Weekly review: Week ending October 11, 2013
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyLast week, I focused on building a daily drawing habit. Working well!
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending October 4, 2013
- Gardening review: 2013
- Thinking out loud about how to help other sketchnoters go professional and how to help people get their ideas sketched
- Cheat uncertainty by sweetening the potential outcomes
- Test what you know by sharing
- Drawing practice: Daily drawing
- Monthly review: September 2013
Quick notes
- Last weekend cooking: Saturday – carrot soup; Sunday – shepherd’s pie, black bean tofu, quiche
- The trick to non-overflowing quiche: cook your solid ingredients, then mix the eggs and cream depending on the volume you have left
- This weekend: vegetable stew, pumpkin pie, egg tarts
- See sketches.sachachua.com for recent public sketches. Eventually I’ll fold them into the weekly review process as well…
Link round-up
- Cheaper and Healthier Than Store-Bought: 10 Great Freeze-Ahead Burrito Recipes – We mostly use rice in our home-made frozen meals, but burritos might be interesting for variety.
- Start Small: Why Tinkerers Get Things Done – Non-intimidating way to get started (Hat-tip: Lifehacker)
- Simple can be difficult – This links to a text editor limited to the most common words in English. Interesting challenge. I wonder if someone’s written an Emacs mode to do that…
- Working More Slowly: Patching Leaky Motivation – David Seah’s adventures continue. Me, I’m experimenting with daily drawing and a weekly focus. That seems to be working out. I did a similar analysis of , too. Good to know what energizes you and what drains you, and what the activation thresholds are.
- Latin LOLCat: Writing – Crescit scribendo scribendi studium. – “A zeal for writing grows by writing.” So true!
- Trackthisforme Tracks Anything You Want – Ooh, pretty graphs.
- How Big is your Circle of Control? – I keep my circle of concern pretty small. Not much point in griping about things I can’t affect, like the weather. I’m working on expanding my circle of control, focusing on what I can do.
Focus areas and time review
This week, I’m going to focus on tidying. I want to clear more space in the house and organize things better so that I can more efficiently store and find things.
- Business (46.9h – 27%)
- Earn (22.1h – 47% of Business)
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday half-day[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Wednesday half-day
- Build (20.5h – 43% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
[ ]
Fix token authentication and quantified.el – Vedat
- Drawing (13.6h)
Break ten sketchnotes down into components and file them[ ]
Break another ten sketchnotes down into components and file them
- Paperwork (6.2h)
[ ]
Pick up paper T2 from Enterprise Toronto in City Hall
- Quantified Awesome (0.0h)
- Connect (4.3h – 9% of Business)
- Earn (22.1h – 47% of Business)
- Relationships (5.6h – 3%)
[ ]
Celebrate Thanksgiving with W-‘s family[ ]
Check on passport[ ]
Talk to Young Urban Farmers regarding garden
- Discretionary – Productive (6.8h – 4%)
Bring my ledger up to date with regard to equities[ ]
Rescan black sketchbook- Writing (3.2h)
- Discretionary – Play (9.8h – 5%)
- Personal routines (20.2h – 12%)
- Unpaid work (17.2h – 10%)
- Sleep (62.5h – 37% – average of 8.9 per day)
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