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Org Mode: Including portions of files between two regular expressions

| org, emacs

2023-09-10: Use consult-line instead of consult--line.

I'd like to refer to snippets of code, but lines are too fragile to use as references for code and posts that I want to easily update. I'd like to specify a from-regexp and a to-regexp instead in order to collect the lines between those regexps (including the ones with the regexps themselves). org-export-expand-include-keyword looked a bit hairy to extend since it uses regular expressions to match parameter values. For this quick experiment, I decided to make a custom link type instead. This allows me to refer to parts of code with a link like this:

[[my-include:~/proj/static-blog/assets/css/style.css::from-regexp=Start of copy code&to-regexp=End of copy code&wrap=src js]]

which will turn into this snippet from my stylesheet:

/* Start of copy code */
pre.src { margin: 0 }
.org-src-container {
    position: relative;
    margin: 0 0;
    padding: 1.75rem 0 1.75rem 1rem;
div > details { padding: 20px; border: 1px solid lightgray }
.org-src-container > details  { padding: 0; border: none }
summary { position: relative; }
summary .org-src-container { padding: 0 }
summary .org-src-container pre.src { margin: 0 }
.org-src-container button.copy-code, summary button.copy-code {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0px;
    right: 0px;
/* End of copy code */

Here's the Emacs Lisp code to do that. my-include-complete function reuses my-include-open to narrow to the file, and my-include-complete uses consult-line so that we can specify the prompt.

 :follow #'my-include-open
 :export #'my-include-export
 :complete #'my-include-complete)

(defun my-include-open (path &optional _)
  "Narrow to the region specified in PATH."
  (let (params start end)
    (if (string-match "^\\(.*+?\\)::\\(.*+\\)" path)
        (setq params (save-match-data (org-protocol-convert-query-to-plist (match-string 2 path)))
              path (match-string 1 path)))
    (find-file path)
    (setq start
            (plist-get params :from-regexp)
              (goto-char (point-min))
              (when (re-search-forward (url-unhex-string (plist-get params :from-regexp)))
             (goto-char (point-min))
    (setq end
            (plist-get params :to-regexp)
              (when (re-search-forward (url-unhex-string (plist-get params :to-regexp)))
             (goto-char (point-max))
    (when (or (not (= start (point-min)))
              (not (= end (point-max))))
      (narrow-to-region start end))))

(defun my-include-export (path _ format _)
  "Export PATH to FORMAT using the specified wrap parameter."
  (let (params body start end)
    (when (string-match "^\\(.*+?\\)::\\(.*+\\)" path)
      (setq params (save-match-data (org-protocol-convert-query-to-plist (match-string 2 path)))))
      (my-include-open path)
      (setq body (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
      (when (plist-get params :wrap)
        (let* ((wrap (plist-get params :wrap))
               block args)
          (when (string-match "\\<\\(\\S-+\\)\\( +.*\\)?" wrap)
            (setq block (match-string 1 wrap))
            (setq args (match-string 2 wrap))
            (setq body (format "#+BEGIN_%s%s\n%s\n#+END_%s\n"
                               block (or args "")
      (insert body)
      (org-export-as format nil nil t))))

(defun my-include-complete ()
  "Include a section of a file from one line to another, specified with regexps."
  (require 'consult)
  (let ((file (read-file-name "File: ")))
      (find-file file)
      (concat "my-include:"
              (let ((curr-line (line-number-at-pos
                    (prompt "From line: "))
                (goto-char (point-min))
                 (regexp-quote (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))))
              (let ((curr-line (line-number-at-pos
                    (prompt "To line: "))
                (goto-char (point-min))
                 nil (point))
                 (regexp-quote (buffer-substring (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))))
              "&wrap=src " (replace-regexp-in-string "-mode$" "" (symbol-name major-mode))))))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.

Linking to and exporting function definitions in Org Mode

| emacs, org
  • [2024-01-11 Thu]: Added ?link=1 to copy the context link
  • 2023-09-12: added a way to force the defun to start open with ?open=1
  • 2023-09-05: fixed the completion to include defun:

I'd like to write more blog posts about little Emacs hacks, and I'd like to do it with less effort. Including source code is handy even when it's missing some context from other functions defined in the same file, since sometimes people pick up ideas and having the source code right there means less flipping between links. When I'm working inside my config file or other literate programming documents, I can just write my blog post around the function definitions. When I'm talking about Emacs Lisp functions defined elsewhere, though, it's a little more annoying to copy the function definition and put it in a source block, especially if there are updates.

The following code creates a defun link type that exports the function definition. It works for functions that can be located with find-function, so only functions loaded from .el files, but that does what I need for now. Probably once I post this, someone will mention a much more elegant way to do things. Anyway, it makes it easier to use org-store-link to capture a link to the function, insert it into a blog post, navigate back to the function, and export HTML.

(defun my-org-defun-complete ()
  "Return function definitions."
  (concat "defun:"
           "Function: "
           nil nil))) ;    (and fn (symbol-name fn)) ?

(defun my-org-defun-link-description (link description)
  "Add documentation string as part of the description"
  (unless description
    (when (string-match "defun:\\(.+\\)" link)
      (let ((symbol (intern (match-string 1 link))))
        (when (documentation symbol)
          (concat (symbol-name symbol) ": "
                  (car (split-string (documentation symbol) "\n"))))))))

(defun my-org-defun-open-complete ()
  "Return function definitions."
  (concat "defun-open:"
           "Function: "
           nil nil)))

(defun my-org-defun-open-export (link description format _)
  (my-org-defun-export (concat link (if (string-match "\\?" link) "&open=1" "?open=1")) description format _))

(defun my-org-defun-export (link description format _)
  "Export the function."
  (let (symbol params path-and-query)
    (if (string-match "\\?" link)
        (setq path-and-query (url-path-and-query (url-generic-parse-url link))
              symbol (car path-and-query)
              params (url-parse-query-string (cdr path-and-query)))
      (setq symbol link))
      (my-org-defun-open symbol)
      (let ((function-body (buffer-substring (point)
                                             (progn (forward-sexp) (point))))
        (pcase format
          ((or '11ty 'html)
           (setq body
                 (if (assoc-default "bare" params 'string=)
                     (format "<div class=\"org-src-container\"><pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">%s</pre></div>"
                             (org-html-do-format-code function-body "emacs-lisp" nil nil nil nil))
                   (format "<details%s><summary>%s</summary><div class=\"org-src-container\"><pre class=\"src src-emacs-lisp\">%s</pre></div></details>"
                           (if (assoc-default "open" params 'string=) " open"
                           (or description
                               (and (documentation (intern symbol))
                                     ": "
                                     (car (split-string (documentation (intern symbol)) "\n"))))
                           (org-html-do-format-code function-body "emacs-lisp" nil nil nil nil))))
           (when (assoc-default "link" params)
             (setq body (format "%s<div><a href=\"%s\">Context</a></div>" body (my-copy-link))))
          (`ascii function-body)
          (_ function-body))))))

(defun my-org-defun-store ()
  "Store a link to the function."
  (when (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode)
    (org-link-store-props :type "defun"
                          :link (concat "defun:" (lisp-current-defun-name)))))

(defun my-org-defun-open (symbol &rest _)
  "Jump to the function definition.
If it's from a tangled file, follow the link."
  (find-function (intern (replace-regexp-in-string "\\?.*$" "" symbol)))
  (when (re-search-backward "^;; \\[\\[file:" nil t)
    (goto-char (match-end 0))
    (when (re-search-forward (concat "( *defun +" (regexp-quote (replace-regexp-in-string "\\?.*$" "" symbol)))
                             nil t)
      (goto-char (match-beginning 0)))))

(org-link-set-parameters "defun" :follow #'my-org-defun-open
                         :export #'my-org-defun-export
                         :complete #'my-org-defun-complete
                         :insert-description #'my-org-defun-link-description
                         :store #'my-org-def-store)

(org-link-set-parameters "defun-open" :follow #'my-org-defun-open
                         :export #'my-org-defun-open-export
                         :complete #'my-org-defun-open-complete
                         :insert-description #'my-org-defun-link-description
                         :store #'my-org-def-store)

my-copy-link is at

TODO Still allow linking to the file

Sometimes I want to link to a defun and sometimes I want to link to the file itself. Maybe I can have a file link with the same kind of scoping so that it kicks in only when defun: would also kick in.

(defun my-org-defun-store-file-link ()
  "Store a link to the file itself."
  (when (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode)
    (org-link-store-props :type "file"
                          :link (concat "file:" (buffer-file-name)))))
(with-eval-after-load 'org
  (org-link-set-parameters "_file" :store #'my-org-defun-store-file-link))
View org source for this post
This is part of my Emacs configuration.

EmacsConf backstage: Using TRAMP and timers to run two tracks semi-automatically

| emacs, emacsconf, org

In previous years, organizers streamed the video feeds for EmacsConf from their own computers to the Icecast server, which was a little challenging because of CPU load. A server shared by a volunteer had a 6-core Intel Xeon E5-2420 with 48 GB of RAM, which turned out to be enough horsepower to run OBS for both the general and development track for EmacsConf 2022. One of the advantages of this setup was that I could write some Emacs Lisp to automatically play recorded intros and talk videos at scheduled times, right from the large Org file that had all the conference details. I used SCHEDULED: properties to indicate when talks should play, and that was picked up by another function that took the Org entry properties and put them into a plist.

This function scheduled the timers:

(defun emacsconf-stream-schedule-timers (&optional info)
  "Schedule PLAYING for the rest of talks and CLOSED_Q for recorded talks."
  (setq info (emacsconf-prepare-for-display (emacsconf-filter-talks (or info (emacsconf-get-talk-info)))))
  (let ((now (current-time)))
    (mapc (lambda (talk)
            (when (and (time-less-p now (plist-get talk :start-time)))
              (emacsconf-stream-schedule-talk-status-change talk (plist-get talk :start-time) "PLAYING"
                                                            `(:title (concat "Starting " (plist-get talk :slug)))))
            (when (and
                   (plist-get talk :video-file)
                   (plist-get talk :qa-time)
                   (not (string-match "none" (or (plist-get talk :q-and-a) "none")))
                   (null (plist-get talk :stream-files)) ;; can't tell when this is
                   (time-less-p now (plist-get talk :qa-time)))
              (emacsconf-stream-schedule-talk-status-change talk (plist-get talk :qa-time) "CLOSED_Q"
                                                            `(:title (concat "Q&A for " (plist-get talk :slug) " (" (plist-get talk :q-and-a) ")"))))

It turns out that TRAMP doesn't like being called from timers if there's a chance that two TRAMP processes might run at the same time. I got "Forbidden reentrant call of Tramp" errors when that happened. There was an easy fix, though. I adjusted the schedules of the talks so that they started at least a minute apart.

Sometimes I wanted to cancel just one timer:

(defun emacsconf-stream-cancel-timer (id)
  "Cancel a timer by ID."
  (interactive (list
                 "ID: "
                 (lambda (string pred action)
                    (if (eq action 'metadata)
                        `(metadata (display-sort-function . ,#'identity))
                      (complete-with-action action
                                             (seq-filter (lambda (o)
                                                           (and (timerp (cdr o))
                                                                (not (timer--triggered (cdr o)))))
                                             (lambda (a b) (string< (car a) (car b))))
                                            string pred))))))
  (when (timerp (assoc-default id emacsconf-stream-timers))
    (cancel-timer (assoc-default id emacsconf-stream-timers))
    (setq emacsconf-stream-timers
          (delq (assoc id emacsconf-stream-timers)
                (seq-filter (lambda (o)
                              (and (timerp (cdr o))
                                   (not (timer--triggered (cdr o)))))

and schedule just one timer manually:

(defun emacsconf-stream-schedule-talk-status-change (talk time new-status &optional notification)
  "Schedule a one-off timer for TALK at TIME to set it to NEW-STATUS."
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info)
                     (read-string "Time: ")
                     (completing-read "Status: " (mapcar 'car emacsconf-status-types))))
  (require 'diary-lib)
  (setq talk (emacsconf-resolve-talk talk))
  (let* ((converted
           ((listp time) time)
           ((timer-duration time) (timer-relative-time nil (timer-duration time)))
           (t                           ; HH:MM
            (date-to-time (concat (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" nil emacsconf-timezone)
                                  (string-pad time 5 ?0 t) 
         (timer-id (concat (format-time-string "%m-%dT%H:%M" converted)
                           (plist-get talk :slug)
    (emacsconf-stream-cancel-timer timer-id) 
    (add-to-list 'emacsconf-stream-timers
                   (run-at-time time converted #'emacsconf-stream-update-talk-status-from-timer
                                talk new-status

The actual playing of talks happened using functions that were called from org-after-todo-state-change-hook. I wrote a function that extracted the talk information and then called my own list of functions.

(defun emacsconf-org-after-todo-state-change ()
  "Run all the hooks in `emacsconf-todo-hooks'.
If an `emacsconf-todo-hooks' entry is a list, run it only for the
tracks with the ID in the cdr of that list."
  (let* ((talk (emacsconf-get-talk-info-for-subtree))
         (track (emacsconf-get-track (plist-get talk :track))))
     (lambda (hook-entry)
        ((symbolp hook-entry) (funcall hook-entry talk))
        ((member (plist-get track :id) (cdr hook-entry))
         (funcall (car hook-entry) talk))))

For example, this function played the recorded intro and the talk:

(defun emacsconf-stream-play-talk-on-change (talk)
  "Play the talk."
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info)))
  (setq talk (emacsconf-resolve-talk talk))
  (when (or (not (boundp 'org-state)) (string= org-state "PLAYING"))
    (if (plist-get talk :stream-files)
           (plist-get talk :slug))
            (split-string-and-unquote (plist-get talk :stream-files))
            (list "&"))))
           (plist-get talk :recorded-intro)
           (plist-get talk :video-file)) ;; recorded intro and recorded talk
          (message "should automatically play intro and recording")
          (list "play-with-intro" (plist-get talk :slug))) ;; todo deal with stream files
           (plist-get talk :recorded-intro)
           (null (plist-get talk :video-file))) ;; recorded intro and live talk; play the intro and join BBB
          (message "should automatically play intro; join %s" (plist-get talk :bbb-backstage))
          (list "intro" (plist-get talk :slug)))
           (null (plist-get talk :recorded-intro))
           (plist-get talk :video-file)) ;; live intro and recorded talk, show slide and use Mumble; manually play talk
          (message "should show intro slide; play %s afterwards" (plist-get talk :slug))
          (list "intro" (plist-get talk :slug)))
           (null (plist-get talk :recorded-intro))
           (null (plist-get talk :video-file))) ;; live intro and live talk, join the BBB
          (message "join %s for live intro and talk" (plist-get talk :bbb-backstage))
          (list "bbb" (plist-get talk :slug)))))))))

and this function handled IRC announcements when the talk state changed:

(defun emacsconf-erc-announce-on-change (talk)
  "Announce talk."
  (let ((func
         (pcase org-state
           ("PLAYING" #'erc-cmd-NOWPLAYING)
           ("CLOSED_Q" #'erc-cmd-NOWCLOSEDQ)
           ("OPEN_Q" #'erc-cmd-NOWOPENQ)
           ("UNSTREAMED_Q" #'erc-cmd-NOWUNSTREAMEDQ)
           ("TO_ARCHIVE" #'erc-cmd-NOWDONE))))
    (when func
      (funcall func talk))))

The actual announcements were handled by something like this:

(defun erc-cmd-NOWCLOSEDQ (talk)
  "Announce TALK has started Q&A, but the host has not yet opened it up."
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk-info)))
  (when (stringp talk) (setq talk (or (emacsconf-find-talk-info talk) (error "Could not find talk %s" talk))))
  (if (emacsconf-erc-recently-announced (format "-- Q&A beginning for \"%s\"" (plist-get talk :slug)))
      (message "Recently announced, skipping")
    (emacsconf-erc-with-channels (list (concat "#" (plist-get talk :channel)))
      (erc-send-message (format "-- Q&A beginning for \"%s\" (%s) Watch: %s Add notes/questions: %s"
                                (plist-get talk :title)
                                (plist-get talk :qa-info)
                                (plist-get talk :watch-url)
                                (plist-get talk :pad-url))))  
    (emacsconf-erc-with-channels (list emacsconf-erc-hallway emacsconf-erc-org)
      (erc-send-message (format "-- Q&A beginning for \"%s\" in the %s track (%s) Watch: %s Add notes/questions: %s . Chat: #%s"
                                (plist-get talk :title)
                                (plist-get talk :track)
                                (plist-get talk :qa-info)
                                (plist-get talk :watch-url)
                                (plist-get talk :pad-url)
                                (plist-get talk :channel))))))

All that code meant that during the actual conference, my role was mostly just worrying, and occasionally starting up the Q&A (if I wasn't sure if the code would do it right). The shell scripts I wrote made it easy for the other organizers to take over the second part as they saw how it worked.

Yay timers, Emacs, and TRAMP!

You can find the latest versions of these functions in the emacsconf-el repository.

Comparison-shopping with Org Mode

| emacs, org

I don't like shopping. We're lucky to be able to choose, but I get overwhelmed with all the choices. I'm trying to get the hang of it, though, since I'll need to shop for lots of things for A- over the years. One of the things that's stressful is comparing choices between different webpages, especially if I want to get A-'s opinion on something. Between the challenge of remembering things as we flip between pages and the temptations of other products she sees along the way… Ugh.

I think there are web browser extensions for shopping, but I prefer to work within Org Mode so that I can capture links from my phone's web browser, refile entries into different categories, organize them with keyboard shortcuts, and tweak things the way I like. So if I have subheadings with the NAME, PRICE, IMAGE, and URL properties, I can make a table that looks like this:


Figure 1: Comparison-shopping

using code that looks like this:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval yes :exports results :wrap EXPORT html

and I can view the table by exporting the subtree with HTML using org-export-dispatch (C-c C-e C-s h o). When I add new items, I can use C-u C-c C-e to reexport the subtree without navigating up to the root.

Here's the very rough code I use for that:

(defun my-get-shopping-details ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (let (data)
     ((re-search-forward "  data-section-data
>" nil t)
      (setq data (json-read))
      (let-alist data
        (list (cons 'name .product.title)
              (cons 'brand .product.vendor)
              (cons 'description .product.description)
              (cons 'image (concat "https:" .product.featured_image))
              (cons 'price (/ .product.price 100.0)))))
     ((and (re-search-forward "<script type=\"application/ld\\+json\">" nil t)
           (null (re-search-forward "Fabric Fabric" nil t))) ; Carter's, Columbia?
      (setq data (json-read))
      (if (vectorp data) (setq data (elt data 0)))
      (if (assoc-default '@graph data)
          (setq data (assoc-default '@graph data)))
      (if (vectorp data) (setq data (elt data 0)))
      (let-alist data
        (list (cons 'name .name)
              (cons 'url (or .url .@id))
              (cons 'brand
              (cons 'description .description)
              (cons 'rating .aggregateRating.ratingValue)
              (cons 'ratingCount .aggregateRating.reviewCount)
              (cons 'image (if (stringp .image) .image (elt .image 0)))
              (cons 'price
                    (assoc-default 'price (if (arrayp .offers)
                                              (elt .offers 0)
     ((re-search-forward "" nil t)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (re-search-forward "^$")
      (let ((doc (libxml-parse-html-region (point) (point-max))))
        (list (cons 'name (dom-text (dom-by-tag doc 'title)))
              (cons 'description (dom-texts (dom-by-id doc "productDescription")))
              (cons 'image (dom-attr (dom-by-tag (dom-by-id doc "imgTagWrapperId") 'img) 'src))
              (cons 'price
                    (dom-texts (dom-by-id doc "priceblock_ourprice"))))))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (re-search-forward "^$")
      (let* ((doc (libxml-parse-html-region (point) (point-max)))
              `((name . ,(string-trim (dom-text (dom-by-tag doc "title"))))
                (description . ,(string-trim (dom-text (dom-by-tag doc "title")))))
        (mapc (lambda (property)
                (let ((node
                        (lambda (o)
                          (delq nil
                                (mapcar (lambda (p)
                                          (or (string= (dom-attr o 'property) p)
                                              (string-match p (or (dom-attr o 'class) ""))))
                                        (cdr property)))))))
                  (when node (add-to-list 'result (cons (car property)
                                                        (or (dom-attr node 'content)
                                                            (string-trim (dom-text node))))))))
              '((name "og:title" "pdp-product-title")
                (brand "og:brand")
                (url "og:url")
                (image "og:image")
                (description "og:description")
                (price "og:price:amount" "product:price:amount" "pdp-price-label")))
(defun my-org-insert-shopping-details ()
  (save-excursion (yank))
  (when (org-entry-get (point) "NAME")
    (org-edit-headline (org-entry-get (point) "NAME")))
(defun my-org-update-shopping-details ()
  (when (re-search-forward org-link-any-re (save-excursion (org-end-of-subtree)) t)
    (let* ((link (org-element-property :raw-link (org-element-context)))
      (if (string-match "theshoecompany\\|dsw" link)
            (browse-url link)
            (org-entry-put (point) "URL" link)
            (unless (org-entry-get (point) "IMAGE")
              (org-entry-put (point) "IMAGE" (read-string "Image: ")))
            (unless (org-entry-get (point) "PRICE")
              (org-entry-put (point) "PRICE" (read-string "Price: "))))
        (setq data (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously link)
        (when data
          (let-alist data
            (org-entry-put (point) "NAME" .name)
            (org-entry-put (point) "URL" link)
            (org-entry-put (point) "BRAND" .brand)
            (org-entry-put (point) "DESCRIPTION" (replace-regexp-in-string "&#039;" "'" (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " (or .description ""))))
            (org-entry-put (point) "IMAGE" .image)
            (org-entry-put (point) "PRICE" (cond ((stringp .price) .price) ((numberp .price) (format "%.2f" .price)) (t ""))) 
            (if .rating (org-entry-put (point) "RATING" (if (stringp .rating) .rating (format "%.1f" .rating))))
            (if .ratingCount (org-entry-put (point) "RATING_COUNT" (if (stringp .ratingCount) .ratingCount (number-to-string .ratingCount))))
(defun my-org-format-shopping-subtree ()
   "<style>body { max-width: 100% !important } #content { max-width: 100% !important } .item img { max-height: 100px; }</style><div style=\"display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; align-items: flex-start\">"
       (lambda ()
         (if (org-entry-get (point) "URL")
              "<div class=item style=\"width: 200px\"><div><a href=\"%s\"><img src=\"%s\" height=100></a></div>
<div><a href=\"%s\">%s</a></div>
              (org-entry-get (point) "URL")
              (org-entry-get (point) "IMAGE")
              (org-entry-get (point) "PRICE")
              (org-entry-get (point) "URL")
              (url-domain (url-generic-parse-url (org-entry-get (point) "URL")))
              (org-entry-get (point) "NAME")
              (or (org-entry-get (point) "NOTES") ""))
       (if (org-before-first-heading-p) nil 'tree)))

At some point, it would be nice to keep track of how I feel about different return policies, and to add more rules for automatically extracting information from different websites. (org-chef might be a good model.) In the meantime, this makes it a little less stressful to look for stuff.

This is part of my Emacs configuration.

Collect my recent toots in an Org file so that I can refile them

| emacs, mastodon, org

I want to use my microblog posts on Mastodon as building blocks for longer posts on my blog. Getting them into an Org file makes it easier to link to them or refile them to other parts of my Org files so that I can build up my notes.

(use-package pandoc)
(defun my-mastodon-org-feed-formatter (entry)
  (concat "* " (pandoc-convert-stdio
                (dom-text (dom-by-tag
                             (insert "<item>"
                                     (plist-get entry :item-full-text)
                             (xml-parse-region (point-min) (point-max)))
                "html" "org")
          "\n\n[" (format-time-string (cdr org-time-stamp-formats)
                                      (date-to-time (plist-get entry :pubDate)))
"]\n" (plist-get entry :link)))
(setq org-feed-alist '(("Mastodon" ""
                        "~/sync/orgzly/" "Toots"
                        :formatter my-mastodon-org-feed-formatter)))
(defun my-org-feed-sort (pos entries)
    (goto-char pos)
    (when (looking-at org-complex-heading-regexp)
      (org-sort-entries nil ?T))))
(advice-add #'org-feed-add-items :after #'my-org-feed-sort)

Now I can use org-feed-update-all (C-c C-x g) to pull things into my file.

This is part of my Emacs configuration.

Logging sent messages to Org Mode with message-sent-hook

| org, emacs

I wanted to e-mail all the EmacsConf speakers who had already uploaded their videos, and I wanted to keep track of the fact that I'd mailed them by adding a note to the :LOGBOOK: drawer in their talk heading. That way, organizers can just look at the logbook to see if we've mailed someone instead of digging through our mailboxes.

org-store-log-note assumes that it's called from the log buffer created by org-add-log-note. It doesn't seem to have a smaller function that can be called to store notes non-interactively, but that's okay. We can just set up the correct markers and call it from a temporary buffer.

(defun emacsconf-add-to-logbook (note)
  "Add NOTE as a logbook entry for the current subtree."
  (move-marker org-log-note-return-to (point))
  (move-marker org-log-note-marker (point))
    (insert note)
    (let ((org-log-note-purpose 'note))

Then it's convenient to have a function that adds a note to a specified talk:

(defun emacsconf-add-to-talk-logbook (talk note)
  "Add NOTE as a logbook entry for TALK."
  (interactive (list (emacsconf-complete-talk) (read-string "Note: ")))
    (emacsconf-with-talk-heading talk
      (emacsconf-add-to-logbook note))))

I discard many drafts on the way to finalizing the process, so I want the note to be stored only after I actually send the mail. That's the job of message-sent-hook. My mail merge function calls compose-mail, sets up the body of the buffer, and then adds a lambda function to message-sent-hook to file the note in the logbook when sent.

(add-hook 'message-sent-hook
          `(lambda ()
              (lambda (o)
                (emacsconf-add-to-talk-logbook o "Sent speaker-after-video email"))
              (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (talk) (plist-get talk :slug)) talks))))
          nil t)

To see the mail merge code in context, you can check out the TODO entry at . It uses functions from emacsconf.el and emacsconf-mail.el at .

Why I Love Emacs - from Bob Oliver

| emacs, org

Sometimes I post updates from people who don't have their own blog. Here's one from Bob Oliver. - Sacha

This short article sets out why I, as an Emacs newbie, really, really love this software. But before I get into that I would like to explain my voyage (Note: absence of the 'journey' word) to Emacs.

Many moons ago, back in the late seventies / early eighties I was a Cobol programmer, a job I loved. As it is with life, circumstances change and I moved away from Data Processing, as we called it in olden days. This meant I had to get my programming fix using my Sinclair Spectrum, which I programmed using their version of BASIC. I learned how to build my own, very simple games, and spent many hours playing my games and programming more. Then the children came along, the Sinclair went into the loft (attic for non-UK readers) and I had little or no time for hobbies.

Years later, with family grown and flown the nest, the Raspberry Pi was released and revised my love of programming. I took to learning C and Python - though remain very much at the beginner stage. All very enjoyable. This sparked a notion that I might be able to build an app and enhance my future pension prospects. To this end I installed xCode on my MacBook and also tried VS-Code. Needless to say I have not achieved proficiency and have since removed those products from my MacBook.

I still wanted to enhance my knowledge of C, Python and Bash, and so was really pleased when the Raspberry Pi foundation released Raspberry O/S Desktop for Mac (apologies if this name is not technically correct). This enabled me to re-purpose an old MacBook (circa 2009 and no longer supported) as a Linux machine, which got me interesting in learning all things Linux. This led to me installing Emacs as my code editor. Through reading all things Emacs I discovered org-mode and now Emacs is my text editor of choice.

As probably most new users to Emacs, I found it a bit confusing at first, but did as recommended stuck with it, and I am really glad I did.

What do I use Emacs for?

A very good question. Short answer is code and text editor.

  1. Writing, compiling, testing and running C programs.
  2. Writing, testing and running Bash scripts.
  3. Writing, testing and running Python programs.
  4. Compiling my, not so, daily journal.
  5. Using org-mode as my word processor of choice.

The key reason for using org-mode for my journal, was portability and long term accessibility. I had used various electronic journals before, each with their own proprietary file standards, making me concerned that my journal would not be available to my children long after I have gone. Also as Linux, and hence org-mode, use plain text files I can edit with any text editor on any platform, so can be assured that I can move the files as and when I change computers. Also as plain text files, they are readily searchable, so I can recall memories easily.

Finding Emacs and org-mode is probably one of the best things I have done since I retired from full-time employment.

What next:

  1. Maintain my journal writing.
  2. Write up my poems in org-mode - I have several going back to my teenage years.
  3. Develop my writing skills and maybe write a novel.
  4. Learn how to send and recieve mail through Emacs - I have yet to find a guide that is not too technical / complicated for me.


Bob Oliver Essex, England.