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Getting an Org link URL from a string; debugging regex groups

| elisp, org

Sometimes I want to get the URL from a string whether the string contains a bare URL ( or an Org bracketed link ([[]] or [[][Example]], ignoring any extra non-link text (blah blah blah). org-link-any-re seemed like the right regular expression to use, but I started to get a little dizzy looking at all the parenthesis and I couldn't figure out which matching group to use. I tried using re-builder. That highlighted the groups in different colours, but I didn't know what the colours meant. All the matching information is in (match-data), but integer pairs can be a little hard to translate back to substrings. So I wrote an Emacs Lisp function to gave me the matching groups:

(defun my-match-groups (&optional object)
  "Return the matching groups, good for debugging regexps."
  (seq-map-indexed (lambda (entry i)
                     (list i entry
                           (and (car entry)
                                (if object
                                    (substring object (car entry) (cadr entry))
                                  (buffer-substring (car entry) (cadr entry))))))
                    (match-data t)

There's probably a standard way to do this, but I couldn't figure out how to find it.

Anyway, if I give it a string with a bracketed link, I can tell that the URL ends up in group 2:

(let ((text "blah [[][example]] blah blah"))
  (when (string-match org-link-any-re text)
    (pp-to-string (my-match-groups text))))
((0 (5 37) "[[][example]]")
 (1 (5 37) "[[][example]]")
 (2 (7 26) "")
 (3 (28 35) "example"))

When I use a string with a bare link, I can see that the URL ends up in group 7:

(let ((text "blah blah blah"))
  (when (string-match org-link-any-re text)
    (pp-to-string (my-match-groups text))))
((0 (5 24) "")
 (1 (nil nil) nil) (2 (nil nil) nil)
 (3 (nil nil) nil) (4 (nil nil) nil)
 (5 (nil nil) nil) (6 (nil nil) nil)
 (7 (5 24) "")
 (8 (5 10) "https") (9 (11 24) "//"))

This makes it so much easier to refer to the right capture group. So now I can use those groups to extract the URL from a string:

(defun my-org-link-url-from-string (s)
  "Return the link URL from S."
  (when (string-match org-link-any-re s)
     (match-string 7 s)
       (match-string 2 s))))

This is handy when I summarize Emacs News links from Mastodon or from my inbox. Sometimes I add extra text after a link that I've captured from my phone, and I don't want that included in the URL. Sometimes I have a bracketed link that I've copied from org-capture note. Now I don't have to worry about the format. I can just grab the link I want.

View org source for this post

Updating YouTube videos via the YouTube Data API using Emacs Lisp and url-http-oauth

| elisp, emacs, emacsconf, youtube, video

We upload EmacsConf videos to both YouTube and Toobnix, which is a PeerTube instance. This makes it easier for people to come across them after the conference.

I can upload to Toobnix and set titles and descriptions using the peertube-cli tool. I tried a Python script for uploading to YouTube, but it was a bit annoying due to quota restrictions. Instead, I uploaded the videos by dragging and dropping them into YouTube Studio. This allowed me to upload 15 at a time.

The videos on YouTube had just the filenames. I wanted to rename the videos and set the descriptions. In 2022, I used xdotool, simulating mouse clicks and pasting in text for larger text blocks.

Xdotool script
(defun my-xdotool-insert-mouse-location
  (let ((pos (shell-command-to-string "xdotool getmouselocation")))
    (when (string-match "x:\\([0-9]+\\) y:\\([0-9]+\\)" pos)
      (insert (format "(shell-command \"xdotool mousemove %s %s click 1\")\n" (match-string 1 pos) (match-string 2 pos))))))

(setq list (seq-filter (lambda (o)
                            (concat (plist-get o :video-slug) "--final.webm")
                          (null (plist-get o :youtube-url))))
            (emacsconf-publish-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))

(while list
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 707 812 click 1 sleep 2")

    (setq talk (pop list))
    ;; click create
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 843 187 click 1 sleep 1")
    ;; video
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 833 217 click 1 sleep 1")
    ;; select files
    (shell-command (concat "xdotool mousemove 491 760 click 1 sleep 4 type "
                           (shell-quote-argument (concat (plist-get talk :video-slug) "--final.webm"))))
    ;; open
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 1318 847 click 1 sleep 5")

    (kill-new (concat
               emacsconf-name " "
               emacsconf-year ": "
               (plist-get talk :title)
               " - "
               (plist-get talk :speakers-with-pronouns)))
    (shell-command "xdotool sleep 1 mousemove 331 440 click :1 key Ctrl+a Delete sleep 1 key Ctrl+Shift+v sleep 2")

    (kill-new (emacsconf-publish-video-description talk t))
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 474 632 click 1 sleep 1 key Ctrl+a sleep 1 key Delete sleep 1 key Ctrl+Shift+v"))
  (read-string "Press a key once you've pasted in the description")

  ;; next
  (when (emacsconf-captions-edited-p (expand-file-name (concat (plist-get talk :video-slug) "--main.vtt") emacsconf-cache-dir))
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 352 285 click 1 sleep 1")

    ;; add captions
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 877 474 click 1 sleep 3")
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 165 408 click 1 sleep 1")
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 633 740 click 1 sleep 2")
    (shell-command (concat "xdotool mousemove 914 755  click 1 sleep 4 type "
                           (shell-quote-argument (concat (plist-get talk :video-slug) "--main.vtt"))))
    (read-string "Press a key once you've loaded the VTT")
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 910 1037 sleep 1 click 1 sleep 4")
    ;; done
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 890 297 click 1 sleep 3")

    ;; visibility
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 810 303 click 1 sleep 2")
    ;; public
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 119 614 click 1 sleep 2")
    ;; copy
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 882 669 click 1 sleep 1")
    ;; done
    (shell-command "xdotool mousemove 908 1089 click 1 sleep 5 key Alt+Tab")

    (emacsconf-with-talk-heading talk
      (org-entry-put (point) "YOUTUBE_URL" (read-string "URL: "))

Using xdotool wasn't very elegant, since I needed to figure out the coordinates for each click. I tried using Spookfox to control Mozilla Firefox from Emacs, but Youtube's editing interface didn't seem to have any textboxes that I could set. I decided to use EmacsConf 2023 as an excuse to learn how to talk to the Youtube Data API, which required figuring out OAuth. Even though it was easy to find examples in Python and NodeJS, I wanted to see if I could stick with using Emacs Lisp so that I could add the code to the emacsconf-el repository.

After a quick search, I picked url-http-oauth as the library that I'd try first. I used the url-http-oauth-demo.el included in the package to figure out what to set for the YouTube Data API. I wrote a function to make getting the redirect URL easier (emacsconf-extract-oauth-browse-and-prompt). Once I authenticated successfully, I explored using alphapapa's plz library. It can handle finding the JSON object and parsing it out for me. With it, I updated videos to include titles and descriptions from my Emacs code, and I copied the video IDs into my Org properties.

emacsconf-extract.el code for Youtube renaming

;;; YouTube

;; When the token needs refreshing, delete the associated lines from
;; ~/.authinfo This code just sets the title and description. Still
;; need to figure out how to properly set the license, visibility,
;; recording date, and captions.
;; To avoid being prompted for the client secret, it's helpful to have a line in ~/.authinfo or ~/.authinfo.gpg with
;; machine username CLIENT_ID password CLIENT_SECRET

(defvar emacsconf-extract-google-client-identifier nil)
(defvar emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-channels nil)
(defvar emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-categories nil)

(defun emacsconf-extract-oauth-browse-and-prompt (url)
  "Open URL and wait for the redirected code URL."
  (browse-url url)
  (read-from-minibuffer "Paste the redirected code URL: "))

(defun emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-setup ()
  (require 'plz)
  (require 'url-http-oauth)
    (let-alist (json-read-file (getenv "GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS"))
      (setq emacsconf-extract-google-client-identifier .web.client_id)))
  (unless (url-http-oauth-interposed-p "")
     `(("client-identifier" . ,emacsconf-extract-google-client-identifier)
       ("resource-url" . "")
       ("authorization-code-function" . emacsconf-extract-oauth-browse-and-prompt)
       ("authorization-endpoint" . "")
       ("authorization-extra-arguments" .
        (("redirect_uri" . "http://localhost:8080")))
       ("access-token-endpoint" . "")
       ("scope" . "")
       ("client-secret-method" . prompt))))
  (setq emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-channels
        (plz 'get ""
          :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(url-oauth-auth "")))
          :as #'json-read))
  (setq emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-categories
        (plz 'get ""
          :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(url-oauth-auth "")))
          :as #'json-read))
  (setq emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-videos
        (plz 'get (concat ",contentDetails,status&forMine=true&order=date&maxResults=50&playlistId="
                           (let-alist (elt (assoc-default 'items emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-channels) 0)
          :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(url-oauth-auth "")))
          :as #'json-read)))

(defvar emacsconf-extract-youtube-tags '("emacs" "emacsconf"))
(defun emacsconf-extract-youtube-object (video-id talk &optional privacy-status)
  "Format the video object for VIDEO-ID using TALK details."
  (setq privacy-status (or privacy-status "unlisted"))
  (let ((properties (emacsconf-publish-talk-video-properties talk 'youtube)))
    `((id . ,video-id)
      (kind . "youtube#video")
       (categoryId . "28")
       (title . ,(plist-get properties :title))
       (tags . ,emacsconf-extract-youtube-tags)
       (description . ,(plist-get properties :description))
       ;; Even though I set recordingDetails and status, it doesn't seem to stick.
       ;; I'll leave this in here in case someone else can figure it out.
       (recordingDetails (recordingDate . ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ" (plist-get talk :start-time) t))))
      (status (privacyStatus . "unlisted")
              (license . "creativeCommon")))))

(defun emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-update-video (video-object)
  "Update VIDEO-OBJECT."
  (let-alist video-object
    (let* ((slug (cond
                  ;; not yet renamed
                  ((string-match (rx (literal emacsconf-id) " " (literal emacsconf-year) " "
                                     (group (1+ (or (syntax word) "-")))
                                     "  ")
                   (match-string 1 .snippet.title))
                  ;; renamed, match the description instead
                  ((string-match (rx (literal emacsconf-base-url) (literal emacsconf-year) "/talks/"
                                     (group (1+ (or (syntax word) "-"))))
                   (match-string 1 .snippet.description))
                  ;; can't find, prompt
                   (when (string-match (rx (literal emacsconf-id) " " (literal emacsconf-year))
                     (completing-read (format "Slug for %s: "
                                      (seq-map (lambda (o) (plist-get o :slug))
                                               (emacsconf-publish-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-get-talk-info))))))))
           (video-id .snippet.resourceId.videoId)
           (id .id)
      (when slug
        ;; set the YOUTUBE_URL property
        (emacsconf-with-talk-heading slug
          (org-entry-put (point) "YOUTUBE_URL" (concat "" video-id))
          (org-entry-put (point) "YOUTUBE_ID" id))
        (plz 'put ",recordingDetails,status"
          :headers `(("Authorization" . ,(url-oauth-auth ""))
                     ("Accept" . "application/json")
                     ("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
          :body (json-encode (emacsconf-extract-youtube-object video-id (emacsconf-resolve-talk slug))))))))

(defun emacsconf-extract-youtube-rename-videos (&optional videos)
  "Rename videos and set the YOUTUBE_URL property in the Org heading."
  (let ((info (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))
     (lambda (video)
       (when (string-match (rx (literal emacsconf-id) " " (literal emacsconf-year)))
         (emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-update-video video)))
     (assoc-default 'items (or videos emacsconf-extract-youtube-api-videos)))))

(provide 'emacsconf-extract)

I haven't quite figured out how to set status and recordingDetails properly. The code sets them, but they don't stick. That's okay. I think I can set those as a batch operation. It looks like I need to change visibility one by one, though, which might be a good opportunity to check the end of the video for anything that needs to be trimmed off.

I also want to figure out how to upload captions. I'm not entirely sure how to do multipart form data yet with the url library or plz. It might be nice to someday set up an HTTP server so that Emacs can handle OAuth redirects itself. I'll save that for another blog post and share my notes for now.

This code is in emacsconf-extract.el.

Checking image sizes and aspect ratios in Emacs Lisp so that I can automatically smartcrop them

| elisp, emacs

A+ occasionally likes to flip through pictures in a photo album. I want to print another batch of 4x6 photos, and I'd like to crop them before labeling them with the date from the EXIF info. Most of the pictures are from my phone, so I have a 4:3 aspect ratio instead of the 3:2 aspect ratio I want for prints.

First step: figuring out how to get the size of an image. I could either use Emacs's built-in image-size function or call ImageMagick's identify command. Which one's faster? First, I define the functions:

(defun my-image-size (filename)
  (let ((img (create-image filename)))
    (prog1 (image-size img t) (image-flush img))))

(defun my-identify-image-size (filename)
  (let ((result
         (seq-map 'string-to-number
                    (concat "identify -format \"%w %h\" " (shell-quote-argument filename)))))))
    (when (and result (> (car result) 0))

and then benchmark them:

(let ((filename "~/Downloads/Other prints/20230102_135059.MP.jpg")
      (times 10))
  (list (benchmark times `(my-image-size ,filename))
        (benchmark times `(my-identify-image-size ,filename))))

Looks like ImageMagick's identify command is a lot faster. Now I can define a filter:

Code for aspect ratios
(defun my-aspect-ratio (normalize &rest args)
  "Return the aspect ratio of ARGS.
If NORMALIZE is non-nil, return an aspect ratio >= 1 (width is greater than height).
ARGS can be:
- width height
- a filename
- a list of (width height)"
  (let (size width height result)
     ((stringp (car args))
      (setq size (my-identify-image-size (car args)))
      (setq width (car size) height (cadr size)))
     ((listp (car args))
      (setq width (car (car args)) height (cadr (car args))))
      (setq width (car args) height (cadr args))))
    (when (and width height)
      (setq result (/ (* 1.0 width) height))
      (if (and normalize (< result 1))
          (/ 1 result)

(defun my-files-not-matching-aspect-ratio (print-width print-height file-list)
  (let ((target-aspect-ratio (my-aspect-ratio t print-width print-height)))
     (lambda (filename)
       (let ((image-ratio (my-aspect-ratio t filename)))
         (when image-ratio
           (> (abs (- image-ratio

and I could use it like this to get a list of files that need to be cropped:

(my-files-not-matching-aspect-ratio 4 6 (directory-files "~/Downloads/Other prints" t))

… which is most of the pictures, so let's see if I can get smartcrop to automatically crop them as a starting point. I used npm install -g smartcrop-cli node-opencv to install the Node packages I needed, and then I defined these functions:

Code for cropping
(defvar my-smartcrop-image-command '("smartcrop" "--faceDetection"))

(defun my-smartcrop-image (filename aspect-ratio output-file &optional do-copy)
  "Call smartcrop command to crop FILENAME to ASPECT-RATIO if needed.
Write the result to OUTPUT-FILE.
If DO-COPY is non-nil, copy files if they already have the correct aspect ratio."
  (when (file-directory-p output-file)
    (setq output-file (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory filename)
  (let* ((size (my-identify-image-size filename))
         (image-ratio (my-aspect-ratio t size))
         new-height new-width
    (when image-ratio
      (if (< (abs (- image-ratio aspect-ratio)) 0.01)
          (when do-copy (copy-file filename output-file t))
        (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*smartcrop*")
          (setq new-width
                 (floor (min
                         (car size)
                          (cadr size)
                          (if (> (car size) (cadr size))
                            (/ 1.0 aspect-ratio))))))
                 (floor (min
                         (cadr size)
                          (car size)
                          (if (> (car size) (cadr size))
                            (/ 1.0 aspect-ratio)))))))
          (message "%d %d -> %s %s: %s" (car size) (cadr size) new-width new-height filename)
          (apply 'call-process
           nil t t
            (cdr my-smartcrop-image-command)

so that I could use this code to process the files:

(let ((aspect-ratio (my-aspect-ratio t 4 6))
      (output-dir "~/Downloads/Other prints/cropped"))
  (mapc (lambda (file)
          (unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory file) output-dir))
            (my-smartcrop-image file  aspect-ratio output-dir t)))
        (directory-files "~/Downloads/Other prints" t)))

Then I can use Geeqie to review the cropped images and straighten or re-crop specific ones with Shotwell.

It looks like smartcrop removes the exif information (including original date), so I want to copy that info again.

for FILE in *; do exiftool -TagsFromFile "../$FILE" "-all:all>all:all" "exif/$FILE"; done

And then finally, I can add the labels with this script, which I call with output-dir file1 file2 file3.... add the date to the lower left corner
import sys
import PIL
import PIL.Image as Image
import PIL.ImageDraw as ImageDraw
import PIL.ImageFont as ImageFont
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
import re
import os

# use: output-dir photo1 photo2 photo3
PHOTO_DIR = "/home/sacha/photos/"
OUTPUT_DIR = sys.argv[1]
font_fname = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf"

def label_image(filename):
    numbers = re.sub(r'[^0-9]', '', filename)
    img =
    exif = {
        PIL.ExifTags.TAGS[k]: v
        for k, v in img._getexif().items()        if k in PIL.ExifTags.TAGS
    if DO_ROTATE:
        # Rotate image
        if exif['Orientation'] == 3:
            img = img.rotate(180, expand=True)
        elif exif['Orientation'] == 6:
            img = img.rotate(270, expand=True)
        elif exif['Orientation'] == 8:
            img = img.rotate(90, expand=True)    
    # Label
    time = exif['DateTimeOriginal'][0:10].replace(':', '-')
    if not time:
        if len(numbers) >= 10 and numbers[0:4] >= '2016' and numbers[0:4] < '2025':
            time = '%s-%s-%s' % (numbers[0:4], numbers[4:6], numbers[6:8])
    new_filename = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, time + ' ' + os.path.basename(filename))
    if ALWAYS or not os.path.isfile(new_filename):
        out = add_label(img, time)
        print(filename, time)
        return new_filename

def add_label(img, caption):
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    w, h = img.size
    border = int(min(w, h) * 0.02)
    font_size = int(min(w, h) * 0.04)
    # print(w, h, font_size)
    font = ImageFont.truetype(font_fname, font_size)
    _, _, text_w, text_h = draw.textbbox((0, 0), caption, font)
    overlay ='RGBA', (w, h))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(overlay)
    draw.rectangle([(border, h - text_h - 2 * border),
                    (text_w + 3 * border, h - border)],
                   fill=(255, 255, 255, 128))
    draw.text((border * 2, h - text_h - 2 * border), caption, (0, 0, 0), font=font)
    out = Image.alpha_composite(img.convert('RGBA'), overlay).convert('RGB')
    return out

if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
    for a in sys.argv[2:]:
        if ALWAYS or not os.path.exists(a):
            except Exception as e:
                print("Error", a, e)

I hope it all works out, since I've just ordered 120 4x6 prints covering the past three years or so…

Making highlight-sexp follow modus-themes-toggle

| elisp, emacs

[2023-01-27 Fri] Prot just added a modus-themes-get-color-value function. Yay! Also, it turns out that I need to update the overlay in all the buffers.

I'm experimenting with using the highlight-sexp minor mode to highlight my current s-expression, since I sometimes get confused about what I'm modifying with smartparens. The highlight-sexp background colour is hardcoded in the variable hl-sexp-background-color, and will probably look terrible if you use a light background. I wanted it to adapt when I use modus-themes-toggle. Here's how that works:

(use-package highlight-sexp
  (highlight-sexp :repo "daimrod/highlight-sexp" :fetcher github :version original)
  (emacs-lisp-mode . highlight-sexp-mode)
  (defun my-hl-sexp-update-overlay ()
    (when (overlayp hl-sexp-overlay)
         ,(if (fboundp 'modus-themes-get-color-value)
              (modus-themes-get-color-value 'bg-inactive)
  (defun my-hl-sexp-update-all-overlays ()
    (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
      (with-current-buffer buf
        (when highlight-sexp-mode
  (advice-add 'hl-sexp-create-overlay :after 'my-hl-sexp-update-overlay)
  (advice-add 'modus-themes-toggle :after 'my-hl-sexp-update-all-overlays))

This is what it looks like:

Figure 1: Animation of highlight-sexp toggling along with modus-themes-toggle
This is part of my Emacs configuration.

Display a calendar heat map using Emacs Lisp

| elisp, emacs

I was curious about how to quickly visualize my date-related data in Emacs, such as when I sketched my thoughts or which days had journal entries or how often A- had tantrums. (It's hard to be 6 years old.) I wrote this code based on nrougier's code for colouring calendar days using advice around calendar-generate-entries:

(defface calendar-scale-1  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#eceff1")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#263238")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-2  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#cfd8dc")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#37474f")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-3  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#b0bec5")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#455a64")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-4  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#90a4ae")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#546e7a")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-5  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#78909c")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#607d8b")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-6  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#607d8b")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#78909c")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-7  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#546e7a")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#90a4ae")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-8  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#455a64")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#b0bec5")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-9  '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#37474f")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#cfd8dc")) "")
(defface calendar-scale-10 '((((background light)) :foreground "black" :background "#263238")
                             (((background dark))  :foreground "white" :background "#eceff1")) "")

(defun my-count-calendar-entries (grouped-entries)
  (mapcar (lambda (entry) (cons (car entry) (length (cdr entry)))) grouped-entries))

(defun my-scale-calendar-entries (grouped-entries &optional scale-max)
  (let* ((count (my-count-calendar-entries grouped-entries))
         (count-max (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (o) (if (car o) (cdr o) 0)) count))))
    (mapcar (lambda (entry)
              (cons (car entry)
                    (/ (* 1.0 (or scale-max 1.0) (cdr entry)) count-max)))

(defun my-scale-calendar-entries-logarithmically (grouped-entries &optional scale-max)
  (let* ((count (my-count-calendar-entries grouped-entries))
         (count-max (apply #'max (mapcar (lambda (o) (if (car o) (cdr o) 0)) count))))
    (mapcar (lambda (entry)
              (cons (car entry)
                    (/ (* 1.0 (or scale-max 1.0) (log (cdr entry))) (log count-max))))

(defvar my-calendar-count-scaled nil "Values to display.")

(defun my-calendar-heat-map (month year indent)
  (when my-calendar-count-scaled
    (dotimes (i 31)
      (let ((date (list month (1+ i) year))
            (count-scaled (assoc-default (format "%04d-%02d-%02d" year month (1+ i))
        (when count-scaled
           (intern (format "calendar-scale-%d" count-scaled))))))))

(advice-add #'calendar-generate-month :after #'my-calendar-heat-map)
;(advice-remove #'calendar-generate-month #'my-calendar-heat-map)

(defun my-calendar-visualize (values)
  (setq my-calendar-count-scaled values)

Journal entries

So if I want to visualize the days with journal entries, I can use this code:

(defun my-calendar-visualize-journal-entries ()
    (lambda (o)
       (car o)
       (ceiling (+ 1 (* 7.0 (cdr o))))))
     (seq-group-by #'my-journal-date
                   (cdr (pcsv-parse-file "~/Downloads/entries.csv")))))))
Figure 1: Journal entries


(defun my-calendar-visualize-sketches ()
  (let ((my-calendar-sketches
           (lambda (o)
             (when (string-match "^\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[-_]?\\([0-9][0-9]\\)[-_]?\\([0-9][0-9]\\)" o)
               (format "%s-%s-%s"
                       (match-string 1 o)
                       (match-string 2 o)
                       (match-string 3 o))))
            (directory-files "~/sync/sketches" nil "\\.\\(png\\|jpg\\)\\'")
            (directory-files "~/sync/private-sketches" nil "\\.\\(png\\|jpg\\)\\'"))))))
      (lambda (o)
        (cons (car o)
              ;; many days have just 1 sketch, so I set the low end of the scale
              ;; to make them visible, and use a logarithmic scale for the rest
              (ceiling (+ 3 (* 7.0 (cdr o))))))
      (my-scale-calendar-entries-logarithmically my-calendar-sketches)))))
Figure 2: Sketches

Big feelings

(defun my-calendar-visualize-tantrums ()
    (lambda (o)
       (car o)
       (ceiling (* 10.0 (cdr o)))))
     (seq-group-by #'my-journal-date
                   (seq-filter (lambda (o) (string-match "tantrum\\|grump\\|angry\\|meltdown"
                                                           (my-journal-note o)))
                               (cdr (pcsv-parse-file "~/Downloads/entries.csv"))))))))
Figure 3: Tantrums and meltdowns

(The start of the schoolyear was pretty rough.)

I'd like to figure out a yearly calendar view, and maybe use the calendar as a way to navigate my data too. calendar-mark-visible-date relies on the position and gets confused by the stuff I tried from these yearly calendar hacks, but maybe I can change calendar-date-echo-text to '(calendar-iso-date-string (list month day year)) and then extract the data from the help-echo property, since mysteriously, the date doesn't actually seem to be otherwise stored in the calendar. Anyway, I'll post that when I figure it out!

Coverage reporting in Emacs with Buttercup, Undercover, Coverage, and a Makefile

| emacs, elisp, subed

One of the things that I always wanted to get back to was the practice of having good test coverage. That way, I can have all these tests catch me in case I break something in my sleep-deprived late-night hacking sessions, and I can see where I may have missed a spot.

Fortunately, subed-mode included lots of tests using the Buttercup testing framework. They look like this:

(describe "SRT"
  (describe "Getting"
    (describe "the subtitle ID"
      (it "returns the subtitle ID if it can be found."
         (insert mock-srt-data)
         (subed-jump-to-subtitle-text 2)
         (expect (subed-subtitle-id) :to-equal 2)))
      (it "returns nil if no subtitle ID can be found."
         (expect (subed-subtitle-id) :to-equal nil))))

and I can run them with make test, which the Makefile defines as emacs -batch -f package-initialize -L . -f buttercup-run-discover.

I don't have Cask set up for subed. I should probably learn how to use Cask. In the meantime, I needed to figure out how to get my Makefile to get the buttercup tests to capture the coverage data and report it in a nice way.

It turns out that the undercover coverage recording library works well with buttercup. It took me a little fiddling (and some reference to undercover.el-buttercup-integration-example) to figure out exactly how to invoke it so that undercover instrumented libraries that I was loading, since the subed files were in one subdirectory and the tests were in another. This is what I eventually came up with for tests/undercover-init.el:

(add-to-list 'load-path "./subed")
(when (require 'undercover nil t)
  (undercover "./subed/*.el" (:report-format 'simplecov) (:send-report nil)))

Then the tests files could start with:

(load-file "./tests/undercover-init.el")
(require 'subed-srt)

and my Makefile target for running tests with coverage reporting could be:

	mkdir -p coverage
	UNDERCOVER_FORCE=true emacs -batch -L . -f package-initialize -f buttercup-run-discover

Displaying the coverage information in code buffers was easy with the coverage package. It looks in the git root directory for the coverage results, so I didn't need to tell it where the results were. This is what it looks like:


There are a few other options for displaying coverage info. cov uses the fringe and coverlay focuses on highlighting missed lines.

So now I can actually see how things are going, and I can start writing tests for some of those gaps. At some point I may even do the badge thing mentioned in my blog post from 2015 on continuous integration and code coverage for Emacs packages. There are a lot of things I'm slowly remembering how to do… =)

Defining generic and mode-specific Emacs Lisp functions with cl-defmethod

| elisp, emacs, subed

2022-01-27: Added example function description.
2022-01-02: Changed quote to function in the defalias.

I recently took over the maintenance of subed, an Emacs mode for editing subtitles. One of the things on my TODO list was to figure out how to handle generic and format-specific functions instead of relying on defalias. For example, there are SubRip files (.srt), WebVTT files (.vtt), and Advanced SubStation Alpha (.ass). I also want to add support for Audacity labels and other formats.

There are some functions that will work across all of them once you have the appropriate format-specific functions in place, and there are some functions that have to be very different depending on the format that you're working with. Now, how do you do those things in Emacs Lisp? There are several ways of making general functions and specific functions.

For example, the forward-paragraph and backward-paragraph commands use variables to figure out the paragraph separators, so buffer-local variables can change the behaviour.

However, I needed a bit more than regular expressions. An approach taken in some packages like smartparens is to have buffer-local variables have the actual functions to be called, like sp-forward-bound-fn and sp-backward-bound-fn.

(defvar-local sp-forward-bound-fn nil
  "Function to restrict the forward search")

(defun sp--get-forward-bound ()
  "Get the bound to limit the forward search for looking for pairs.
If it returns nil, the original bound passed to the search
function will be considered."
  (and sp-forward-bound-fn (funcall sp-forward-bound-fn)))

Since there were so many functions, I figured that might be a little bit unwieldy. In Org mode, custom export backends are structs that have an alist that maps the different types of things to the functions that will be called, overriding the functions that are defined in the parent export backend.

(cl-defstruct (org-export-backend (:constructor org-export-create-backend)
          (:copier nil))
  name parent transcoders options filters blocks menu)

(defun org-export-get-all-transcoders (backend)
  "Return full translation table for BACKEND.

BACKEND is an export back-end, as return by, e.g,,
`org-export-create-backend'.  Return value is an alist where
keys are element or object types, as symbols, and values are

Unlike to `org-export-backend-transcoders', this function
also returns transcoders inherited from parent back-ends,
if any."
  (when (symbolp backend) (setq backend (org-export-get-backend backend)))
  (when backend
    (let ((transcoders (org-export-backend-transcoders backend))
      (while (setq parent (org-export-backend-parent backend))
        (setq backend (org-export-get-backend parent))
        (setq transcoders
              (append transcoders (org-export-backend-transcoders backend))))

The export code looked a little bit complicated, though. I wanted to see if there was a different way of doing things, and I came across cl-defmethod. Actually, the first time I tried to implement this, I was focused on the fact that cl-defmethod could call different things depending on the class that you give it. So initially I had created a couple of classes: subed-backend class, and then subclasses such as subed-vtt-backend. This allowed me to store the backend as a buffer-local variable and differentiate based on that.

(require 'eieio)

(defclass subed-backend ()
  ((regexp-timestamp :initarg :regexp-timestamp
                     :initform ""
                     :type string
                     :custom string
                     :documentation "Regexp matching a timestamp.")
   (regexp-separator :initarg :regexp-separator
                     :initform ""
                     :type string
                     :custom string
                     :documentation "Regexp matching the separator between subtitles."))
  "A class for data and functions specific to a subtitle format.")

(defclass subed-vtt-backend (subed-backend) nil
  "A class for WebVTT subtitle files.")

(cl-defmethod subed--timestamp-to-msecs ((backend subed-vtt-backend) time-string)
  "Find HH:MM:SS,MS pattern in TIME-STRING and convert it to milliseconds.
Return nil if TIME-STRING doesn't match the pattern.
Use the format-specific function for BACKEND."
    (when (string-match (oref backend regexp-timestamp) time-string)
      (let ((hours (string-to-number (match-string 1 time-string)))
            (mins  (string-to-number (match-string 2 time-string)))
            (secs  (string-to-number (match-string 3 time-string)))
            (msecs (string-to-number (subed--right-pad (match-string 4 time-string) 3 ?0))))
        (+ (* (truncate hours) 3600000)
           (* (truncate mins) 60000)
           (* (truncate secs) 1000)
           (truncate msecs))))))

Then I found out that you can use major-mode as a context specifier for cl-defmethod, so you can call different specific functions depending on the major mode that your buffer is in. It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the elisp manual, so at some point I should figure out how to suggest mentioning it. Anyway, now I have some functions that get called if the buffer is in subed-vtt-mode and some functions that get called if the buffer is in subed-srt-mode.

The catch is that cl-defmethod can't define interactive functions. So if I'm defining a command, an interactive function that can be called with M-x, then I will need to have a regular function that calls the function defined with cl-defmethod. This resulted in a bit of duplicated code, so I have a macro that defines the method and then defines the possibly interactive command that calls that method. I didn't want to think about whether something was interactive or not, so my macro just always creates those two functions. One is a cl-defmethod that I can override for a specific major mode, and one is the function that actually calls it, which may may not be interactive. It doesn't handle &rest args, but I don't have any in subed.el at this time.

(defmacro subed-define-generic-function (name args &rest body)
  "Declare an object method and provide the old way of calling it."
  (declare (indent 2))
  (let (is-interactive
    (when (stringp (car body))
      (setq doc (pop body)))
    (setq is-interactive (eq (caar body) 'interactive))
       (cl-defgeneric ,(intern (concat "subed--" (symbol-name name)))
         ,@(if is-interactive
               (cdr body)
       ,(if is-interactive
            `(defun ,(intern (concat "subed-" (symbol-name name))) ,args
               ,(concat doc "\n\nThis function calls the generic function `"
                        (concat "subed--" (symbol-name name)) "' for the actual implementation.")
               ,(car body)
               (,(intern (concat "subed--" (symbol-name name)))
                ,@(delq nil (mapcar (lambda (a)
                                      (unless (string-match "^&" (symbol-name a))
          `(defalias (quote ,(intern (concat "subed-" (symbol-name name))))
             (function ,(intern (concat "subed--" (symbol-name name))))

For example, the function:

(subed-define-generic-function timestamp-to-msecs (time-string)
  "Find timestamp pattern in TIME-STRING and convert it to milliseconds.
Return nil if TIME-STRING doesn't match the pattern.")

expands to:

  (cl-defgeneric subed--timestamp-to-msecs
    "Find timestamp pattern in TIME-STRING and convert it to milliseconds.
Return nil if TIME-STRING doesn't match the pattern.")
  (defalias 'subed-timestamp-to-msecs 'subed--timestamp-to-msecs "Find timestamp pattern in TIME-STRING and convert it to milliseconds.
Return nil if TIME-STRING doesn't match the pattern."))

and the interactive command defined with:

(subed-define-generic-function forward-subtitle-end ()
  "Move point to end of next subtitle.
Return point or nil if there is no next subtitle."
  (when (subed-forward-subtitle-id)

expands to:

  (cl-defgeneric subed--forward-subtitle-end nil "Move point to end of next subtitle.
Return point or nil if there is no next subtitle."
  (defun subed-forward-subtitle-end nil "Move point to end of next subtitle.
Return point or nil if there is no next subtitle.

This function calls the generic function `subed--forward-subtitle-end' for the actual implementation."

Then I can define a specific one with:

(cl-defmethod subed--timestamp-to-msecs (time-string &context (major-mode subed-srt-mode))
  "Find HH:MM:SS,MS pattern in TIME-STRING and convert it to milliseconds.
Return nil if TIME-STRING doesn't match the pattern.
Use the format-specific function for MAJOR-MODE."
    (when (string-match subed--regexp-timestamp time-string)
      (let ((hours (string-to-number (match-string 1 time-string)))
            (mins  (string-to-number (match-string 2 time-string)))
            (secs  (string-to-number (match-string 3 time-string)))
            (msecs (string-to-number (subed--right-pad (match-string 4 time-string) 3 ?0))))
        (+ (* (truncate hours) 3600000)
           (* (truncate mins) 60000)
           (* (truncate secs) 1000)
           (truncate msecs))))))

The upside is that it's easy to either override or extend a function's behavior. For example, after I sort subtitles, I want to renumber them if I'm in an SRT buffer because SRT subtitles have numeric IDs. This doesn't happen in any of the other modes. So I can just define that this bit of code runs after the regular code that runs.

(cl-defmethod subed--sort :after (&context (major-mode subed-srt-mode))
  "Renumber after sorting. Format-specific for MAJOR-MODE."

The downside is that going to the function's definition and stepping through it is a little more complicated because it's hidden behind this macro and the cl-defmethod infrastructure. I think that if you describe-function the right function, the internal version with the --, then it will list the different implementations of it. I added a note to the regular function's docstring to make it a little easier.

Here's what M-x describe-function subed-forward-subtitle-end looks like:


Figure 1: Describing a generic function

I'm going to give this derived-mode branch a try for a little while by subtitling some more EmacsConf talks before I merge it into the main branch. This is my first time working with cl-defmethod, and it looks pretty interesting.