Working on getting better at calendars

Posted: - Modified: | geek, kaizen

Calendars are among my weaknesses. I’ve had scheduling conflicts. I’ve missed appointments. I’ve plumb forgotten about stuff. Fortunately, people tend to be forgiving, like the way I don’t stress out over other people’s calendar mishaps. Things like this happen.

I’m working on ways to get better, because calendar problems can get in the way of awesomeness. I’m learning to slow down when it comes to anything that involves calendars, although I sometimes still forget. Because I sometimes miss reminders from Google Calendar on my phone, I’ve installed Calendar Snooze, an app that repeats the reminders at configurable intervals. Important events get put on both my business calendar and my personal calendar.

Maybe I should develop the habit of checking my calendar every hour to keep track of where I am in the day, especially when I’m using other people’s computers. I’ve added a Tasker hourly chime that also opens my calendar. We’ll see how well that works.

One of the reasons why I sometimes miss reminders is that I forget to take my cellphone out of silent or low-volume mode. I’ve now configured Tasker to set my phone on silent when I place it face down on a surface, and to restore it back to full volume when I pick it up again. I’m still looking for a good app that can make it easier to come back from silent mode during time-based events, like watching a movie. In any case, I have another Tasker task that resets the volume in the morning.

Slow and steady improvement!

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