Monthly review: August 2013
Posted: - Modified: | monthly, reviewLast month, I wrote:
Anyway, the rest of August will be about planning ahead, and also
squeezing the most out of this wonderful span of discretionary time.
It was great to take a month off to experiment with Proper Retirement. A contiguous block of time is qualitatively different from the same time interrupted by other commitments. I learned a lot about writing and drawing, and I can’t wait to dig into both of those skills more. In particular, outlining made a big difference in how I can structure my notes so that I can flesh them out over time. I made a lot of sketchnote lessons as a way to teach other people (and myself), too.
Also, I turned 30! =) I ended up going into introvert mode all month, which was quite restful, so I didn’t have any parties aside from the Skype party that my friends and my parents threw for me. =) That was awesome.
I’m back to consulting on Tuesdays and Thursdays in September, with Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for my experiment with semi-retirement. Let’s see if I can keep the momentum!
- Drawing and visual thinking
- Sketchnote Lessons: Banners and ribbons
- Sketchnote Lessons: Quick Lettering
- Sketchnote Lessons: Arrows and Connectors
- Sketchnote Lessons: Speech bubbles and thought clouds
- My evolution as an “artist”, or why there’s hope for you yet
- Sketchnote: Fun With Dead Languages: Damian Conway
- Learning how to work with stock photos: Can you help me?
- Working around the limits of digital sketchnoting
- Resources for getting started with sketchnoting
- Writing
- 5-year experiment
- Life
- Geekery
- Quantified Awesome: Analyzing my non-fiction reading, and why I don’t mind paying taxes
- Thinking about how I can use Evernote more effectively
- Thinking about how to type faster than 110wpm
- Emacs: How I organize my Org files
- Helping someone get started with Emacs and Org Mode through Org2Blog and LaTeX; troubleshooting steps
- Reviews
- Weekly review: Week ending August 2, 2013
- Weekly review: Week ending August 9, 2013
- Weekly review: Week ending August 16, 2013
- Weekly review: Week ending August 23, 2013
- Emacs, link roundup, books, and more – Weekly review: Week ending August 30, 2013
- Monthly review: July 2013
- Year in review: Life as a 29-year-old
- Turning 30: A review of the last decade