Monthly review: February 2011

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February was an interesting month at work. Lots of presentations, for one – that’s the easy part. Lotusphere was quite an experience, too. I’ve started helping with estimates, scoping projects, preparing paperwork, and learning new platforms. This is the longest I’ve worked at IBM without being heads-down on one or two projects. Instead, I’m juggling the plans for several. My manager isn’t stressed out about this, so I’m not stressing out about it either.

When it rains, it pours. If these proposals go through, they’ll probably sign at roughly the same time. Some of them are flexible and some of them have tighter timelines, so March and April promise to be full of learning experiences. This is great stuff, and exactly what I should be learning. Can’t wait!

From last month’s plans:


  • [X] Work on new project
  • [-] Put together talks for Deeper Insight, Remote Presentations That Rock, and the ITSC: Did the second two, but not the first
  • [X] Mentor more people
  • Participated in Lotusphere
  • Learned how to estimate and scope projects


  • [X] Organize get-together
  • [X] Get visa and arrange travel details
  • Learned new recipes


  • [X] Write up more reflections
  • Experimented with Zipcasts, tweetchats, and other ways to share what I know

Plans for March:


  • [ ] Shepherd more projects to signing and work
  • [ ] Learn how to implement web services on Websphere Application Server
  • [ ] Create and deliver more presentations
  • [ ] Finish blog series on blogging


  • [ ] Host another get-together
  • [ ] Build a set of people to call once a week
  • [X] Check out Toastmasters again
  • [ ] Practise driving


  • [ ] Refine my plans
  • [ ] Start seedlings

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