- Mental hacks for slower speech
- Dealing with presentation block
- Understanding how I’m changing as a speaker
- Getting ready for my Hardlines Dealer Conference talk: So You Don’t Have an Army of Online Marketers
- Quantified Awesome: Tracking clothes, groceries, and other everyday things
- Thinking about outsourcing transcription or doing it myself
- Session follow-up #1: Discovering Yourself through Blogging
- Learning from the speeches of grade seven students
- Developing a workflow with Autodesk Sketchbook Pro
- Taking a break while working on presentations
- Presentation draft: Mentoring on the Network
- Giving a presentation using Autodesk Sketchbook Pro and a web conference
- Remote training that rocks
- Continuing experiments with Slideshare’s Zipcast web conferences
- Quick notes from Emacs Org-mode talk at GTALUG
- Presentation experiment: Shy Connector, Six Steps to Sharing, and other presentations in March!
- Trying out Slideshare’s new Zipcast feature
- Posted revised “Remote Presentations That Rock” presentation
- Kaizen: Thinking about presentations
- ITSC guide to conference awesomeness
- How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Webinar: Energy, Interaction, and ROI
- On presenting, anxiety, and moving forward
- Pre-conference networking tips for the Instructional Technology Strategies Conference
- Thoughts on speaking
- Speaking: In case of emergency, break glass
- "But what can I talk about?" Toastmaster tactics for tackling topics
- Placeholder: The Examined Life: Technology and Experimentation
- Six steps to make sharing part of how you work
- Seven Tips for Short Talks
- Notes about business communication
- Presented Remote Presentations That Rock v2 for the Best of TLE 2009 series
- Quick notes from a conversation about speaking and facilitation
- Remote Presentations That Rock (revised)
- Paper is the new PowerPoint
- Thoughts on presenting: I love the backchannel
- IgniteToronto video: The Shy Presenter
- Missing something I love about presentations
- Reflections on PresentationCampToronto
- Presentation kaizen: Seven everyday ways to become a better presenter
- Coaching people on how to give better remote presentations – Thinking out loud
- Braindump: Presentation kaizen
- Experiments as a presenter
- An abundance of opportunities
- Presentation lessons from Ignite; deliberate practice
- Thoughts on preparing an Ignite-style presentation
- The Shy Presenter: Why conventional advice on learning public speaking sucks, and how to really get started
- The Shy Presenter: braindumping an introvert’s guide to public speaking
- Kaizen: WITI: The Shy Connector
- Harvesting the backchannel bazaar of insights
- Notes from WITI: The Shy Connector
- Lessons learned from microblogging talk
- Survey responses for TLE: Remote Presentations That Rock
- What I want to talk about in 2010
- Upcoming talk: The Shy Connector
- How you know your training sessions are working; Remote Presentations That Rock
- Behind the scenes: Livin’ la Vida Emacs
- Visual notes from Remote Presentations That Rock
- Book: Leading Out Loud
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the webinar: Part 4: Taking the next steps
- Reflecting on how I can create value
- Thinking about how I can make the most of editing; The world is an amazing candy-store of talent
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the webinar: Part 3: Reading the room
- My talks in 2009
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the webinar: Part 2: From audience to participants
- How I learned to stop worrying and love the webinar – Part 1: The best seats in the house
- Thoughts from “Remote Presentations That Rock”, changing dynamics
- The “Remote Presentations That Rock” reading list
- Thinking about conferences
- Thinking out loud about my presentation
- Check out “7 Tips for Remote Presentations That Rock” – notes posted
- 7 Tips for Remote Presentations That Rock
- Public speaker worried about losing control? Don’t have lectures – have conversations
- Growing as a presenter
- From presentations to conversations
- The shy connector
- Notes from the road
- Notes from Totally Rocking Presentations at IBM
- Taking the Stage: The Power of Voice
- Social Recruiting Summit: Awesomest Job Search Ever
- Stage fright, visualization and improvization
- My Charity Connects: The A, B, Cs, of Boomers, X, Ys, Zs: Reaching Different Generations Through Social Media
- Conversations with the students at Sir Wilfrid Laurier
- Finally figured out what to do with presentation templates! =)
- Reflecting on public speaking and my talk management system
- Seven tips for making better presentations
- Managing virtual assistants: the surprising benefits of transcription
- Remote presentations that rock: Challenges and opportunities of remote presentations
- Quick tips for making the most of Sametime Unyte
- Virtual conferences change the game
- Networking outside the firewall
- Improving my talk management process
- Presentation Zen: Visualization of the credit crisis
- Want to grow as a speaker? Look for inspiration!
- Feel free to use your laptop or your phone in my talks! I love the backchannel
- Reflections on presentation; looking for a coach
- ROI for public speaking and Web 2.0; graph and case study
- Oooh, pretty presentation!
- Finding something worth talking about
- Keeping things fresh; Analyzing session feedback
- What teachers make
- GBS Learning Week: First set
- How to scale presentations up or down – the art of timing
- Storytelling in presentations
- Two presentation stories for today: Oooh, shiny; Reaching the back row
- Dealing with stage fright
- Notes from "Networking 2.0: Blogging Your Way Out of a Job and Into a Career"; the experience of speaking
- Upcoming events
- Taking the Terror out of Talk
- An alien experience
- Next slide, please
- When it rains, it pours
- Presentation insights from science competitions
- Survived my first Toastmasters speech!
- Toastmasters is fun
- Toast IT
- Public speaking and mentoring
- Embedded talk