Monthly review: January 2014

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January – back in Canada after December's trip. Lots of reflection on how I want the next few years to go. I'm writing this halfway through February, which is shaping up to be a month of packaging and delegation. Learning lots. =)


  1. 2014-01-01 Shoes
  2. 2014-01-01 Routines I put away for the trip and which ones I want to put back
  3. 2014-01-01 More thoughts on delegation
  4. 2014-01-01 How can I simplify life further
  5. 2014-01-01 Cats
  6. 2014-01-01 2013 in review #review #yearly
  7. 2014-01-02 What would it take to make colour part of my workflow
  8. 2014-01-02 Making things happen
  9. 2014-01-02 Google Helpouts - Imagining an ideal session
  10. 2014-01-02 Google Helpouts - 15 minutes or longer
  11. 2014-01-03 What are my current learning areas
  12. 2014-01-03 Staying on the time-tracking wagon
  13. 2014-01-03 Learning in spirals
  14. 2014-01-03 Exploring colours
  15. 2014-01-03 Easy ways to track time
  16. 2014-01-05 How do I use my time
  17. 2014-01-05 How can we improve our cooking
  18. 2014-01-05 How can I learn to bring people together
  19. 2014-01-05 How can I keep better track of experiments to try
  20. 2014-01-05 Asking myself better questions
  21. 2014-01-06 Why am I happier with selling my time at $5 for 15min vs 200+ per hour
  22. 2014-01-06 Transforming timestamps and dates
  23. 2014-01-06 Tracking time with Org mode
  24. 2014-01-06 Time-tracking and multi-tasking
  25. 2014-01-06 Learning how to think in sentences
  26. 2014-01-06 Learn how you learn
  27. 2014-01-06 Extrapolating my futures
  28. 2014-01-06 Canadian winter tips
  29. 2014-01-06 Building a reputation as a speaker
  30. 2014-01-07 Map for learning Org Mode for Emacs
  31. 2014-01-08 Sharing what you're learning
  32. 2014-01-08 Dealing with impostor syndrome
  33. 2014-01-09 What do I find challenging with podcasting
  34. 2014-01-09 Tips for organizing your Org-mode files
  35. 2014-01-09 Organizing my sketches into collections
  36. 2014-01-09 Building a review habit
  37. 2014-01-09 Blog ideas
  38. 2014-01-09 Ambition
  39. 2014-01-10 Post-production notes - HHO5 Make Your Listing Better
  40. 2014-01-10 Helpers Help Out 05 - Make Your Listing Better
  41. 2014-01-12 Being my own client part 4 - buying back time
  42. 2014-01-12 Being my own client part 3 - Emacs, blog
  43. 2014-01-12 Being my own client part 2 - Projects
  44. 2014-01-12 Being my own client - part 1 of 4
  45. 2014-01-13 What kind of a good life do I want
  46. 2014-01-13 Stuff I've tracked
  47. 2014-01-14 Ways to increase my delegation-fu
  48. 2014-01-14 Reflecting on semi-retirement
  49. 2014-01-14 Increasing my delta - part 2
  50. 2014-01-15 Where I am and where I want to be
  51. 2014-01-15 What's my 20 percent - Where are my moments of truth
  52. 2014-01-15 Thoughts on getting paid vs giving things away
  53. 2014-01-15 The balance that works for me
  54. 2014-01-15 Paying myself first with time
  55. 2014-01-15 My why, goals, and vision
  56. 2014-01-15 My current strategies for personal and professional growth
  57. 2014-01-15 How do I feel about interactive sketchnotes
  58. 2014-01-15 How I free up time
  59. 2014-01-15 Google Helpouts - Would I consider setting aside more time
  60. 2014-01-15 Getting started with professional sketchnoting
  61. 2014-01-15 General questions for coaches, role models, and mentors
  62. 2014-01-17 Thinking about delegation goals
  63. 2014-01-17 Planning my post-podcast process
  64. 2014-01-17 Mapping a strategy for outsourcing podcast work
  65. 2014-01-17 How can I hack podcasting
  66. 2014-01-17 How can I assign 30 hours of work a week
  67. 2014-01-18 Reflecting on the Helpouts experiment so far
  68. 2014-01-20 What do I want to be more intentional about learning
  69. 2014-01-20 If I were a master of delegation
  70. 2014-01-20 How could I get more out of my sharing v2
  71. 2014-01-21 Understanding more about how I learn and share
  72. 2014-01-21 Breadth and depth in reading
  73. 2014-01-22 Work and its place in my life
  74. 2014-01-22 What kinds of books suit me well
  75. 2014-01-22 What do I look for when I read - What are my goals
  76. 2014-01-22 Then what is blogging's place in my life
  77. 2014-01-22 Taking a closer look at the impostor syndrome
  78. 2014-01-22 Recognizing potential fears
  79. 2014-01-22 Quantified Self Toronto - Sugar, Black Box, Photo Metadata, QS Sandbox, Data Theatre
  80. 2014-01-22 Mapping what I'm learning - update
  81. 2014-01-23 What's challenging or different about self-directed learning
  82. 2014-01-23 Mapping a path to understanding Stoicism
  83. 2014-01-23 Exploring negative feelings
  84. 2014-01-24 Why are we so attached to deadlines
  85. 2014-01-24 Which parts of my writing process have I thought a lot about
  86. 2014-01-24 What do I look for in blog posts
  87. 2014-01-24 Not about swapping one master for another
  88. 2014-01-24 How can I do work that's more useful to myself and others
  89. 2014-01-24 Being my own editor
  90. 2014-01-24 A path toward learning from people
  91. 2014-01-24 A path toward improving my writing and sharing
  92. 2014-01-24 A conversation about writing
  93. 2014-01-27 Self-directed learning flow
  94. 2014-01-27 More thoughts on drawing on paper versus computer
  95. 2014-01-27 How can I improve my book-reading workflow
  96. 2014-01-27 How can I improve my animation workflow
  97. 2014-01-27 Finding tasks to delegate #delegation
  98. 2014-01-27 Current curiosities
  99. 2014-01-28 What do I get out of delegation #delegation
  100. 2014-01-28 Understanding coaching in my life
  101. 2014-01-28 Translating my curiosity into actions and experiments TODO
  102. 2014-01-28 Reflective learning
  103. 2014-01-28 Moving past learning
  104. 2014-01-28 Helpers Help Out plans
  105. 2014-01-28 Delegation and helping people learn #delegation
  106. 2014-01-28 Delegation and helping people build their skills
  107. 2014-01-28 Book - Decode and Conquer - Lewis Lin
  108. 2014-01-29 Translating what I learn
  109. 2014-01-29 Spice combinations
  110. 2014-01-29 Reflecting on visual book notes
  111. 2014-01-29 Calibrating the right level of reach or obscurity
  112. 2014-01-29 Building people's capacities
  113. 2014-01-30 Time to upgrade our Internet plan
  114. 2014-01-30 Thinking about my path to packaging and publishing
  115. 2014-01-30 Small steps towards publishing
  116. 2014-01-30 Publishing - what's in my way, and how do I get past it
  117. 2014-01-30 On packaging and publishing
  118. 2014-01-30 Inspiring people to learn Emacs
  119. 2014-01-30 Confederates
  120. 2014-01-31 Getting good ideas out of your head - a path to publishing

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