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Yay Emacs: Using elisp: links in Org Mode to note the time and display messages on stream

| yay-emacs, org

I like adding chapters to my videos so that people can jump to sections. I can figure out the sections by reading the transcript, adding NOTE comments, and extracting the times for those with my-youtube-copy-chapters. It could be nice to capture the times on the fly. org-timer could let me insert relative timestamps, but I think it might need some tweaking to synchronize that with when the stream starts according to YouTube. I've set up a capture, too, so I can take notes with timestamps.

It turns out that I don't have a lot of mental bandwidth when I'm on stream, so it's hard to remember keyboard shortcuts. (Maybe if I practise using the hydra I set up…) Fortunately, Org Mode's elisp: link type makes it easy to set up executable shortcuts. For example, I can add links like [[elisp:my-stream-message-link][TODO]] to my livestream plans like this:

Figure 1: Shortcuts with elisp: links

I can then click on the links or use C-c C-o (org-open-link-at-point) to run the function. When I follow the TODO link in the first item, Emacs displays a clock and a message based on the rest of the line after the link.

Figure 2: Displaying a clock and a message

In the background, the code also sets the description of the link to the wall-clock time.

Figure 3: Link description updated with the time

If I start the livestream with a clock displayed on screen, I can use that to translate wall-clock times to relative time offsets. I'll probably figure out some Elisp to translate the times automatically at some point, maybe based on something like org-timer-change-times-in-region.

I figured it might be fun to add a QR code automatically if we detect a URL, taking advantage of that qrencode package I started playing around with.

Figure 4: With a QR code

You can also use elisp: links for more complicated Emacs Lisp functions, like this: elisp:(progn ... ...).

Here's the code that makes it happen. It's based on emacsconf-stream.el.

(defvar my-stream-message-buffer "*Yay Emacs*")
(defvar my-stream-message-timer nil)

(defun my-stream-message-link ()
    (when (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
               (eq (org-element-type (org-element-context)) 'link))
      (goto-char (org-element-end (org-element-context)))
      (my-stream-message (org-export-string-as (buffer-substring (point) (line-end-position)) 'ascii t)))))
(defun my-stream-update-todo-description-with-time ()
  (when (and (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
             (eq (org-element-type (org-element-context)) 'link))
    (my-org-update-link-description (format-time-string "%-I:%M:%S %p"))))

(defun my-stream-message (&optional message)
  (interactive "MMessage: ")
  ;; update the description of the link at point to be the current time, if any
  (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create my-stream-message-buffer))
  (when (string= message "") (setq message nil))
  (face-remap-add-relative 'default :height 200)
   "Yay Emacs! - Sacha Chua (\n"
    'stream-time (lambda () (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z (%z)")))
  ;; has a URL? Let's QR encode it!
  (when-let ((url (save-excursion
                    (when (re-search-backward ffap-url-regexp nil t)
    (insert (propertize (qrencode url) 'face '(:height 50)) "\n"))
  (insert  "\\n")
  (when (timerp my-stream-message-timer) (cancel-timer my-stream-message-timer))
  (setq my-stream-message-timer (run-at-time t 1 #'my-stream-update-time))
  (goto-char (point-min)))

(defun my-stream-update-time ()
  "Update the displayed time."
  (if (get-buffer my-stream-message-buffer)
      (when (get-buffer-window my-stream-message-buffer)
        (with-current-buffer my-stream-message-buffer
            (goto-char (point-min))
            (let (match)
              (while (setq match (text-property-search-forward 'stream-time))
                (goto-char (prop-match-beginning match))
                 (prop-match-beginning match)
                 (prop-match-end match)
                 (list 'display
                       (funcall (get-text-property
                                 (prop-match-beginning match)
                (goto-char (prop-match-end match)))))))
    (when (timerp my-stream-message-timer)
      (cancel-timer my-stream-message-timer))))

Let's see if that makes it easy enough for me to remember to actually do it!

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Yay Emacs 1: EmacsConf 2023 report, SVG animation, Embark, Org Mode links

| yay-emacs, emacs

For this livestream, I experimented with scheduling it for 8:00 AM EST instead of just starting it whenever I could squeeze in the time.1 People dropped by! And asked questions! And suggested interesting things! Wow. This could be fun.

I wrote a bunch of blog posts throughout the week and added lots of little videos to them. It was easy to walk through my recent posts and demonstrate things without worrying about (a) accidentally leaking personal information or (b) flubbing things on camera, since apparently my multitasking abilities are on the way down.2 It felt good to go through them and add some more commentary and highlights while knowing that all the details are there in case people want to do a deeper dive.

Here are the links:

I roughly edited the transcript from Deepgram and I uploaded it to YouTube, fixing some bugs in my Deepgram VTT conversion along the way. I think I like having proper transcripts even for ephemeral stuff like this, since it costs roughly USD 0.21 for the 43-minute video and I can probably figure out how to make editing even faster..

New projects are easier to keep working on when they have immediate personal benefits. It's easy for me to keep doing Emacs News every week because I have so much fun learning about the cool things people are doing with Emacs. I think it'll be easy for me to keep doing Yay Emacs livestreams because not only do I get to capture some workflows and ideas in videos, but other people might even tell me about interesting things that could save me time or open up new possibilities. Also, it's worth building up things I love.

I'm going to try scheduling another stream for next Sunday (Jan 21) at 7:30 AM EST. Maybe I can experiment with sharing my screen with the Surface Book or the W530 and then using that computer to stream. We'll see what that's like!



Thanks to the unpredictability of life with a kiddo, scheduling things has been one of my life goals for a while! <laugh> When I created the event, the kiddo was still in her winter-break habit of sleeping in until 10 or 11, so I figured that I had a little time before I needed to call in for her virtual school at 8:45 AM. Of course, that week she decided to start setting her alarm for 7:59 AM so that she could wake up early and have watching time, and she actually started waking up around that time. So for Friday, I woke up earlier (well, the cat woke got me up even earlier) and packed a little breakfast she could have in the living room (since my computer's on a kitchen cabinet)… and that was the one day she snoozed her alarm clock and sleep in. I've scheduled the next stream for 7:30 AM… and she has announced that she wants to set her alarm for 7:30ish. Hmm.


I notice that it can be a little challenging for me to talk and do things at the same time. This is particularly obvious when I'm cubing (brain hiccup at the last step, gotta solve the whole Rubik's cube all over again). It's also why I prefer to record the audio for my presentations separately instead of winging it. =) It could be verbal interference, (very mild, totally expected) age-related cognitive decline (which is a topic I've been meaning to write up my notes on), or my squirrel brain could just have been pretty bad at this all along. Anyway, words or code, sometimes I just gotta pick one. Never mind my laptop's CPU not handling ffmpeg well, my brain's CPU gets high utilization too. That's good, though!

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Quick notes on livestreaming to YouTube with FFmpeg on a Lenovo X230T

| video, youtube, streaming, ffmpeg, yay-emacs

[2024-01-05 Fri]: Updated scripts

Text from the sketch

Quick thoughts on livestreaming


  • work out loud
  • share tips
  • share more
  • spark conversations
  • (also get questions about things)

Doable with ffmpeg on my X230T:

  • streaming from my laptop
  • lapel mic + system audio,
  • second screen for monitoring

Ideas for next time:

  • Overall notes in Emacs with outline, org-timer timestamped notes; capture to this file
  • Elisp to start/stop the stream → find old code
  • Use the Yeti? Better sound
  • tee to a local recording
  • grab screenshot from SuperNote mirror?

Live streaming info density:

  • High: Emacs News review, package/workflow demo
  • Narrating a blog post to make it a video
  • Categorizing Emacs News, exploring packages
  • Low: Figuring things out

YouTube can do closed captions for livestreams, although accuracy is low. Videos take a while to be ready to download.

Experimenting with working out loud

I wanted to write a report on EmacsConf 2023 so that we could share it with speakers, volunteers, participants, donors, related organizations like the Free Software Foundation, and other communities. I experimented with livestreaming via YouTube while I worked on the conference highlights.

It's a little over an hour long and probably very boring, but it was nice of people to drop by and say hello.

The main parts are:

  • 0:00: reading through other conference reports for inspiration
  • 6:54: writing an overview of the talks
  • 13:10: adding quotes for specific talks
  • 25:00: writing about the overall conference
  • 32:00: squeezing in more highlights
  • 49:00: fiddling with the formatting and the export

It mostly worked out, aside from a brief moment of "uhhh, I'm looking at our private file on stream". Fortunately, the e-mail addresses that were showed were the public ones.

Technical details


  • I set up environment variables and screen resolution:

      # From pacmd list-sources | egrep '^\s+name'
      LAPEL=alsa_input.usb-Jieli_Technology_USB_Composite_Device_433035383239312E-00.mono-fallback #
      # MIC=$LAPEL
      # AUDIO_WEIGHTS="1 1"
      AUDIO_WEIGHTS="0.5 0.5"
      SCREEN=LVDS-1  # from xrandr
      xrandr --output $SCREEN --mode 1280x720
  • I switch to a larger size and a light theme. I also turn consult previews off to minimize the risk of leaking data through buffer previews.
    my-emacsconf-prepare-for-screenshots: Set the resolution, change to a light theme, and make the text bigger.
    (defun my-emacsconf-prepare-for-screenshots ()
      (shell-command "xrandr --output LVDS-1 --mode 1280x720")
      (modus-themes-load-theme 'modus-operandi)
      (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 170)


ffmpeg -f x11grab -video_size $SIZE -i :0.0$OFFSET -y /tmp/test.png; display /tmp/test.png
ffmpeg -f pulse -i $MIC -f pulse -i $SYSTEM -filter_complex amix=inputs=2:weights=$AUDIO_WEIGHTS:duration=longest:normalize=0 -y /tmp/test.mp3; mpv /tmp/test.mp3
DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size $SIZE -i :0.0$OFFSET -f pulse -i $MIC -f pulse -i $SYSTEM -filter_complex "amix=inputs=2:weights=$AUDIO_WEIGHTS:duration=longest:normalize=0" -c:v libx264 -preset fast -maxrate 690k -bufsize 2000k -g 60 -vf format=yuv420p -c:a aac -b:a 96k -y -flags +global_header "/home/sacha/recordings/$DATE.flv" -f flv


DATE=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")
ffmpeg -f x11grab -framerate 30 -video_size $SIZE -i :0.0$OFFSET -f pulse -i $MIC -f pulse -i $SYSTEM -filter_complex "amix=inputs=2:weights=$AUDIO_WEIGHTS:duration=longest:normalize=0[audio]" -c:v libx264 -preset fast -maxrate 690k -bufsize 2000k -g 60 -vf format=yuv420p -c:a aac -b:a 96k -y -f tee -map 0:v -map '[audio]' -flags +global_header  "/home/sacha/recordings/$DATE.flv|[f=flv]rtmp://$YOUTUBE_KEY"

To restore my previous setup:

my-emacsconf-back-to-normal: Go back to a more regular setup.
(defun my-emacsconf-back-to-normal ()
  (shell-command "xrandr --output LVDS-1 --mode 1366x768")
  (modus-themes-load-theme 'modus-vivendi)
  (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 115)
  (keycast-mode -1))

Ideas for next steps

I can think of a few workflow tweaks that might be fun:

  • a stream notes buffer on the right side of the screen for context information, timestamped notes to make editing/review easier (maybe using org-timer), etc. I experimented with some streaming-related code in my config, so I can dust that off and see what that's like. I also want to have an org-capture template for it so that I can add notes from anywhere.
  • a quick way to add a screenshot from my Supernote to my Org files

I think I'll try going through an informal presentation or Emacs News as my next livestream experiment, since that's probably higher information density.

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