Weekly review: Week ending October 3, 2014
| review, weeklyWe've been decluttering and fixing things up at home. It feels great! I swapped out my bedside bookcase for a low table, which I disassembled, varnished, and reassembled. We're currently varnishing some pine shelves that we've routed to be IKEA-compatible. I enjoy helping W- with this sort of stuff, and I'm looking forward to learning more about making boxes and other containers.
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending September 26, 2014
- Thinking about how to make the most of the new Hacklab
- Thinking about rewards and recognition since I’m on my own
- Brock Health and setting up my own health plan
- Planning for possibilities
- Avoiding spoilage with bulk cooking
Link round-up
- Introducing Emacs to new users?: Inspire > preach.
- org-trello: extend org-mode with Trello abilities.: Oooh.
- A Creative Dad's Tale of Artistic and Mathematical Experimentation, Failure, Triumph and Pancakes: SO AWESOME.
- Use the “70% Rule” to Know When to Delegate Tasks: I should think about the tasks where the results can be 50-70% of what I can do myself. Hmm…
Focus areas and time review
- Business (37.8h – 22%)
- Earn (31.7h – 83% of Business)
- ☐ Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- ☐ Earn: E1: Help with milestone
- Build (1.7h – 4% of Business)
- Drawing (0.0h)
- Delegation (0.0h)
- Packaging (0.0h)
- Paperwork (0.0h)
- Connect (4.5h – 11% of Business)
- ☐ Chat with other QS Toronto organizers
- Earn (31.7h – 83% of Business)
- Relationships (10.3h – 6%)
- ☑ Connect Ernest with Pulat
- ☑ Get rid of more stuff, clean up spaces
- ☑ Make shelves for cabinet
- ☑ Pick up extra shelf pins from IKEA
- ☑ Varnish bedside table
- ☐ Get more kitchen things
- ☐ Repackage spices in mason jars
- ☐ Start working on kitchen organizer
- Discretionary – Productive (6.7h – 4%)
- Emacs (0.0h – 0% of all)
- ☑ Deposit cheque
- ☑ Look into tablet improvements
- ☑ Transfer some more into TFSA
- Writing (3.9h)
- Discretionary – Play (13.9h – 8%)
- Personal routines (19.1h – 11%)
- Unpaid work (26.2h – 15%)
- Sleep (54.0h – 32% – average of 7.7 per day)
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