Monthly review: January 2015
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Last month, I wrote that in January, I planned to:
- Set up a rhythm of monthly Emacs hangouts and Emacs chats: Scheduled a few more
- Shift my finances around a bit so that I'm more relaxed: Refilled, yay!
- Sort out some small snags with consulting: Smoothed out
- Get the exercise ladder habit going again: Associating microwaving with exercising is a small start.
- Make little improvements around the house, so it doesn't end up waiting for vacations: W- has been doing most of this, so I've been focusing on cooking instead.
It was a good month for thinking about questions and goals. Eric's update on his Quest of Awesome at the Quantified Self Toronto meetup inspired me to list accomplishments, goals, and questions, and I'm gradually making sense of those things.
I've been relaxing my self-imposed one-post-a-day limit, since there's so much I want to write about and I've built up quite a backlog. I need to think about how to keep this manageable. Sometimes I really like having posts scheduled but not posted, since that allows me to update them when I find little bugs in the code or opportunities to improve. On the other hand, there's something to be said about faster feedback cycles. Hmm.
At work, I've learned a lot about using Tableau for recursive queries, dashboard actions, and filters. Level up! Speaking of data and analytics, my self-tracking got mentioned in the Toronto Star.
Focusing on Emacs microhabits has been paying off nicely. I'm still not as fluent as I'd like to be in terms of abbreviations and window-switching, but I'm better at them than before. I'll continue working on those habits in February, and maybe I'll delve into Helm too. I've also been writing little Node and Emacs Lisp scripts to automate parts of my workflow, which makes me happy.
In February, I'm looking forward to:
- Preparing for some projects
- Hosting another Emacs Hangout
- Learning more about Helm (in Emacs)
I'm experimenting with a combined outline that includes my blog posts and sketches so that things are logically grouped. Since I have lots of sketches, I've skipped the ones that have already been included in blog posts. Sketches are the ones that start with the date, and blog posts have regular titles. Might be useful, might be noisy, but I won't know until I try. =) Here's what I wrote and drew this month:
Sketches- 2015-01-02 Fixing wall-floor drafts - index card
- 2015-01-02 Fixing wall-floor drafts -- index card
- 2015-01-02 Home Depot - index card
- 2015-01-02 Home Depot -- index card
- 2015-01-02 Home improvement - index card
- 2015-01-02 Home improvement -- index card
- 2015-01-02 I like giving ideas away for free or PWYW - index card
- 2015-01-02 I like giving ideas away for free or PWYW -- index card
- 2015-01-02 Improving writing - index card
- 2015-01-02 Improving writing -- index card
- 2015-01-02 Subskills for improvement - index card
- 2015-01-02 Subskills for improvement -- index card
- 2015-01-02 Thinking of my life with organizational metaphors - index card
- 2015-01-02 Thinking of my life with organizational metaphors -- index card
- 2015-01-02 What do I want to pay attention to, learn more about, share - index card
- 2015-01-02 What do I want to pay attention to, learn more about, share -- index card
- 2015-01-02 Why aren't W- and I photo people - index card
- 2015-01-02 Why aren't W- and I photo people -- index card
- 2015-01-03 Making better use of basement - index card
- 2015-01-03 Making better use of basement -- index card
- 2015-01-03 Making better use of kitchen - index card
- 2015-01-03 Making better use of kitchen -- index card
- 2015-01-03 Making better use of phone - index card
- 2015-01-03 Making better use of phone -- index card
- 2015-01-03 Sketched Book - So Good They Can't Ignore You - Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love - Cal Newport
- 2015-01-03 Social - index card
- 2015-01-03 Social -- index card
- 2015-01-03 Social bookmarking - index card
- 2015-01-03 Social bookmarking -- index card
- 2015-01-03 Why Emacs - index card
- 2015-01-03 Why Emacs -- index card
- 2015-01-04 Automating text -- index card
- 2015-01-04 More thoughts about wild success -- index card #experiment
- 2015-01-04 Rhythm for learning - index card
- 2015-01-04 Rhythm for learning -- index card
- 2015-01-04 Thinking in terms of an exchange of time -- index card
- 2015-01-04 What kind of difference do I want to make, and for whom -- index card
- 2015-01-05 A reflection on diminishing returns versus compounding growth -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Developing my imagination and initiative -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Different ideas about mastery -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Figuring out the technical details of this idea or visual archive I want -- index card
- 2015-01-05 How can I get better at summary posts -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Managing my idea pipeline -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Quick idea studies -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Seeing opportunities for abbreviations and text automation -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Sketched Book - The Obstacle Is The Way - The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph - Ryan Holiday
- 2015-01-05 Surprise experiment, self-directed life -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Thinking about my archive -- index card
- 2015-01-05 What can I learn from artists about learning -- index card
- 2015-01-05 Why studies for drawing or writing thoughts -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Abbreviations -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Competence and mastery -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Figuring out information flow -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Is this enough for me -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Phrases -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Planning for uncertainty in 2015 -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Planning my safety nets -- index card
- 2015-01-06 Safe, a little better, comfortable -- index card
- 2015-01-07 Code insertion -- index card
- 2015-01-07 Mapping the connections in my blog -- index card
- 2015-01-07 Real Work -- index card
- 2015-01-07 Sketched Book - The Progress Principle - Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work - Teresa Amabile, Steven Kramer
- 2015-01-07 Templates -- index card
- 2015-01-07 Text transformation as part of expansion -- index card
- 2015-01-07 What am I happy to pay for in money or time -- index card
- 2015-01-08 How to use what you read -- index card
- 2015-01-08 Imagining Emacs hangouts - index card
- 2015-01-08 Imagining coaching or guiding others -- index card
- 2015-01-08 Learning as an event -- index card
- 2015-01-08 Team-building activities -- index card
- 2015-01-09 Cross-pollination of ideas -- index card
- 2015-01-09 Take notes while you read books -- index card
- 2015-01-09 Time is greater than money -- index card
- 2015-01-09 What am I learning more about, and how can people help -- index card
- 2015-01-09 What do I do on my non-consulting days -- index card
- 2015-01-10 Favourite meals -- index card #cooking
- 2015-01-10 How did schools of philosophy work in ancient Greece and Rome -- index card #independence #philosophy
- 2015-01-10 Lessons from ancient Rome -- index card #philosophy
- 2015-01-10 More about philosophers -- index card #independence
- 2015-01-10 The idea of the Minimum Viable Post -- index card #writing #blogging
- 2015-01-10 What is the goal of my tracking -- index card #quantified
- 2015-01-10 What questions do I want to explore with data -- index card #quantified
- 2015-01-10 Writing into the future -- index card #writing #blogging
- 2015-01-11 Current state and future states -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-11 Learning from what I like about books -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-11 Making better use of Evernote -- index card #evernote
- 2015-01-11 Neko sleeping -- index card #cat
- 2015-01-11 Snacks we can make -- index card #cooking
- 2015-01-11 What makes a good other-focused post -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-12 Coding improvements -- index card #workflow #coding
- 2015-01-12 Considering ideas for QS mini-guide -- index card #quantified #planning
- 2015-01-12 Emacs microhabit - window management -- index card #emacs
- 2015-01-12 Examining my blog analysis goals -- index card #blog #coding #pkm
- 2015-01-12 How I stopped looking for answers -- index card #reading
- 2015-01-12 More thoughts about QS mini-guide -- index card #quantified #planning
- 2015-01-12 Quantified Self and small steps -- index card #quantified
- 2015-01-12 Reverse outlining -- index card #writing #organization #outlining
- 2015-01-12 Still on Microsoft Windows -- index card #tech
- 2015-01-12 Structure for QS mini-guide on small steps -- index card #quantified
- 2015-01-12 Undirected questions versus directed questions -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-12 Weekly reviews -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-12 What am I learning about -- index card #plans
- 2015-01-12 What will this QS guide look and feel like -- index card #quantified #planning
- 2015-01-12 When is Emacs a good fit -- index card #emacs #beginner
- 2015-01-13 Emacs and the beginner's mind -- index card #emacs #beginner
- 2015-01-13 Evaluating posts written for others -- index card #writing #questions #blogging
- 2015-01-13 Hacklab -- index card #connecting
- 2015-01-13 How can I do morning index cards more effectively -- index card #drawing
- 2015-01-13 In terms of Emacs, where can I help -- index card #emacs
- 2015-01-13 Layout studies for QS mini-guide -- index card #study
- 2015-01-13 Other Emacs mindset tips -- index card #emacs #beginner
- 2015-01-13 Using Node as a scripting tool -- index card #javascript #nodejs #coding #scripting
- 2015-01-13 Visual studies for QS mini-guide -- index card #study
- 2015-01-13 What's getting in my way when it comes to reverse outlining -- index card #outlining #writing #obstacle
- 2015-01-14 Breaking down excuses -- index card #excuses #breakdown
- 2015-01-14 Filling in the occupational blanks -- index card #experiment #occupation
- 2015-01-14 How to keep your drink safe from cats -- index card #life #cats
- 2015-01-14 On Desire - Why We Want What We Want - William Irvine -- index cards #book
- 2015-01-14 Projecting my trajectory -- index card #writing #sharing #pipeline
- 2015-01-14 Projecting my writing trajectory -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-14 Setting constraints for my writing chunks -- index card #writing #constraints
- 2015-01-14 Understanding different types of inspiration -- index card #inspiration #breakdown
- 2015-01-14 What does it mean when something takes too much time -- index card #excuses #breakdown
- 2015-01-15 Helping people be more selective about email questions -- index card #teaching #email
- 2015-01-15 Helping people me more selective about email questions -- index card #teaching #email
- 2015-01-15 How to Read and Why - Harold Bloom -- index card #book #raw #reading
- 2015-01-15 Imagining coding amazingly -- index card #wildsuccess #coding
- 2015-01-15 Imagining packaging amazingly -- index card #packaging #wildsuccess
- 2015-01-15 Imagining working out loud amazingly -- #wildsuccess #sharing #writing
- 2015-01-15 Imagining writing amazingly -- index card #writing #wildsuccess
- 2015-01-15 Planning a bibliography Org file -- index card #emacs #org #reading
- 2015-01-15 Slowing down e-mail -- index card #email #connecting #pace
- 2015-01-15 Think Better - Tim Hurson -- index card #book #raw #thinking #creativity
- 2015-01-15 What if I required people to pay it forward -- #workingoutloud #sharing #teaching
- 2015-01-15 Writing on Both Sides of Your Brain - Henriette Anne Klauser -- index card #book #raw
- 2015-01-16 Emacs community -- index card #emacs
- 2015-01-16 Hmm - not guides but explorations -- index card #sharing #packaging
- 2015-01-16 How can I improve my experience of e-mail -- index card #email #kaizen
- 2015-01-16 How much time does it take -- index card #response #question
- 2015-01-16 Morning routines -- index card #life #routines
- 2015-01-16 Reflecting on reflecting with index cards -- index card #thinking #drawing
- 2015-01-16 Tempering advice to Emacs beginners -- index card #emacs #beginner #teaching
- 2015-01-16 Thinking about why I don't meditate -- index card #reason #meditation
- 2015-01-16 Thoughts that trail off -- index card #chunking
- 2015-01-17 Evening tweaks -- index card #routines
- 2015-01-17 My Evil Plans for Emacs are yielding results -- index card #emacs #sharing
- 2015-01-17 Playing with the index card format -- index card #drawing
- 2015-01-17 Thoughts from Sketchnote Hangout - colour -- index card #color #drawing
- 2015-01-17 Weekend routines -- index card #life #routines
- 2015-01-18 Digging into my thoughts about emptying one's cup -- #emacs #writing
- 2015-01-18 Emacs microhabit - Switching windows -- index card #emacs #microhabit
- 2015-01-18 Journey to Emacs - Beginnings -- index card #emacs #beginner
- 2015-01-18 Journey to Emacs - stages -- index card #emacs
- 2015-01-18 Narratives -- index card #storytelling #perspective
- 2015-01-18 The Sense of Style -- index card #book #writing
- 2015-01-18 Thinking about evil-mode and Emacs -- index card #emacs
- 2015-01-19 A good way to track writing revisions -- index card #editing #tech
- 2015-01-19 Deeper outlines -- index card #writing
- 2015-01-19 How can I get better at research -- index card #learning
- 2015-01-19 Imagining an editing experiment -- index card #delegation #writing #editing
- 2015-01-19 Improving my sharing -- index card #writing #sharing
- 2015-01-19 Quantified Self Toronto - epic quests, kids, stopwatches, art projects
- 2015-01-20 Asking better questions -- index card #asking
- 2015-01-20 Skill trees - asking questions -- index card #skill
- 2015-01-20 Skill trees - web -- index card #skill #coding
- 2015-01-20 Skill trees - writing -- index card #skill
- 2015-01-20 What do I want from this quest list and skill tree visualization -- index card
- 2015-01-21 Goal strategies -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Playing with popular goals - Happiness -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - Fame -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - Health -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - Knowledge or experience -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - Meaning -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - Power -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - Wealth -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 Popular goals - tranquility, equanimity -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-21 What if I tried on common goals -- index card #popular-goals
- 2015-01-22 Book - Leading the Life You Want - Friedman 2014 -- index card #book
- 2015-01-22 Book - Leading the Life You Want - Friedman 2014 -- index card #book
- 2015-01-22 Buffet of other goals -- index card #goals
- 2015-01-22 Goals and skills -- index card #goals
- 2015-01-22 Imagining a good quest or skill discussion -- index card #goals #conversation
- 2015-01-22 Thesis projects for 2015 - ideas -- index card #sharing #plans
- 2015-01-23 Book - Leaving a Trace - Alexandra Johnson -- index card #writing #book
- 2015-01-23 Passport - mail or pickup -- index card #decision
- 2015-01-23 Rough notes on goals and questions - for follow up -- index card #rough #notes
- 2015-01-23 Tech upgrade triggers -- index card #decision
- 2015-01-23 What would help me enjoy travel -- index card
- 2015-01-24 Curry udon -- index card #cooking
- 2015-01-24 How can I learn from observation feedback -- index card #learning #people
- 2015-01-24 Imagining awesomeness at learning from people -- index card #learning #people
- 2015-01-24 Mixed feelings about learning from people -- index card #learning #people
- 2015-01-24 Thinking about collecting experiences -- index card #goals #experiences
- 2015-01-25 Learning from people -- index card #learning #people
- 2015-01-25 On the other hand - travel -- index card #travel #learning #cooking
- 2015-01-25 Phrasing goals - past, future, present -- index card #goals #planning #language
- 2015-01-25 Planning how to level up in cooking -- index card #cooking #learning #plans
- 2015-01-25 Walking in High Park -- index card #relax
- 2015-01-26 Book - How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci -- index card #raw #book
- 2015-01-26 Contemplating businesses -- index card #experiment #business
- 2015-01-26 Emacs microhabit - multiple selection in Helm -- index card #emacs #helm
- 2015-01-26 Shepherd's pie -- index card #cooking
- 2015-01-26 What would make my Emacs experience better -- index card #kaizen #emacs
- 2015-01-27 Field's metal -- index card #hacklab
- 2015-01-27 Financial goals -- index card #finance
- 2015-01-27 Resetting my mental state -- index card #emotions
- 2015-01-27 Thinking about a goal graph -- index card #visualization #planning #goals
- 2015-01-27 What makes these conversations different -- index card #connecting
- 2015-01-28 Cheesy vegan alfredo -- index card #cooking
- 2015-01-28 Colour update -- index card #drawing #colour #color
- 2015-01-28 I tend to think in circles around a topic -- index card #self-directed-learning #learning #questions
- 2015-01-28 What areas of knowledge do I want to organize -- index card #writing #pkm
- 2015-01-28 Winter vegetables to explore -- index card #cooking
- 2015-01-29 Being okay with unfair -- index card #stoicism
- 2015-01-29 Cats are surprisingly social -- index card #life #cats
- 2015-01-29 Imagining a Big Idea -- index card #legacy
- 2015-01-29 Imagining the legacy of a big idea -- index card #legacy
- 2015-01-29 Not clever on demand -- index card #helping
- 2015-01-29 What are some things that far-future-kindred-spirit might find useful -- index card #legacy
- 2015-01-30 How can I get better at being clever on demand -- index card #emacs
- 2015-01-30 Imagining digital index cards -- index card #drawing
- 2015-01-30 Leaving money on the table -- index card #consulting #experiment #balance
- 2015-01-30 Org Mode jumping to tasks -- index card #emacs #org
- 2015-01-30 Sunlight in a cafe -- index card #cafe #light
- 2015-01-31 Clearing my fabric stash -- index card #tidying #decluttering
- 2015-01-31 Digital index card trade-offs -- index card #drawing
- 2015-01-31 Most of my questions are 'How can I...' -- index card #learning #question
- 2015-01-31 What's worth remembering -- index card #memory
- 2015-01-31 When I don't really like talking, and what I might be able to do about it -- index card #connecting #introvert
- Drawing
- Emacs
- Getting data from Org Mode tables
- Emacs microhabit: Switching windows with windmove, ace-window, and ace-jump
- Emacs kaizen: helm-swoop and editing
- Emacs Chat with Steve Purcell
- Developing Emacs micro-habits: Abbreviations and templates
- Improving my evil plans for Emacs
- 2015-01-09 Emacs Hangout (blog post with video)
- Thinking about how to make better use of Yasnippet in my Emacs workflow
- Emacs kaizen: ace-isearch combines ace-jump-mode and helm-swoop
- Experiment
- Learning
- Life
- Productivity
- Move your goalposts to get around an inability to finish projects How redefining your projects can help you satisfy a novelty-seeking brain, and how you can deal with interests or experiments that don't have clear ends
- Predictable advice about productivity
- Morning, afternoon, evening, commute: thinking about what to do when (sketched)
- Read business books more effectively through application, visualization, or reviews
- Reading
- Writing
- Review