Monthly review: January 2013

| monthly, review

Last month, I wrote:

What could January look like? I’d like to:

  • create lots of value for my consulting clients
  • start the marketing and sales process going for upcoming events – hope I’m not too late for the events in March!
  • delegate more: add a new person to my virtual team
  • maintain my twice-weekly fitness/self-defence class schedule

I hit the ground running with a couple of much-appreciated tweaks and tools for my consulting clients.

I’ve decided to scale back a little on selling sketchnoting services for conferences because I’m also curious about developing other business models. Still, it’s great to have a few events lined up! I’d like to practise graphic recording, and am looking forward to ordering some equipment.

Patricia has been a great addition to my virtual team. I should send them more work. I’ve been a little remiss.

Fitness class has been less regular as of late, but at least I keep going even though I sometimes get really anxious.

In February, I’d like to do a lot more coding and a lot more drawing. We’ll see how it works out!

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