Rails experiences: Building an interactive tutorial

| development, geek, rails, work

One of the risks for this Rails project that I’m working on is that new users won’t have enough ramp-up time before we finish the project. We’re planning to wrap up in December, which is the end-users’ busiest time of year. The project also highly depends on external factors we can’t control, so it might be weeks or even a few months before people get a chance to try the most important parts of the application.

To make it easier for people to get started, we decided to build an interactive tutorial into the system. When people log in, the tutorial should create an offer that they can respond to, walk them through the process of working with it, and then tell them about the next steps they can take. People should be able to stop the tutorial at any time, and they should be able to start the tutorial from the beginning whenever they want a refresher.

People will be on a system that other people use and that generates reports, so all the tutorial information needs to be hidden from reporting and from people who are not in tutorial mode.

I started off by writing a Cucumber test that described how things should work: what people should see, what they could do, and so on.

To keep all the tutorial-related methods in one place, I put them in a file called tutorial_methods.rb and I included these methods in my controller. I added a conditional div to my application.html.erb that displayed the tutorial in a consistent spot if a tutorial was specified for the current page. Then I defined a function that took the current page and figured out what needed to be done for a tutorial. This function created a sample offer at the beginning of a tutorial, performed the behind-the-scenes work to approve the offer once people finished the first step, and loaded the tutorial text from the localization file into an instance variable.

I decided to use Rails’ built-in internationalization support instead of putting the tutorial in the database so that it could easily support multiple languages, although I might use a gem to support internationalization of database values if we need to.

To make things easier on the reporting side, I extended ActiveRecord::Base with my own association methods that filtered the queries depending on whether or not the user was in tutorial mode. These custom association methods made it much easier to make sure all the relevant queries were filtered.

I really liked adding an interactive tutorial to this project, and I think I’ll use that technique for Quantified Awesome as well. Online help is good, but it’s even better if people can practice on something and know it won’t mess up anything else.

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