Weekly review: Week ending December 21, 2012
| weeklyQuite a week indeed! Hosting people for tea, going to two dinners with friends, preparing for hosting W-‘s family…
Doing lots of sales and marketing, too. I figured out a name for my company: Experivis! =) (Story) I’ll keep working on the site and the other sales/marketing materials after the break.
From last week’s plans
CD – could delegate?; PD – partly delegated!
Earn: E1: Check in on E1 and theme[X]
Earn: Review I2 sketches- Earn: Sent v3 of I2 sketches
Earn: Follow up on Hardlines (CD)- [P] Earn: Send Hardlines invoice – waiting for them to get back to me (CD)
Build: Try including Criselda in weekly review sessions – next delegation goal: data entry[X]
Build: Share marketing resources with Tipera[X]
Connect: Have lunch with Karim (Third Ocean)[X]
Connect: Get together with Rafael and Adnan regarding their startup idea- [C] Connect: Sketchnote ENT101 – none until January
Connect: Connect with other sketchnoters / graphic recorders/facilitators[X]
Build: Experiment with using mornings for coding – yay!- Connect: Shared sketchnoting tips with Tamara (CD – writer/artist?)
- Connect: Reached out to HRPA on Twitter, got a retweet
- Build: Requested review copy of Visual Leaders (CD – writer)
- Build: Worked on marketing copy oriented towards conference organizers, with help from Tipera (PD)
- Build: Created website for Experivis (CD – WordPress)
- Build: Set up galleries on Experivis (CD – WordPress)
- Build: Wrote bios for Experivis (CD – writer)
- Build: Improved templates for main site (CD – WordPress)
- Build: Reviewed copy and layout for leave-behind marketing material (PD)
- Build: Redirected subdomains to pages on my main blog (CD – WordPress)
- Build: Documented process for requesting review copies
- Build: Balanced my business books (CD – bookkeeper; 8 minutes)
Host get-together[X]
Have dinner with Rachel Lane and friends[X]
Have dinner with David Ing and friends[X]
Attend krav fitness class – survived, yay![X]
Spend time with W-- Help prepare for family party
Write more personal stories- Quantified Awesome: Added split-by-midnight option (CD – Rails)
- Quantified Awesome: Crunched my time data (CD – analytics)
- Updated financial tracking spreadsheet
- Updated ledger and broke down credit card transactions into separate monthly categories for easier doublechecking
Plans for next week
[ ]
Take a break! =)
[ ]
Host get-together for W-‘s family
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Have massage[ ]
Review year[ ]
Choose blog highlights[ ]
Analyze blog following this pattern
Time review
- Business: 37.5 hours (Connect: 13.6, Drawing: 0.8, Illustration: 1.9, Coding: 4.5)
- Discretionary: 30.0 hours (Social: 12.6, Writing: 8.9)
- Personal: 21.7 hours (Routines: 14.3)
- Sleep: 62.3 hours – average of 8.9 hours per day
- Unpaid work: 16.5 hours (Commuting: 5.2, Cook: 2.8, Tidy: 6.8)
Blog posts
My favourite post from this week was #4, because I spent more time thinking about the sales and marketing for my business. Runner-up: #5 (my time analysis) because I crunched lots of numbers and learned a little more about how I use time.
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