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Getting an Org link URL from a string; debugging regex groups

| elisp, org

Sometimes I want to get the URL from a string whether the string contains a bare URL ( or an Org bracketed link ([[]] or [[][Example]], ignoring any extra non-link text (blah blah blah). org-link-any-re seemed like the right regular expression to use, but I started to get a little dizzy looking at all the parenthesis and I couldn't figure out which matching group to use. I tried using re-builder. That highlighted the groups in different colours, but I didn't know what the colours meant. All the matching information is in (match-data), but integer pairs can be a little hard to translate back to substrings. So I wrote an Emacs Lisp function to gave me the matching groups:

(defun my-match-groups (&optional object)
  "Return the matching groups, good for debugging regexps."
  (seq-map-indexed (lambda (entry i)
                     (list i entry
                           (and (car entry)
                                (if object
                                    (substring object (car entry) (cadr entry))
                                  (buffer-substring (car entry) (cadr entry))))))
                    (match-data t)

There's probably a standard way to do this, but I couldn't figure out how to find it.

Anyway, if I give it a string with a bracketed link, I can tell that the URL ends up in group 2:

(let ((text "blah [[][example]] blah blah"))
  (when (string-match org-link-any-re text)
    (pp-to-string (my-match-groups text))))
((0 (5 37) "[[][example]]")
 (1 (5 37) "[[][example]]")
 (2 (7 26) "")
 (3 (28 35) "example"))

When I use a string with a bare link, I can see that the URL ends up in group 7:

(let ((text "blah blah blah"))
  (when (string-match org-link-any-re text)
    (pp-to-string (my-match-groups text))))
((0 (5 24) "")
 (1 (nil nil) nil) (2 (nil nil) nil)
 (3 (nil nil) nil) (4 (nil nil) nil)
 (5 (nil nil) nil) (6 (nil nil) nil)
 (7 (5 24) "")
 (8 (5 10) "https") (9 (11 24) "//"))

This makes it so much easier to refer to the right capture group. So now I can use those groups to extract the URL from a string:

(defun my-org-link-url-from-string (s)
  "Return the link URL from S."
  (when (string-match org-link-any-re s)
     (match-string 7 s)
       (match-string 2 s))))

This is handy when I summarize Emacs News links from Mastodon or from my inbox. Sometimes I add extra text after a link that I've captured from my phone, and I don't want that included in the URL. Sometimes I have a bracketed link that I've copied from org-capture note. Now I don't have to worry about the format. I can just grab the link I want.

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Working with smaller chunks of thoughts; adding anchors to paragraphs in Org Mode HTML export

Posted: - Modified: | org, js

I write my blog posts in Org Mode and export them to Eleventy with ox-11ty, which is derived from the ox-html backend.

Sometimes I want to link to something in a different blog post. This lets me build on thoughts that are part of a post instead of being a whole post on their own.

If I haven't added an anchor to the blog post yet, I can add one so that I can link to that section. For really old posts where I don't have an Org source file, I can edit the HTML file directly and add an id="some-id" so that I can link to it with /url/to/post#some-id. Most of my new posts have Org source, though. I have a my-blog-edit-org function and a my-blog-edit-html function in my Emacs configuration to make it easier to jump to the Org file or HTML for a blog post.

If the section has a heading, then it's easy to make that linkable with a custom name. I can use org-set-property to set the CUSTOM_ID property to the anchor name. For example, this voice access section has a heading that has CUSTOM_ID, as you can see in the . If I don't mind having long anchor names, I can use the my-assign-custom-ids function from my config to automatically set them based on the outline path.

(defun my-assign-custom-ids ()
  (let ((custom-ids
         (org-map-entries (lambda () (org-entry-get (point) "CUSTOM_ID")) "CUSTOM_ID={.}")))
     (lambda ()
       (let ((slug
               "^-\\|-$" ""
               (replace-regexp-in-string "[^A-Za-z0-9]+" "-"
                                         (downcase (string-join (org-get-outline-path t) " "))))))
         (while (member slug custom-ids)
           (setq slug (read-string "Manually set custom ID: ")))
         (org-entry-put (point) "CUSTOM_ID" slug)))

Adding anchors to paragraphs

If the part that I want to link to is not a heading, I can add an ID by using the #+ATTR_HTML: :id ... directive, like this snippet from my reflection on landscapes and art:

  #+ATTR_HTML: :id interest-development
  That reminds me a little of another reflection
  I've been noodling around on interest development...

Anchor links

It might be fun to have a little margin note with 馃敆 to indicate that that's a specially-linkable section, which could be handy when I want to link when mobile. It feels like that would be a left margin thing on a large screen, so it'll just have to squeeze in there with the sticky table of contents. I've been meaning to add link icons to sub-headings with IDs, anyway, so I can probably solve both with a bit of Javascript.

/* Add link icons to headings and anchored paragraphs */
function addLinkIcons() {
  document.querySelectorAll('h1[id], h2[id], h3[id], p[id]').forEach((o) => {
    const link = document.createElement('a');
    const article = o.closest('article[data-url]');
    link.href = window.location.origin + (article?.getAttribute('data-url') || window.location.pathname) + '#' + o.getAttribute('id');
    link.innerHTML = '🔗';  // link icon
    link.title = 'anchor';
    link.addEventListener('click', copyLink);


And some CSS:

.entry h2, .entry h3, .entry h4, .entry p, .content h2, .content h3, .content h4, .content p { position: relative }
.content a.anchor-icon:link, .entry a.anchor-icon:link { font-size: 60%; text-decoration: none !important; font-size: small; float: right }
@media only screen and (min-width: 95rem) {
   .content a.anchor-icon:link, .entry a.anchor-icon:link { display: block; position: absolute; left: -2em; top: 0.2em; float: none}

Text fragments

Text fragments are even more powerful, because I can link to a specific part of a paragraph. I can link to one segment with something like #::text=text+to+highlight~. I can specify multiple text fragments to highlight by using #::text=first+text+to+highlight&text=second+text~, and the browser will automatically scroll to the first highlighted section. I can specify a longer section by using text=textStart,textEnd. Example: #:~:text=That%20is%20the%20gap,described The text fragments documentation has more options, including using prefixes and suffixes to disambiguate matches.

Text fragment links require rel="noopener" for security, so I added JKC-Codes/eleventy-plugin-automatic-noopener to my 11ty config.

If I find myself using this a lot, it might be interesting to figure out how to make it easier, maybe with something like the Text Fragment extension for Firefox.

Update 2025-02-28: Ah, it turns out I already have some Emacs Lisp to link to currently-selected text using Spookfox. Spookfox connects Emacs to Firefox using a browser extension. Once it's properly set up and connected, it allows Emacs to evaluate things in the Firefox context.

These seem like good starting points for addressing smaller chunks of thoughts.

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Treemap visualization of an Org Mode file

| org, visualization

[2025-01-12 Sun]: u/dr-timeous posted a 路 GitHub that makes a coloured treemap that displays the body on hover. (Reddit) Also, I think librsvg doesn't support wrapped text, so that might mean manually wrapping if I want to figure out the kind of text density that webtreemap has.

One of the challenges with digital notes is that it's hard to get a sense of volume, of mass, of accumulation. Especially with Org Mode, everything gets folded away so neatly and I can jump around so readily with C-c j (org-goto) or C-u C-c C-w (org-refile) that I often don't stumble across the sorts of things I might encounter in a physical notebook.

Treemaps are a quick way to visualize hierarchical data using nested rectangles or squares, giving a sense of relative sizes. I was curious about what my main file would look like as a treemap, so I wrote some code to transform it into the kind of data that wants as input. webtreemap creates an HTML file that uses Javascript to let me click on nodes to navigate within them.

For this treemap prototype, I used org-map-entries to go over all the headings and make a report with the outline path and the size of the heading. To keep the tree visualization manageable, I excluded done/cancelled tasks and archived headings. I also wanted to exclude some headings from the visualization, like the way my Parenting subheading has lots of personal information underneath it. I added a :notree: tag to indicate that a tree should not be included.

Screencast of exploring a treemap


Figure 1: Screenshot of the treemap for my

The video and the screenshot above show the treemap for my main Org Mode file, I feel like the treemap makes it easier to see projects and clusters where I'd accumulated notes, both in terms of length and quantity. (I've omitted some trees like "Parenting" which take up a fairly large chunk of space.)

To no one's surprise, Emacs takes up a large part of my notes and ideas. =)

When I look at this treemap, I notice a bunch of nodes I need to mark as DONE or CANCELLED because I forgot to update my That usually happens when I come up with an idea, don't remember that I'd come up with it before, put it in my file, and do it from there or from the location I've refiled it to without bumping into the first idea. Once in a blue moon, I go through my whole file and clean out the cruft. Maybe a treemap like this will make it easier to quickly scan things.

Interestingly, "Explore AI" takes up a disproportionately large chunk of my "Inactive Projects" visualization, even though I spend more time and attention on other things. Large language models make it easy to generate a lot of text, but I haven't really done the work to process those. I've also collected a lot of links that I haven't done much with.

It might be neat to filter the headings by timestamp so that I can see things I've touched in the last 6 months.

Hmm, looking at this treemap reminds me that I've got " for things to do with focused time/Writing/", which probably should get moved to the file that I tend to use for drafts. Let's take look at the treemap for that file. (Updated: cleared it out!)

Figure 2: Drafts in my

Unlike my file, my file tends to be fairly flat in terms of hierarchy. It's just a staging ground for ideas before I put them on my blog. I usually try to keep posts short, but a few of my posts have sub-headings. Since the treemap makes it easy to see nodes that are larger or more complex, that could be a good nudge to focus on getting those out the door. Looking at this treemap reminds me that I've got a bunch of EmacsConf posts that I want to finish so that I can document more of our processes and tools.

Figure 3: Treemap of my inbox

My is pretty flat too, since it's really just captured top-level notes that I'll either mark as done or move somewhere else (usually Because the treemap visualization tool uses / as a path separator, the treemap groups headings that are plain URLs together, grouped by domain and path.

Figure 4: Treemap of my Emacs configuration

My Emacs configuration is organized as a hierarchy. I usually embed the explanatory blog posts in it, which explains the larger nodes. I like how the treemap makes it easy to see the major components of my configuration and where I might have a lot of notes/custom code. For example, my config has a surprising amount to do with multimedia considering Emacs is a text editor, and that's mostly because I like to tinker with my workflow for sketchnotes and subtitles. This treemap would be interesting to colour based on whether something has been described in a blog post, and it would be great to link the nodes in a published SVG to the blog post URLs. That way, I can more easily spot things that might be fun to write about.

The code

This assumes is installed with npm install -g webtreemap-cli.

(defvar my-org-treemap-temp-file "~/treemap.html") ; Firefox inside Snap can't access /tmp
(defvar my-org-treemap-command "treemap" "Executable to generate a treemap.")

(defun my-org-treemap-include-p (node)
  (not (or (eq (org-element-property :todo-type node) 'done)
           (member "notree" (org-element-property :tags node))
           (org-element-property-inherited :archivedp node 'with-self))))

(defun my-org-treemap-data (node &optional path)
  "Output the size of headings underneath this one."
  (let ((sub
              (org-element-contents node)
            (lambda (child)
              (if (my-org-treemap-include-p child)
                   (append path
                             (org-element-property :raw-value node)))))
                   (org-element-end child)
                   (org-element-begin child))
                    (append path
                              (org-element-property :raw-value node))
                              (org-element-property :raw-value child)))))
            nil nil 'headline))))
        (org-element-end node)
        (org-element-begin node)
        (apply '+ (mapcar 'car sub))
         (append path
                  (org-no-properties (org-element-property :raw-value node)))))
       (my-org-treemap-include-p node)))

(defun my-org-treemap ()
  "Generate a treemap."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let ((file (expand-file-name (expand-file-name my-org-treemap-temp-file)))
          (data (cdr (my-org-treemap-data (org-element-parse-buffer)))))
      (with-temp-file file
          (lambda (entry)
            (if (elt entry 2)
                (format "%d %s\n" (car entry)
                        (replace-regexp-in-string org-link-bracket-re "\\2" (cadr entry)))
         my-org-treemap-command nil t t))
      (browse-url (concat "file://" (expand-file-name my-org-treemap-temp-file))))))

There's another treemap visualization tool that can produce squarified treemaps as coloured SVGs, so that style might be interesting to explore too.

Next steps

I think there's some value in being able to look at and think about my outline headings with a sense of scale. I can imagine a command that shows the treemap for the current subtree and allows people to click on a node to jump to it (or maybe shift-click to mark something for bulk action), or one that shows subtrees summing up :EFFORT: estimates or maybe clock times from the logbook, or one limited by a timestamp range, or one that highlights matching entries as you type in a query, or one that visualizes s-exps or JSON or project files or test coverage.

It would probably be more helpful if the treemap were in Emacs itself, so I could quickly jump to the Org nodes and read more or mark something as done when I notice it. boxy-headings uses text to show the spatial relationships of nested headings, which is neat but probably not up to handling this kind of information density. Emacs can also display SVG images in a buffer, animate them, and handle mouse-clicks, so it could be interesting to implement a general treemap visualization which could then be used for all sorts of things like disk space usage, files in project modules, etc. SVGs would probably be a better fit for this because that allows increased text density and more layout flexibility.

It would be useful to browse the treemap within Emacs, export it as an SVG so that I can include it in a webpage or blog post, and add some Javascript for web-based navigation.

The Emacs community being what it is (which is awesome!), I wouldn't be surprised if someone's already figured it out. Since a quick search for treemap in the package archives and various places doesn't seem to turn anything up, I thought I'd share these quick experiments in case they resonate with other people. I guess I (or someone) could figure out the squarified treemapping algorithm or the ordered treemap algorithm in Emacs Lisp, and then we can see what we can do with it.

I've also thought about other visualizations that can help me see my Org files a different way. Network graphs are pretty popular among the org-roam crew because org-roam-ui makes them. Aside from a few process checklists that link to headings that go into step-by-step detail and things that are meant to graph connections between concepts, most of my Org Mode notes don't intentionally link to other Org Mode notes. (There are also a bunch of random org-capture context annotations I haven't bothered removing.) I tend to link to my public blog posts, sketches, and source code rather than to other headings, so that's a layer of indirection that I'd have to custom-code. Treemaps might be a good start, though, as they take advantage of the built-in hierarchy. Hmm…

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Org Babel, Mermaid JS, and fixing "Failed to launch the browser process" on Ubuntu 24

| emacs, org

Mermaid makes pretty diagrams from text. It's Javascript-based, so the command-line tool (mmdc) uses Puppeteer to get the results of evaluating the diagram in the browser. I was running into some errors trying to get it to work from Org Mode over ob-mermaid on Ubuntu 24, since apparently AppArmor restricts Puppeteer. (Error: Failed to launch the browser process! 路 Issue #730 路 mermaid-js/mermaid-cli).

I put together a pull request to modify ob-mermaid-cli-path so that it doesn't get quoted and can therefore have the aa-exec command needed to work around that. With that modified org-babel-execute:mermaid, I can then configure ob-mermaid like this:

(use-package ob-mermaid
  :load-path "~/vendor/ob-mermaid")
;; I need to override this so that the executable isn't quoted
(setq ob-mermaid-cli-path "aa-exec --profile chrome mmdc -c ~/.config/mermaid/config.json")

I also ran into a problem where the library that Emacs uses to display SVGs could not handle the foreignObject elements used for the labels. mermaid missing text in svg 路 Issue #112 路 mermaid-js/mermaid-cli . Using the following ~/.config/mermaid/config.json fixed it, and I put the option in the ob-mermaid-cli-path above so that it always gets loaded.

  "flowchart": {
    "useMaxWidth": false,
    "htmlLabels": false

Here's sample Mermaid markup and the file it creates:

    Node 1
      Node 1A
      Node 1B
    Node 2
    Node 3
testNode 1Node 2Node 3Node 1ANode 1B

Now I can see the labeled diagrams inside Emacs, too.

This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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Using image-dired to browse the latest screenshots from multiple directories

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, image, org, link

[2025-01-06 Mon]: Patch in progress, Stefan Kangas is looking into it.

Since A+ and I play lots of Minecraft together, I figured it's a good opportunity to slowly get her into the idea of documenting learning. Besides, I can always practise it myself. Screenshots are handy for that. In Minecraft Java, F1 hides the usual heads-up display, and F2 takes the screenshot. Usually, when I start taking screenshots. A+ starts taking screenshots too. I want to build on her enthusiasm by including her screenshots in notes. To make it easy to incorporate her pictures into our notes, I've shared her GDLauncher folder and her Videos folder with my computer using Syncthing so that I can grab any screenshots or videos that she's taken.

In Emacs, image-dired makes it easy to see thumbnails. The neat thing is that it doesn't just work with a single directory. Just like Dired, you can give it a cons cell with a directory in the first part and a list of files in the second part as the first argument to the function, and it will display those files. This means I can use directory-files-recursively to make a list of files, sort it to show most recent screenshots first, limit it to the most recent items, and then display a buffer with thumbnails. image-dired-show-all-from-dir reports a small error when you do this (I need to send a patch upstream), so we hush it with condition-case in my-show-combined-screenshots.

(defvar my-screenshot-dirs
(defvar my-recent-screenshot-limit 50)

(defun my-combined-screenshots (&optional limit)
    (seq-mapcat (lambda (dir)
                  (directory-files-recursively dir "^[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-.*\\.\\(png\\|webm\\)"))
    :key #'file-name-base
    :lessp #'string<
    :reverse t)
   (or limit my-recent-screenshot-limit)))

(defun my-latest-screenshot ()
  (car (my-combined-screenshots)))

(defun my-show-combined-screenshots (&optional limit)
  "Show thumbnails for combined screenshots."
  (interactive (list (when current-prefix-arg (read-number "Limit: "))))
  (condition-case nil
      ;; ignore errors from image-dired trying to set default-directory
       (cons (car my-screenshot-dirs) (my-combined-screenshots limit)))
    (error nil)))
Figure 1: The result of my-show-combined-screenshots

In the *image-dired* buffer created by my-show-combined-screenshots, I can use m (image-dired-mark-thumb-original-file) to mark images and C-u w (image-dired-copy-filename-as-kill) to copy their absolute paths.

To make it easier to create links to a file by using org-store-link (which I've bound to C-c l) and org-insert-link (C-c C-l in an Org buffer), I can define a link-storing function that takes the original filename:

(defun my-org-image-dired-store-link ()
  (when (and (derived-mode-p 'image-dired-thumbnail-mode)
             (get-text-property (point) 'original-file-name))
     :link (concat "file:" (get-text-property (point) 'original-file-name)))))

(with-eval-after-load 'org
   :store #'my-org-image-dired-store-link))

To make it easier to insert the marked links that have been copied as absolute paths:

(defun my-org-yank-file-links-from-kill-ring ()
  (dolist (file (read (concat "(" (current-kill 0) ")")))
      (insert (org-link-make-string (concat "file:" file)) "\n")))

I usually want to copy those files to another directory anyway. I have a my-org-copy-linked-files function in Copy linked file and change link that copies the files and rewrites the Org links. This means that I can copy my notes to an in a directory I share with A+, save the images to an images subdirectory, and export the index.html so that she can read the notes any time she likes.

This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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Linking to Org Babel source in a comment, and making that always use file links

| emacs, org

I've been experimenting with these default header args for Org Babel source blocks.

(setq org-babel-default-header-args
      '((:session . "none")
        (:results . "drawer replace")
        (:comments . "link")  ;; add a link to the original source
        (:exports . "both")
        (:cache . "no")
        (:eval . "never-export") ;; explicitly evaluate blocks instead of evaluating them during export
        (:hlines . "no")
        (:tangle . "no"))) ;; I have to explicitly set up blocks for tangling

In particular, :comments link adds a comment before each source block with a link to the file it came from. This allows me to quickly jump to the actual definition. It also lets me use org-babel-detangle to copy changes back to my Org file.

I also have a custom link type to make it easier to link to sections of my configuration file (Links to my config). Org Mode prompts for the link type to use when more than one function returns a link for storing, so that was interrupting my tangling with lots of interactive prompts. The following piece of advice ignores all the custom link types when tangling the link reference. That way, the link reference always uses the file: link instead of offering my custom link types.

(advice-add #'org-babel-tangle--unbracketed-link
            :around (lambda (old-fun &rest args)
                      (let (org-link-parameters)
                        (apply old-fun args))))
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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Updating my audio braindump workflow to take advantage of WhisperX

| speech, emacs, speechtotext, org

I get word timestamps for free when I transcribe with WhisperX, so I can skip the Aeneas alignment step. That means I can update my previous code for handling audio braindumps . Breaking the transcript up into sections Also, I recently updated subed-word-data to colour words based on their transcription score, which draws my attention to things that might be uncertain.

Here's what it looks like when I have the post, the transcript, and the annotated PDF.

Figure 1: Screenshot of draft, transcript, and PDF

Here's what I needed to implement my-audio-braindump-from-whisperx-json (plus some code from my previous audio braindump workflow):

(defun my-whisperx-word-list (file)
  (let* ((json-object-type 'alist)
         (json-array-type 'list))
    (seq-mapcat (lambda (seg)
                  (alist-get 'words seg))
                (alist-get 'segments (json-read-file file)))))

;; (seq-take (my-whisperx-word-list (my-latest-file "~/sync/recordings" "\\.json")) 10)
(defun my-whisperx-insert-word-list (words)
  "Inserts WORDS with text properties."
  (require 'subed-word-data)
  (mapc (lambda (word)
            (let ((start (point)))
               (alist-get 'word word))
              (subed-word-data--add-word-properties start (point) word)
              (insert " ")))

(defun my-audio-braindump-turn-sections-into-headings ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "START SECTION \\(.+?\\) STOP SECTION" nil t)
        "\n*** %s\n"
        (save-match-data (string-trim (replace-regexp-in-string "^[,\\.]\\|[,\\.]$" "" (match-string 1))))))
     nil t)
    (let ((prop-match (save-excursion (text-property-search-forward 'subed-word-data-start))))
      (when prop-match
        (org-entry-put (point) "START" (format-seconds "%02h:%02m:%02s" (prop-match-value prop-match)))))))

(defun my-audio-braindump-split-sentences ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (while (re-search-forward "[a-z]\\. " nil t)
    (replace-match (concat (string-trim (match-string 0)) "\n") )))

(defun my-audio-braindump-restructure ()
  (goto-char (point-min))
  (goto-char (point-min))

(defun my-audio-braindump-from-whisperx-json (file)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "JSON: " "~/sync/recordings/" nil nil nil (lambda (f) (string-match "\\.json\\'" f)))))
  ;; put them all into a buffer
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Words*")
    (my-whisperx-insert-word-list (my-whisperx-word-list file))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (switch-to-buffer (current-buffer))))

(defun my-audio-braindump-process-text (file)
  (interactive (list (read-file-name "Text: " "~/sync/recordings/" nil nil nil (lambda (f) (string-match "\\.txt\\'" f)))))
  (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
;; (my-audio-braindump-from-whisperx-json (my-latest-file "~/sync/recordings" "\\.json"))

Ideas for next steps:

  • I can change my processing script to split up the Whisper TXT into sections and automatically make the PDF with nice sections.
  • I can add reminders and other callouts. I can style them, and I can copy reminders into a different section for easier processing.
  • I can look into extracting PDF annotations so that I can jump to the next highlight or copy highlighted text.
This is part of my Emacs configuration.
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