getting better at not worrying about missing out.
    • I experimented with recording a screencast, but decided that the audio was too disorganized. Maybe when I have a way of easily shuffling things around…
    • I wrote a script to toggle recording with a keyboard shortcut.
    • I automated adding my IP address to the IP-based protection.

Blog posts

Look at that! Lots more writing!


Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Business 0.0 3.3 3.3 5.5 5.5
Discretionary - Social 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8
Discretionary - Play 0.5 0.8 0.4 1.4 0.6
Discretionary - Productive 12.5 12.6 0.1 21.1 0.1
Discretionary - Family 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sleep 31.4 31.1 -0.3 52.3 -0.5
Personal 9.9 9.5 -0.4 16.0 -0.6
Unpaid work 5.5 4.6 -0.9 7.7 -1.5
A- 40.2 37.6 -2.6 63.2 -4.4

Weekly review: Week ending December 17, 2021

| review, weekly
  • Writing:
    • I dusted off my workflow for including sketches in my blog posts. I also figured out how to sort my 11ty blog posts by time. I just needed iso8601-formatted times in my date field.
    • I experimented with recording a quick sketch explanation on my phone and then using the autogenerated transcript as the basis for a blog post. Recording took about 2 minutes, with some more time for editing. Not too bad, especially if I improve my workflow for editing autorecognized text.
    • I made an ikiwiki template for chapter markers.
    • I reflected on computer upgrade possibilities and decided to stick with the status quo.
    • I reflected on Emacs community maintenance.
  • Coding:
    • I wrote a home automation script to turn off lights and restore motion-sensor automations.
    • I installed aeneas on the VPS and experimented with using it to align my text with an audio file. Its times seem to agree with Google Recorder's timestamps. I wonder if I can use this (possibly with lachesis) to simplify video creation and captioning.
    • I started working on derived modes for subed.el.
  • Parenting:
    • We rebuilt the ball pump GBC module.
    • We cleared our book backlog at the library and borrowed a whole bunch more books. A- liked the Sir Cumference series and the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess series.

Blog posts


Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Personal 7.7 9.9 2.2 16.6 3.7
A- 39.2 40.2 1.1 67.6 1.8
Unpaid work 5.3 5.5 0.2 9.3 0.4
Sleep 31.8 31.4 -0.3 52.8 -0.6
Business 0.7 0.0 -0.7 0.0 -1.1
Discretionary - Play 1.1 0.5 -0.6 0.8 -1.1
Discretionary - Productive 14.3 12.5 -1.9 20.9 -3.1

Weekly review: Week ending October 15, 2021

| review, weekly
  • I practiced on the 3x3 cube. My time is now around 2-3 minutes.
  • I worked on my EmacsConf talk a little more.

Blog posts

Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Sleep 32.7 37.6 5.0 63.2 8.3
A- 39.5 42.5 3.1 71.5 5.1
Unpaid work 5.3 7.1 1.8 11.9 3.0
Discretionary - Family 0.0 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8
Discretionary - Play 1.3 1.4 0.1 2.4 0.2
Business 0.8 0.2 -0.6 0.3 -1.0
Discretionary - Social 0.6 0.0 -0.6 0.0 -1.0
Personal 8.7 6.5 -2.2 10.9 -3.7
Discretionary - Productive 11.1 3.6 -7.6 6.0 -12.7

Weekly review: Week ending October 8, 2021

| review, weekly
  • I sewed placemats from the new fabric.
  • W- moved the hot water valve.
  • W- set up a wire shelf and moved the bookshelf to A-'s room.
  • We stayed up playing with the 2-cube.
  • I got the hang of solving the 3x3 cube without referring to a guide. Now to build up speed and learn more patterns…
  • I uploaded the EmacsConf 2021 talk pages.

Blog posts

Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Discretionary - Productive 5.5 11.1 5.6 18.7 9.5
Unpaid work 3.7 5.3 1.6 8.9 2.7
A- 38.2 39.5 1.3 66.3 2.1
Discretionary - Social 0.0 0.6 0.6 1.0 1.0
Business 1.3 0.8 -0.6 1.3 -0.9
Discretionary - Play 1.9 1.3 -0.6 2.2 -1.0
Personal 11.2 8.7 -2.5 14.7 -4.1
Sleep 38.1 32.7 -5.4 54.9 -9.2

Weekly review: Week ending October 1, 2021

| review, weekly
  • I sewed wedge-shaped placemats for the new round table.
  • I added a few fabric stores to my Org Mode shopping tool.
  • I drafted the schedule for EmacsConf 2021, taking speaker availability into account.
  • We got our hot water tank replaced.

Blog posts

Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Personal 4.7 11.2 6.5 18.8 11.0
Discretionary - Play 0.6 1.9 1.3 3.2 2.2
Sleep 37.1 38.1 1.0 64.0 1.7
Business 1.2 1.3 0.2 2.2 0.3
Discretionary - Productive 5.6 5.5 -0.1 9.3 -0.2
Unpaid work 6.5 3.7 -2.8 6.3 -4.7
A- 44.4 38.2 -6.2 64.2 -10.3

Weekly review: Week ending September 24, 2021

| review, weekly
  • I updated my notes on A-'s progress.
  • I dusted off the Hugo site I made for A-'s learning resources and added a few videos to it.
  • I made yogurt with milk and cream. A- liked the texture.
  • I made a typing drill using Tsuki Adventure diary entries.
  • I sewed three patches onto my new jeans, since I accidentally ordered distressed ones.
  • I washed the pots so that I can use them for next year's garden.

Blog posts

Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Discretionary - Productive 3.0 5.6 2.6 9.4 4.4
Unpaid work 4.8 6.5 1.7 11.0 2.9
Sleep 36.6 37.1 0.5 62.3 0.8
Discretionary - Play 0.6 0.6 -0.0 1.0 -0.0
A- 45.6 44.4 -1.2 74.6 -2.1
Personal 6.4 4.7 -1.7 7.8 -2.9
Business 3.0 1.2 -1.8 2.0 -3.0

Weekly review: Week ending September 17, 2021

| review, weekly
  • I wrote some Emacs Lisp to scrape the details from product pages I'd saved to Org so that I could review my options in one place.
  • We made zucchini-chocolate chip muffins with the rehydrated zucchini.
  • My Bricklink order arrived. A- helped me verify the pieces.
  • A- helped spread compost, top soil, and clover seeds on the grass.
  • We watched a squirrel go back and forth to get all the acorns we left in a cup on the deck. It hesitated when the cats came to watch it behind the glass door, but eventually worked up its courage and got the rest of the acorns.

Blog posts

Category The other week % Last week % Diff % h/wk Diff h/wk
Sleep 30.9 36.6 5.8 61.5 9.7
Personal 5.4 6.4 1.0 10.7 1.7
Unpaid work 4.2 4.8 0.6 8.1 1.0
Discretionary - Productive 3.9 3.0 -0.9 5.0 -1.5
Business 4.4 3.0 -1.4 5.0 -2.3
Discretionary - Play 2.9 0.6 -2.3 1.0 -3.9
A- 48.4 45.6 -2.7 76.6 -4.6