Weekly review: Week ending October 28, 2016

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More sleep disruptions for A-, but W- helped make the time more manageable. I've been working on getting her used to being set down to sleep, but I don't think we'll get the hang of it before the trip. Ah well! We can deal with fussiness and tough times as long as we keep things safe.

It's amusing presenting A- with a variety of finger food and noting her preferences. At one meal, she ate all the cucumber sticks before moving on to beets and then cheese, even though the cucumber sticks required her to reach past the other items.

So far so good with the weight gain. Her most recent weight was 7.002 kg, gaining roughly +81g/week. That's within the normal range, and she continues to be just under the 15th percentile curve. She's been crawling around a lot, so there's definitely been an increase in calorie expenditure. I guess she's been keeping up with intake too. Sometimes I get into a rut in terms of her meals, defaulting to cereal and mushrooms or cheese or whatever's available. It would probably be good to sit down and plan more baby-friendly meals this week, since she can't have the curry I just made. (The boxed Japanese curry we like has honey in it.)

Went on plenty of walks despite the cool weather. To help keep A- cozy, I sewed a pair of baby leg warmers and a hat from a sweater. We've already lost one of the leg warmers, but that's okay, I can make more. :) They work pretty well, when they can stay on. I also embroidered skull and crossbones on the felt pirate hat I made for A-'s Halloween costume. I'm glad I did. The white thread was much more visible than the chalk outline I started with.

We finished the Make the Connection course delivered by Toronto Public Health. I didn't get any photos sorted out for the album. Hard to get interaction shots. Might make more of an effort to get decent lighting and framing so that GoPro videos are useful. If not, no worries.

I've been practising Brahms' Lullaby and I'm a Little Teapot on the ukulele, and I can mostly finger-pick them at a decent tempo. I can only get so far before A- wants a turn at plucking the strings, which is totally cool because it's for her anyway. :)

Figured out database persistence for my consulting project, and did a quick analysis of top searches as well. Got my business taxes ready, too. Just have to review and submit the numbers. I might do that during our trip.

Need to figure out a sustainable rhythm for discretionary time…

2016-10-31a-week-ending-2016-10-28-journal-weekly output

Blog posts


Focus areas and time review

  • Business (10.2h – 6%)
    • Earn (9.3h – 90% of Business)
      • ☑ Analyze phrases
      • ☑ Add error handling
      • ☑ Sort out persistence
      • ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 days of consulting
    • Build (0.8h – 8% of Business)
      • ☐ Write shareholder's resolutions
      • ☐ Prepare invoice
    • Connect (0.1h – 1% of Business)
  • Relationships (3.1h – 1%)
    • ☑ Review insurance information
  • Discretionary – Productive (4.2h – 2%)
    • Drawing (3.1h)
    • Emacs (0.2h)
    • Coding (0.0h)
      • ☑ Check out Samba share
    • Sewing (0.8h)
      • ☑ Make pirate hat
    • Writing (0.0h)
    • ☑ Sketch garden
    • ☑ Update Kiva
  • Discretionary – Play (0.0h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (26.1h – 15%)
  • Unpaid work (72.5h – 43%)
    • Childcare (68.5h – 40% of total)
  • Sleep (51.8h – 30% – average of 7.4 per day)

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