Weekly review: Week ending July 28, 2017
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I took A- for a blood test. As soon as we walked into Sick Kids Hospital, she started crying. We'll be there a few times in August, so I asked a child life specialist for a few tips. She can't avoid the pain and anxiety, but I can still help by bringing comfort items and adding a few positive associations. We spent some time at the family centre at the hospital playing with books, toys, and ukuleles, and I think that helped a little.
A- likes saying "da!" for "down" and "up!" (for "up", of course) when she's on the stairs, and she sometimes says "baba" for "bye-bye". A- has been practising getting down from the bed, and can usually do it with a few reminders. She's been getting more involved in household routines. For example, she wanted laundry tucked under her chin because she sees us fold laundry that way. She likes washing her face and reminding us to wash ours, and she mimicks how we moisturize our feet. She washed berries with surprising carefulness. She occasionally lies down to have her diaper changed. In terms of fine motor control, she seems to occasionally use a pencil grip when working with a paintbrush or pencil. Not actually a tripod grip as I wrote down here; more like a 5-point pencil grasp? It's still early for that in terms of development, but it's great that she's practising different grips. She likes scribbling in notebooks, which she sees me do occasionally. Time to let her see more of that!
We had our last music class for July. A- seems to be smiling at tickling songs and rhymes now, and she also waves a scarf around to music. It's so much fun watching her grow. I read the Music in Preschool textbook that the teacher recommended and asked some questions about the Kodaly method's concern about didactic songs. The teacher said it's okay to have practical songs in combination with music education that focuses more on the aesthetic sense.
We hung out with Jen and Eric at the park for a great discussion about impact. We had Jen and E- over for dinner on Tuesday. I also took A- to Tim's retirement party, where she managed to nap for thirty minutes amidst the hubbub. We checked out the trains and playset at Roundhouse Park while we were down there.
The building permit inspection went well. W-'s research and hard work paid off, yay! Next step: concrete and framing. As for me, I lost my library card somewhere. (I wonder if it's in the dryer…) Fortunately, it's easy enough to replace.
A- has a bit of a runny nose, so we'll see if that clears up by next week or if we need to move her Sick Kids appointments. Ah well!
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending July 21, 2017
- Weekly review: Week ending July 14, 2017
- 2017-07-24 Emacs news
- Journal
- 2017-07-22b Week ending 2017-07-21 #journal #weekly
- 2017-07-22c Saturday #daily #journal
- 2017-07-23d Sunday #daily #journal
- 2017-07-24b Monday #daily #journal
- 2017-07-25c Tuesday #daily #journal
- 2017-07-26c Wednesday #daily #journal
- 2017-07-27a Thursday #daily #journal
- 2017-07-28a Friday #daily #journal
- Parenting
- 2017-07-23a Moderating caution #parenting
- 2017-07-23c Tweaking our routines #change #parenting #routines
- 2017-07-24a Encouraging physical activity #parenting #physical
- 2017-07-25a Reflecting on focusing on parenting #parenting #experiment
- 2017-07-25b 1.5 to 2.5 years #parenting #planning #change
- 2017-07-26b What I'm learning in this phase #impact #learning #parenting
- 2017-07-22a Reflecting on categorized journal #writing #journaling
- 2017-07-23b On losing cards #oops
- 2017-07-26a Thinking about the impact I'd like to have #impact
- 2017-07-27b Checking my balance #time #balance #discretionary
- 2017-07-27c Reflections on another month of music #enrichment #review #music
Focus areas and time review
- Business (1.6h – 0%)
- Earn (1.6h – 99% of Business)
- ☐ Prepare invoice
- ☐ Earn: E1: 1-2 hours of consulting
- Build (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- ☑ Consider fiddling with Linode
- ☑ Transfer credit from Paypal to Linode
- Connect (0.0h – 0% of Business)
- Earn (1.6h – 99% of Business)
- Relationships (7.2h – 4%)
- Discretionary – Productive (7.2h – 4%)
- Drawing (4.6h)
- Emacs (0.8h)
- Writing (0.5h)
- Discretionary – Play (3.0h – 1%)
- Personal routines (19.0h – 11%)
- Unpaid work (9.8h – 5%)
- A- (Childcare) (65.8h – 39% of total)
- Sleep (54.3h – 32% – average of 7.8 per day)