A no-excuses guide to blogging
Posted: - Modified: | blogging, sharing, writingUPDATE 2014-02-05: Download the PDF/EPUB/MOBI: A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging (free, pay what you want)
What's getting in your way when it comes to writing?
Here are even more excuses, and some tips for dealing with them. =)
- Excuse: “I don't know what to write about.”
- Write about what you don't know.
- Pay attention to what you're learning.
- Figure out what you think.
- Ask for feedback.
- Deal with writer's block
- Find tons of topics
- Excuse: “There's so much I can't write about.”
- Focus on what you can't help but sharing.
- Excuse: “But I'm not an expert yet!”
- Share while you learn
- Excuse: “I don't want to be wrong.”
- Test what you know by sharing
- Excuse: “I feel so scattered and distracted.”
- Don't worry about your strategy
- It's okay to write about different things
- Plan, organize, write, improve
- Excuse: “I have all these ideas, but I never finish posts…”
- Turn your ideas into small questions, then answer those.
- Excuse: “I don't feel like I'm making progress towards my goals.”
- Be clear about your goals and possible approaches.
- Excuse: “It takes too much time to write.”
- Make sharing part of the way you work.
- Excuse: “I'm too tired to write.”
- Figure out what you can write better when you're tired.
- Excuse: “No one's going to read it anyway.”
- Focus on selfish benefits.
- Get other people to read your posts.
See also other tips for new bloggers, and other posts related to blogging and writing. (Plus this list of WordPress plugins I use, if you're curious about tech!)
Feel free to comment or email with more excuses and tips!
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.