2025-03-10 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs 30:
- Upcoming events (iCal file, Org):
- Emacs.si (in person): Emacs.si meetup #3 2025 (v #živo) https://dogodki.kompot.si/events/333236a9-d51f-4646-9630-4d42a820f1f0 Tue Mar 11 1900 CET
- Atelier Emacs Montpellier (in person) https://lebib.org/date/atelier-emacs Fri Mar 14 1800 Europe/Paris
- M-x Research: TBA https://m-x-research.github.io/ Wed Mar 19 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100 America/Chicago - 1200 America/Toronto - 1600 Etc/GMT - 1700 Europe/Berlin - 2130 Asia/Kolkata – Thu Mar 20 0000 Asia/Singapore
- Emacs APAC: Emacs APAC meetup (virtual) https://emacs-apac.gitlab.io/announcements/ Sat Mar 22 0130 America/Vancouver - 0330 America/Chicago - 0430 America/Toronto - 0830 Etc/GMT - 0930 Europe/Berlin - 1400 Asia/Kolkata - 1630 Asia/Singapore announcement
- EmacsSF (in person): coffee.el in SF https://www.meetup.com/emacs-sf/events/306610734/ Sat Mar 22 1100 America/Los_Angeles
- Upcoming events:
- Emacs configuration:
- Marcin Borkowski: Persisting variables across Emacs sessions revisited
- Building Your First Emacs Config | Sophie Bosio (@bignose@fosstodon.org)
- minimal-emacs.d - A Customizable Emacs init.el and early-init.el that Provides Better Defaults and Optimized Startup (Release 1.2.0) (Reddit)
- peregrinator's literate Emacs configuration
- my auto-bootstrapping emacs config, powered by straight.el
- Emacs Lisp:
- Appearance:
- Charles Choi: Announcing Calle 24 - use SF Symbols for icon bar
- Installing color scheme in Emacs (06:27)
- Navigation:
- Dired:
- Org Mode:
- Collecting and Categorizing Web Links in Org-mode | Plain DrOps (@spacecadet@masto.plaindrops.de)
- (Update) org-supertag 2.5: A new way think about Tag system (r/emacs, r/orgmode)
- Thanos Apollo: Emacs Note Taking & Journaling using org-gnosis [Video] (YouTube)
- Sacha Chua: Getting an Org link URL from a string; debugging regex groups
- My First Emacs Lisp Code - org-create-and-open-file-link
- The Emacs Cat: Using Emacs Org Mode for Reproducibility Testing
- Loving Emacs Writing Studio (Irreal)
- Import, export, and integration:
- My static website is generated from Org Mode, and I'm quite pleased with how it turned out
- /home/lucio.albenga.es - Como crear y publicar tu sitio web con Emacs y Org Mode (@victorhck@mastodon.social)
- one.el - static site generator for Emacs Lisp programmers (HN)
- org-embd: An Emacs package for embedding various content in Org-mode (Reddit)
- (update) org-zettel-ref-mode 0.5.4: Improved highlight mechanism and Improved sorting functionality
- chenyanming/paw_org_protocol: Emacs Org Protocol Factory (Reddit)
- Denote:
- Coding:
- Math:
- Shells:
- Mail, news, and chat:
- Evil mode:
- Much Ado about Emacs 008 - Bicycle For Your Mind - evil-mode, general
- gemini://sdf.org/sinza/log/20250304-still-happy-with-emacs.gmi - Emacs, Debian, and Exwm (@sinza@bitbang.social)
- Emacs, czyli edytor tak wszechstronny, że może zostać Window Managerem - „Hakki” | JL 2024 (24:23)
- AI:
- DeepSeek, Open Router, Kagi, and Perplexity now supported by chatgpt-shell (Reddit)
- Speaking to Claude via Whisper and asking it to write an Emacs function (Reddit)
- James Dyer: Ollama-Buddy V0.5.1 - Session/History/Role Management, Real-Time Token Tracking and More!
- Alvaro Ramirez: DeepSeek, Open Router, Kagi, and Perplexity join the chat
- demajh/emacs_ai_extensions: AI extensions for Emacs. (Reddit)
- What AI chat I currently use in emacs (05:13)
- Aidermacs in Action: Emacs AI Pair Programming w/ Aider & Ediff (02:11, Reddit)
- Community:
- Other:
- Jack Baty: I went a little nuts with Remember mode in Emacs (Reddit, Irreal)
- The role of the Escape key in Emacs (Reddit, Irreal)
- Irreal: Is Emacs Privacy Friendly?
- janestreet/ecaml: Writing Emacs plugin in OCaml (@bbatsov@hachyderm.io)
- Solved! Terminal Emacs screen tearing/corruption with Unicode characters | Adam Compton
- Plain Text Supremacy With Emacs (02:46) - Download a transcript from youtube and transform it using jq
- Emacs development:
- emacs-devel:
- What Questions are Worth Asking Emacs-Newcomers?
- File sharing (macOS and GNU/Linux) - continued discussion
- context-menu-mode and S-<down-mouse-1>
- Re: master 02681b0fbf0 1/2: Don't claim that xftfont is being considered - Xft vs Cairo
- Re: master a5f8ce9f1ea: Re-port to 32-bit systems without alignment prim - Restoring Sun C 5.8 support?
- Re: alert.el status? - Help wanted to get alert.el working with Android
- Treesit ranges and embedding for GNU LilyPond - starting work on treesit-based major mode for LilyPond, Scheme-related challenges
- Make second arg to defvar-local optional
- Restore find-function-mode-map (bug#76700)
- Allow changing theme settings without reloading it
- VC: New hook to strip CVS template lines when committing
- Let repeated windmove override motion restrictions interactively
- Add static-when, static-unless like static-if
- mouse-face properties on tab-bar tab captions (bug#76394)
- Add shell-mode bookmark support for local and remote shells (bug#65039)
- Add new user option to exclude projects from being remembered
- New user option checkdoc-arguments-missing-flag
- Make byte-compile-cond-use-jump-table obsolete
- Add ns-click-through option to control activation click handling
- Don't accept strings in package-(install|upgrade)
- emacs-devel:
- New packages:
- aidermacs: AI pair programming with Aider (MELPA)
- amber-glow-theme: A warm and inviting theme (MELPA)
- berry-theme: A vibrant berry-colored theme (MELPA)
- bilibili: Watch videos of BiliBili (哔哩哔哩) in org mode (MELPA)
- c2-mode: Major mode for C2 programming language (MELPA)
- calle24: Emacs Toolbar Support for SF Symbols (MELPA)
- cond-star: Extended form of `cond' construct (GNU ELPA)
- denote-journal-capture: Better Integration for Denote Journal and Org Capture (MELPA)
- denote-project-notes: Link Denote notes to a project (MELPA)
- ember-twilight-theme: Ember Twilight theme (MELPA)
- gnome-dark-style: Sync theme with GNOME color-scheme (GNU ELPA)
- marron-gold-theme: A rich marron-gold theme (MELPA)
- noether: A modeline which plays hide and seek (MELPA)
- ox-beamer-lecture: Beamer Lecture Back-End for Org Export Engine (MELPA)
- roseline-theme: Roseline theme (MELPA)
- sexy-theme: Sexy color theme (MELPA)
- sixcolors-theme: Just another theme (MELPA)
- solarized-gruvbox-theme: Solarized Gruvbox theme (MELPA)
- spider-man-theme: A Vibrant Spider-Man Inspired Theme (MELPA)
- thankful-eyes-theme: Theme for color blindness and visual impairments (MELPA)
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, r/orgmode, r/spacemacs, r/planetemacs, Mastodon #emacs, Bluesky #emacs, Hacker News, lobste.rs, programming.dev, lemmy.world, lemmy.ml, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the Emacs NEWS file, Emacs Calendar, and emacs-devel. Thanks to Andrés Ramírez for emacs-devel links. Do you have an Emacs-related link or announcement? Please e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com. Thank you!